Kris' side of story

Call Me Maybe

I was in the mood if fluffy story, so this happened. Basically just Kris' side of story.


Hope you enjoy~

Crap! He was late. Again. He ran as fast as he could to his school that was about one kilometer away from his last round of delivering newspaper, his part time job. He did it twice a week in Tuesday and Friday and pathetically getting late to his first hour of school. Fortunately, Mr. Kim, the English teacher at that hour was kind enough to let him in although he was clearly annoyed. Maybe that was because he exceled the subject easily. Thanks to his childhood in Canada.

Today as well, Mr. Kim let him just come in and sit already. He didn't know what he had missed but it seemed they had a new friend in the class who sat next to his seat. His heart might jump from its cage when he saw the new boy. Boy, he was the cutest creature he ever saw in his whole short life. When the new boy saw him in the eye, almond-shaped eyes pierced right into his heart, he swore he would make him his.

"Are you new? My name's Wu Yi Fan. But people call me Kris." He said with a pretense confidence. He applaused himself to not stumbling over his words when in fact his heart beating so fast.

"I-i I am Kim Minseok." The smaller boy stuttered cutely. A cute name for a cute face. Kris held the urge to squeal unmanly outloud because those cheeks were so cute and distracting.

"Minseok? Minseokie? Nice to meet you, Minseokie." He was more than happy at his sudden decision to give the small boy a cute nickname. He then gave the boy a very happy smile that he hoped wasn't creepy because Minseok just responded him with a seemingly bitter smile. Did he really look creepy?

He concluded that maybe Minseok was just nervous at his first day at school. The boy seemed okay and smiled a lot when it was a break time. Kris offered Minseok for a tour although it wasn't his duty. It was supposed to be Junmyeon's duty since the short boy was the class' president. Junmyeon didn't seem mind he took over his obligation to introduce Minseok to the school. Not just giving the new boy a tour around the school, he also helped the cute boy anything in general.

To be honest, it was new for him. He never dated or had a crush before. He didn't even know he was into man until now. He was never interested romantically to anyone before. That was why he didn't know how to behave around Minseok but as a friendly friand. He had many girls confessing to him but he never accepted anyone since he had no feeling to any of them. But it made more sense now that he liked Minseok. So he never liked girls that way in the first place.

In the end of the first week of Minseok's coming, they were already close like friends. But of course it wasn't what Kris was aiming. He wanted to be more than just a friend but he felt Minseok was going farther from him day by day as the latter somehow getting closer to Junmyeon. And Lu Han who wasn't even their classmate. How the hell that deer found his way to Minseok was beyond him. He didn't know just how many times he resisted the temptation to stranggle the football captain because, when Junmyeon was a very passive friend to Minseok, Lu Han was too touchy feely for WuFan's liking to the new boy.

One day he accidentally touched Minseok's hair. Really. It was pure coincidence. It wasn't like he wanted to touch it since long time ago. Or so he told himself. There were some leaves stucked on the shorter's hair when they had PE outdoor, and his hand automatically went after it, carded the surprisingly very soft hair to let the leaves fall. He loved the feeling of Minseok's soft hair and onesidedly decided that touching Minseok's hair was his exclusive privilege and would touch, touch, and touch the innocent styled hair whenever he felt like doing it. And somehow, although the short boy always whined in annoyance of his destroyed hairstyle, he made no real action to shove his hand away. Now it became a habit.

Another day when Kris had a basketball practice, he found Minseok among the crowd of the basketball team's fans. It was ridiculous how the short boy wearing a pair of sunglasses and black masker, being so visible like a sore thumb. Although he didn't know what he was doing here and why, he had to hold his laughter because the image was too cute. But then it downed to him. Did Minseok like someone in basketball team? Who was it? Minseok never went to basketball court before. He was always with Junmyeon and Lu Han after school. The thought was distracting him in so much. His eyes kept wandering to the suspicious-Iooking boy. He was too engrossed to his jealous thought and was forcedfully snapped out of it when he saw a fast ball flying to the crowd where Minseok was. The girls were screaming and running away but Minseok wasn't. Somehow the boy was frozen in his place as his eyes locked with his own and he wanted to scolded him 'what are you doing? Run!' in that split of second before the ball hit the poor boy right on his face, got him fainted. The girls screamed in horror, YiXing his teammate who threw the wild ball was stunned in his place, guilty washed over his face, and Kris ran to his love in no time and carried him to the infirmary.

The nurse told him that Minseok was going to be alright. He was lucky the ball didn't crush his nose but his forehead was bruised quite bad. But it wasn't something serious. The older woman told him that he could go back to his club activity since they didn't know when Minseok would be awake but he refused to leave. He was very worried about the other boy. The nurse let him did what he wanted and just reminded him to get their stuffs because the school would be closed in 5 minutes.

