
Oneshots for Unni

    I closed the door firmly behind me, shivering as I kicked off my wet boots hurriedly and closed my umbrella. It had done nothing to protect me from the pouring rain, and I was absolutely soaking.
    "Baby?" Chanyeol called from the kitchen, poking his head into the entryway and smiling when he saw me. He ran forward, almost slipping in his bare socks, and picked me up in a hug. He twirled me around, soaking his shirt through, and nuzzled my neck with his nose.
    "I'm soaked, don't do that!" I laughed at him, letting him set me down and step back to smile at me.
    "I missed you." Chanyeol said, smiling down at me shyly. I smiled, tiptoeing up to clench my fist in the damp material of his shirt, pressing a kiss to his warm lips. The tip of my cold nose brushed his warm one, sending a shiver through me. 
    "I missed you too." I smiled, letting Chanyeol help me out of my coat and take my purse. 
    "Go get warm, I'll have dinner ready soon." Chanyeol said, making me smile and nod. I walked slowly through our small house, enjoying the view through the giant windows. Our house was a little way into the countryside, a green open field next to the house becoming our backyard. The storm raged outside, lightning touching down in some places beautifully. 
    After I had changed into some flannel sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt, I twisted my wet hair up and walked out to the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around Chanyeol's back as he finished stirring some yummy-smelling soup.
    "You startled me." Chanyeol smiled, looking back at me after he jumped a little in surprise. I smiled, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and enjoying the warm press of his broad back.
    "Here." Chanyeol spun around holding a pot, deftly pouring soup into two white porcelain bowls and motioning for me to sit down.
    "M'lady." Chanyeol said in a terrible attempt at a British accent. I giggled, sitting down in the chair he pulled out for me, tearing a piece of bread and dipping it into my soup. 
    "Mmmm..." I sighed in pleasure, the warm soup and bread slipping down my throat and heating me down to my toes. 
    "Good?" Chanyeol asked, sitting down across from me and taking a spoonful of soup. I smiled, nodding my head, then looked him up and down.
    "Did you even put on real clothes today?" I asked, eyeing Chanyeol's pajamas.
    Loose black and white plaid flannel pants that were so long they went down to the tops of his feet covered his legs. A thin white v-neck shirt hung off his tall muscled frame, exposing a part of his chest. Chanyeol's hair was adorably tousled into a bed head, his brown eyes looking at me sweetly.
    "Nope." Chanyeol said with a lazy smile, eating more of his soup. "Jealous?" Chanyeol asked with a knowing smile, cocking one eyebrow at me. 
    "You bet." I said, finishing up my soup. I placed my bowl in the sink, doing the dishes as Chanyeol stretched himself out on the couch and covered himself with a white fur blanket.
    I finally joined him on the couch, looking out at the rain pattering on the windows. It was dark outside now, the soft glow of the lamps inside the house providing peaceful light against the dark storm. Chanyeol flicked through channels on the tv, trying to find our usual tv show.
    I snuggled into Chanyeol's side, threading my legs through his and tucking the blanket under my chin. His arm came around me automatically, rubbing my shoulder gently with his hands. I sighed contently, resting my head on the place where his arm joined his chest. 
    Chanyeol shifted slightly and I looked up, smiling when he bent down and pressed a kiss to my lips. My hand came up automatically to cup the side of his strong jaw, pulling his lips down more. Chanyeol's hands turned me towards him slightly so he could access my mouth better, his hand slipping under my shirt to massage my shoulder blades gently.
    His hands were starbursts of warmth on my back, rubbing soothing circles onto my skin. Chanyeol gently opened my mouth with his lips, his tongue reaching out to kitten- gently at my bottom lip. I smiled slightly, closing my eye and opening my mouth more. 
    Chanyeol snuck his tongue inside, flicking along my tongue and ever so slightly on my bottom lip. His teeth toyed with my lower lip carefully, making me in a breath through my nose. Chanyeol did the same and the scent of his cologne curled around my nose, my hands creeping up to run through his hair. 
    Chanyeol opened his eyes and I did the same, loving the warm, protected feeling that made my heart flip in my chest. Chanyeol held me so carefully, his warmth surrounding me and making me relax into his side again. 
    "I love you." Chanyeol whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
    "I love you too." I said, curling up against his shoulder again and smiling at how lucky I was to have Chanyeol.

Okay, this was definitely one of my favorite updates. Although it's small, it's really sweet and loving and I finally got to write a kiss! I hope you enjoy~
Jonghyun's next~

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Chapter 12: I don't know if I should laugh from joy or cry from the feels.
OMG, but IRL, I'd probably be more inclined to hang with you than anyone else. No offence Yongguk. :P
BUT OMG, Netflix isn't SLOW, we just have no shows. Like, it . *cries* I GOT TO CUDDLE WITH YONGGUK AND WATCH RUNNING MAN *bawls eyes out* You're too good at this!
Chapter 12: Minho gif: I spat out water and choked.
Kris gif: I shed a tear. He's beauty incarnate. I'm not lying.
Jongin gif: I punched myself in the face. He's too gorgeous
Chanyeol gif: I wanted to punch him in the face because he's too gorgeous and its not fair to the rest of the world (and of course I'll kidd it better)
Jonghyun gif: uhhh...brb, crying. (It made me rethink my life decisions and I've realized i wanna be shinee's cordi non-nooona because dat body doe)
Hyuk I gif:
Hyuk II gif: My headache just got a ton worse. This much fangirling is bad
Hyuk IV: Sometimes, I want to capture his smile in a jar, becuase it brings me so much joy :`)
Yongguk I: . I'm going to hell becuase this boy is just sinfully good-looking
Yongguk II: Lemme just hold him OK? Just for forever. Please. there's not much I ask of this world.
Chapter 11: I'm dead. There is no strength left in me. I can't breathe. You have killed me.

Thank you. :`)
Chapter 10: I read them all again.
Don't judge me. pffttt
Das right. This girl don't need no one to save her. Im a strong woman!
(Who can't get over the Leo scenario. Oh gawsh. especially because he rarely talks and is super shy and hates aegyeo LOOL! XD) sooo cute!
Chapter 7: More hyuk please?
Chapter 7: Well I'll be selfish and say MORE MORE MORE!!! OMFG HYUK YUSSSS
AND I LOVED IT! XD I'd rather Hyuk and I beat more and beat up all Dem thugs more often XD BECAUSE I CAN!! LOOL! Thank you for this totally awesome one shot. I can't stop smiling LOL! Das right. I don't need Hyuk to save me! I can save myself! AND HYUK! *punches fist in air*
Chapter 5: Can I like, upvote this more than 50000000000000 times?
Tina08 #9
Chapter 4: Nice update
I may have just died a little from Fangirling.