Let me know- Mark's POV

Promises are meant to be broken


Mark POV

Agh, I’m so tired, lately all I’ve been doing is practice, GOT7 is going to have some promotions in Japan so I have to get in my best condition for the acrobatics on stage, is so tiring but this is why I came all the way from LA, to be a singer and make my fans happy… I don’t know how long I’ve been here in the practice room but it’s already close to midnight so I better go home.

While I was walking to the dorms from the practice rooms, my phone beeped, I looked at it and saw a message from Satang… oh … I totally forgot about our date… … she is going to kill me.. Looking at the message I notice it is a photo of some lyrics… did she write this??

"Let Me Know"

I can't read your mind
I need you to say it

Plain and simple
I would give my life to you
Everything you needed
Baby I would be it
You're the only one I talk to
Who really knows me
Tells me shows me
That it's enough sometimes just to be myself

I don't want nobody else
They don't understand
That I gave away my heart
The moment that I shook your hand

Take my breath away
Buy me anything I ask
Go anywhere I wanna go
I traded everything just to know

Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
Let me know you're thinking of me
When I can't be there
Let me know you miss me
Call me up sometimes
I don't wanna go but boy you gotta let me know

Stop and listen
It's my thoughts calling your name
Screaming out the way I feel
I wish you would do the same
I think you might be on the same border
Same line same page
I'm tired
Listening to your silence brings the water to my eyes

I don't want nobody else
They don't understand
That I gave away my heart
The moment that I shook your hand

Don't let me in the dark
Let this blind over my eyes
If you don't feel the same
Is everything we have a lie?


Please give me a reason to stay
Gotta get us back on track
Cause the worst thing is
Loving someone who doesn't love you back
I think you do but I need you to say it

I can't read your mind
Tell me from time to time
I need you to say it
Need you to tell me [x2]


I can't read your mind
I need you to say it [x2]

Let me know you love me
Let me know you care

… I hope she isn’t feeling this, am I so stupid to leave my own girlfriend in the dark?? I do still love her, how can she doubt it?.. should I call her? Oh man… what do I do now… she’s probably going to break up with me now… I don’t want that to happen…
Once in the dorms I got to my room and looked for Jackson, but he’s nowhere to be found, he’s probably with Nic tonight… gosh, I’m so stupid…

I got ready for bed, only thinking about Satangs eyes, lips, smile all of her.. what am I going to do without her…

It’s already morning, I barely sleep last night, the first thing that I do when I open my eyes is look at my cellphone for any sign that the message she send me last night was a dream, but it isn’t it’s still there, like mocking me … I called Jackson..

J: Mark…  He answered the phone in a serious tone
M: Hey Jacks…
J: Don’t hey Jacks me, you know what you did wrong…
M: I’m sorry I know… I replied
J: It’s not me who you should be sorry to dude… come fix your mess… He said before hanging up.

… I’m in deep , even Jackson is mad at me… if he is mad, she is ten times more mad than him… I better get ready to talk to her.

Once in Satangs apartment, the one opening the door for me is Jackson..

J: come in, I’ll go wake her up… He said leaving me alone in the living room

It wasn’t more than 10 minutes and he came back and sat in front of me… he looked at me, actually he GLARED at me and said…

J: I can’t believe you Mark, how can you forget about her?
M: I didn’t forget about her
J: Yes you did! Did you meet her last night, huh?? He said getting up.
M: No… I said looking down
J: Did you know he waited for you for two freaking hours in the cold weather?
She what??... oh man, I’m so dumb… how could I forget our date
I didn’t know what to say..
J: Thought so… he said sitting down once again and ignoring me…
M: Jackson I’m your best friend dude please talk to me… I said begging
J: Tsk, yes you are, but she is my friend also Mark, and she suffered when she shouldn’t so hell yeah I’m mad at you, so shut it!... He said glaring at me once again…

Just then I heard some footsteps…

S: Hmm hello… She said.
I stood up and came to her… M: Hey, how are you?? I asked looking at her eyes..
S: I’m ok, come on, let’s talk. She said leading me to her room.

Once in her room, the first thing i did was hug her from behind…

M: I’m sorry Satang-ah, I’m really sorry… it’s not that I don’t love you.. I’m just stupid that’s all… I said crying on her shoulder.
S: You really are stupid Mark… She said breaking free from my hug… How come that Jackson having more schedules than you is able to be here with Nic almost every night??
M: It’s just that … I’ve been practicing a lot lately in my free time… I said looking at the floor.
S: Mark, I get it… your career means more to you than I’ll ever mean. She said seating on her bed.
M: It’s not like that. I said taking a seat beside her.
S: It is Mark, only you can’t see it. She said holding his hand.. I can’t keep being the second in your heart…
M: Please don’t leave me… Please Satang-ah… I said crying while looking at her… I can’t lose her…
S: I’m not leaving you Mark, we can still be friends… She replied drying my tears
M: No!! I don’t want us to be friends; I love you way too much for that…
S: I’m sorry Mark, but for now, it’s the only thing we can be…She said hugging me.. let’s give each other some time, ok?
M: Are you breaking up with me Satang ah?? I said looking at her eyes.
S: Nope, I’m just giving us some time to think things over, ok?... in the mean time, let’s be friends…

And like that my world came crashing down… I believe that after that night I got more antisocial… it’s been 2 months since we gave each other sometime as she calls it… but I still miss her and love her… yes, she hasn’t leave like she promised, we still hang out, but it’s not the same… I miss having her in my arms, I miss knowing she’s mine, seeing her warm and cute smile just for me…. I miss my Satang- ah…

End of Mark’s POV

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Chapter 6: Aw... poor Mark... :(