He ran to his class to get Minseok's bag then to his club room to change clothes and get his own bag. When he arrived at the infirmary again, Minseok was already awake. He greeted the injured boy. The nurse told Minseok how worried he was and he couldn't help but blushed. He dismissed her saying and dragged Minseok out of the health room. He was too engrossed being embarrassed that he walked too fast for Minseok's comfort.

"Kris, slow down. Do you forget that I am a dwarf?" Minseok whined sulkily as he tugged on his sleeve. He laughed lightly at his stupidity and the other's cute whine.

"I'm sorry, Minseok-ah." He released his hand from Minseok's sleeve then started to walk in a more comfortable pace. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Well, better than several minutes ago. And umm, thank you, Kris." He said shyly. And it was so cute. His cheeks reddened like baby butts. He really wanted to pinched them but he settled with ruffling his hair.

"It's really nothing, Minseok-ah. But what were you doing there? I don't know you are interested to basketball." He tried to pry information from the other.

"Just wanted a breath of fresh air,"  the other answered. But Kris knew better.

"But what with this?" he took out something from his pocket. A cracked pair of sunglasses and a black masker. Minseok blushed harder while taking the stuffs.

"It was outdoor. The sun was hot, you know. I like to take care of my skin from that UV light." He reasoned. Kris knew it wasn't true. He thought Minseok like football. But it could be true. Minseok took care of his hair so he could be taking care of his skin too. At least that reason was more welcomed than his own deduction of his love stalking other basketball player. So he just nodded in understanding.

"It is broken. The sunglasses." He stated.

"It's okay. A big ball hit it. It couldn't be helped." The other responded nonchalantly.

"Your reflex was . The girls already ran to avoid the ball." He teased which made the shorter pouting. Kris felt like his soul was taken away from him because, dear God, he almost just kissed those lips thoughtlessly! He patted his shoulder mentally to be able holding himself in time.

That pout was so dangerous, he thought. He pressed his finger to the pouty lips and immediately regretted his decision. Minseok's lips were so soft and plump, it felt good against his finger. How would it feel against his own lips, he wondered. No! Take a hold of youself, Wu Yi Fan!

"Don't pout." He said as he retracted his sinful finger and hoped to the Divine that Minseok didn't see how shaking his hand was.

"W-why?" Minseok whined.

"Just don't. You look stupid." He answered thoughtlessly. He felt stupid. How could he say his love looked stupid?

"Yah! I am cute! You just don't understand!" Minseok yelled as he threw his broken sunglasses to him. He was relieved that Minseok took it as a joke.

"You stupid! Go home yourself! I’m
leaving!" the shorter boy shouted while pushing him and walked away. He smiled at how cute he was being angry like that. He easily caught up with his small steps and put his hand across his shoulders.

"Don't be so tensed, Minseokie. I
know you are cute. Now let me take
you home. You had a rough day,
alright ?" he said trying to calm the other. Minseok just puffed his cheek sulkily. And again, Kris had to kill the temptation to poke on those cute cheeks. He looked like a hamster.

Minseok told him that they were already at the front of his house. Kris made a mental note to carve the map to Minseok's house in his brain. He bid him goodbye after he ruffled the other's hair to his heart's content.

One afternoon, when he was going home with YiXing, he heard a girl called Minseok's name. He immediately turned back to saw the scene of a girl confessing to his beloved.

"Isn't it the guy whom I accidentally threw a ball at? He is your friend, right? I haven't apologize to him yet." YiXing said guiltily. Yet, although he knew YiXing meant good, he didn't want the younger meet his Minseok. Yes, his Minseok.

"Don't worry, Xing. He never hold a grudge. He maybe even forgot about it already."

"Are you sure?"


In fact, Kris didn't know whether what he said was right or wrong. He didn't care as long YiXing didn't try to approach Minseok for any reason when Minseok wasn't his yet.

"Oh? He accepts the girl's letter!" YiXing said.

True, Minseok did accept the letter. Kris' hands balled into fist. Did he accept her?

After the girl left, Lu Han was approaching his love. They talked a bit before Lu Han tickled Minseok mercilessly. How dare him touching his Minseok as he liked! His fists tightened.

"Eh? Is it Lu Han? He seems so close with that kid, h-

"Xing. You can go home first. I have something to take care of." He informed the younger who looked at him incredulously but decided to obey.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." He waved before walked away.

Kris walked towards the playing boys who oblivious of his coming.

He heard their loud giggle and laughter from afar and it iritated him so much. Okay. He was jealous.

"Call me Lu-ge first, then I’ll release
you." He heard Lu Han said so and his heart almost jumped from his ribcage.

What the hell did he want his Minseok to call him?

"No!!!" Minseok answered between his laughter. Oh, how Kris wanted to be the one who caused that beautiful laughter.

"Okay, okay." He heard Minseok saying. Did he gave up like that? He walked faster to the two boys.


He pulled Minseok away from Lu Han. Both looked at him in shock.

"Are you okay, Minseokie? Why are you bullying him, Lu Han?" Kris gave Lu Han a disapproving look. Both friends looked at each other in confusion.

"I'm sorry?" Lu Han said unsurely. "But we are just joking, you know. Like how puppies playing with their friends." Reason was unaccepted. It was a bad excuse (or Kris was just jealous).

"I'll take you home, Minseokie." He decided alone as he puta hand around Minseok's shoulders and led him away from Lu Han.

"You don't have to. I'm no longer sick. I can go home by myself." The shorter boy whined chuldishly but made no move to shrug him off.

"I just want to protect you from bullies." He reasoned himself. He didn't have the courage to tell the other that he didn't like Lu Han touching him.

"Lu Han is not a bully. You know that he’s my friend." Minseok stated matter-of-factly. Kris felt stupid and guilty.

"But he forced you to call him 'ge'. Do you know what 'ge' means?" He desperately made a reason.

"It was a joke! We were just joking. And yes, I know what 'ge' means. It means 'hyung'. What's wrong with me calling him hyung? It was a joke anyway."

No... It was wrong. It could mean anything else. It was almost like 'oppa' too, not just 'hyung'. How could he let his love calling other boy 'ge' in that meaning?

"It’s not right! Why would you want to call him hyung?" He pathetically asked. Minseok sighed loudly and Kris felt really, really guilty. Did he make his love angry?

The other fell silent afterward and Kris blamed himself for making the cheerful boy like this. His eyes wandered to the letter that Minseok held in his palm.

"What will you do about it?" He tried to break the suffocating silence, pointing to the letter.

"Reply it, of course." Minseok replied easily. And Kris felt his heart stopped at his answer. What did he mean he would reply it? Accept her confession?

"You'll accept her? Do you even know her?" He asked almost shouting. Almost. He hoped Minseok didn't notice his displeasure. He was glad Minseok didn't look at him or he would see how stupid Kris' annoyed face was.

"No, I’m not going to, and, I don't know her. But I still have to reply to her feelings. She wrote this with her heart to me, right? So I’m grateful for it." He saw the other smiled at the letter.

Kris felt incredibly guilty that he thought accusingly to the other boy. He forgot how kind Minseok was to the others. It was one of his many streaks that got him liked by people so fast. He couldn't stop his hand to reach his hair so he continued to ruffle the fluffy lock.

"You are so kind, Kim Minseok. You think about other people's feeling so dearly." He saw how red Minseok's ears became. And the boy kept looking at the ground. Kris imagined his blushing face would be very cute. He wished Minseok looked at him.

"And you are so weird, Wu Yi Fan. You care and fuss over the weirdest things." Minseok muttered in grumbling voice. Kris laughed at that. It was true but it was because of you, he thought happily as Minseok's mood seemed brightened.

In a fine night, Sehun, his 8 year old little brother, jumped around excitedly. Kris smiled seeing his baby brother so happy.

"Something nice happened today, Hun-ah?" His question stopped the boy from his jumping. He looked at his older brother happily before ran to him and suddenly jumped to him. Fortunately Kris could catch him on time. He carried the happy kid.

"Today I met a pretty hyung. He is so cute. His cheeks are so fluffy. His name is Minseok-hyung. I'll introduce him to you someday." Sehun told him excitedly.

Minseok? He wondered if it was the same Minseok as his Minseok. But really, how many pretty Minseok with fluffy cheeks in this neighborhood?

"That's strange. Hyung has a friend named Minseok, too," he told his brother.

"Oh? Really? Minseok-hyung did wear the same uniform like yours. Maybe he is your friend. Ask him to come here, hyung." Sehun requested in excitement. He wished he could bravely invite Minseok to his house.

Tomorrow was Valentine's Day and Kris didn't know if he had to afford a chocolate for Minseok. He didn't know if it was alright for a boy like him to give chocolate to his beloved. In the end, he decided he'd buy one for Minseok.

At the day he was busied by girls who gave him chocolates. And at class where he found Minseok, he was being surrounded by his (annoying) mania who drowned the little man with chocolate and love. He lost his confidence right then. Minseok already had many chocolates. What would his own chocolate mean anything? Still, he teased the shorter boy for having many admirers. Minseok responded him by stretching out his tongue to him. He laughed half-heartedly while ruffling his hair. The boy still complained that he destroyed his hair per usual.

With a hurting heart, he ate his own chocolate sulkily when he was alone.

Day went fast with nothing special. Minseok went home with his friends, and he had a basketball practice after school. After the club activity ended, he went home feeling more tired than usual.

At the last turn to his house, he saw Minseok hugging Sehun. Hmm? Was Sehun crying? But instead of going to them, he hid there, peeking on them.

"They said I am not as good as WuFan-hyung! They said I am a bad boy. That was why no one gave me chocolate." He heard his baby brother mumbled loudly on Minseok's uniform shirt. Hearing that, somehow he felt guilty to his little brother for no reason and also anger to whoever said that.

"Sehun, that's not true." He heard Minseok said, trying to calm Sehun. "You are handsome, even more handsome that your WuFan-hyung." He added. Kris winced. That was quite hurt. He couldn't possibly get jealous for that, rigth? Minseok was trying to comfort his crying brother here.

"And you are a smart boy. I know you are. You are a good boy, too." Sehun started to stop crying. And Kris felt warm knowing his love did that to his baby brother.

"You think so?" Sehun asked between sobs. Minseok smiled and kissed his nose. Kris almost yelled to them because, well, he never got a kiss from the pretty boy before but his brother... He sighed. How petty he was thinking like that. Hyung wasn't a good person, Sehun-ah, he said mentally.

"I know so. So you don't get any chocolate today?" Minseok asked and Sehun shook his head pitifully.

"That's okay. It means you can receive a very special chocolate from me!" Minseok gave a chocolate to Sehun. Kris scolded himself for feeling jealous again.

"This is for me?" Sehun asked in happy tone. He could hear his happiness even if he couldn't see his face.

"Of course that is for you. My chocolate is a special chocolate. I would only give it to a good kid." Minseok said calmly.

"Thank you, Minseok-hyung. You’re the best! I know I am not wrong to choose you as my bride." Minseok laughed. Kris frowned. What? What did Sehun say?

"I'm so sorry, Sehun-ah. Hyung's heart is taken." Hearing that, Kris couldn't really concentrate. So Minseok did have a person he liked? Was that really a member in his team? His heart started to clench hard it was hurt.

He didn't really listen to their conversation afterward. What he noticed was Sehun kissed Minseok's cheek before running home while waving goodbye to him. Damn that kid, Kris cursed inwardly.

But Kris had to admit that he loved seeing the scene of Minseok and his brother getting along very well. Minseok was too good to be true.

Minseok turned his body and freezed when he saw him there. Maybe Kris should ask him what he was doing around his area but he thought it wasn't necessary. Minseok could go to wherever he wanted and the last event was warming his heart greatly.

"I'll take you home." He said as he turned back from his way home. Minseok was panicked.

"Uh, you don't have to. You are just a step away from your house and-

"I'll take you home." He said again, more firmly. Minseok pouted. Kris resisted to touch or kiss those tender lips with all his might. The other walked fast, passing him.

"I am a strong and brave man. I can go home by myself. Thank you very much." He whined cutely. Really. Minseok would be the death of him, Kris thought.

"I said I will take you home." He said stubbornly. It was easy for him to catch up with his the shorter boy. Munseok didn't seem hostile anymore. They walked in comfortable silence. When they arrived at his house, Kris smiled gratefully at him. Then he ruffled his hair and bid him goodbye. He wished the blush on Minseok's cheeks had anything to do with him.

He thought he and Minseok would be closer after that event. Maybe he wished too much. Instead of becoming closer, Minseok became weirder. He started staring at him so blatantly. At first he thought Minseok was staring outside the window through him. But it turned out he did stare at him. Right at his face. It made him nervous because Minseok's face when staring at him was unreadable. He didn't know what was he thinking. And moreover, Kris developed a weird thought about how cute and y Minseok's face was while staring at him.

The problem was, it lasted for days, and they had less talk. Minseok wasn't himself and Kris cursed himself when Minseok's dreamy y face started to haunt his dream. It was scary because, embarrassingly, it was his first time to dream something like that. Gosh! He was such a late bloomer.

To be honest, being a late bloomer in his age, it was hard for him to control his suddenly fluctuative hormone. And Minseok's continous stare wasn't helping at all. He got terribly frustrated and it was scary. He was usually a composed person. But right now, he wanted nothing than pulled Minseok against him and kissed him senselessly.

Like right now. He was so frustrated that all he wanted to do was ending all this weird pressure in his chest. It was lunch break and Minseok disappeared so fast with his two friends. Usually Kris didn't mind that much that Minseok always had a lunch with Junmyeon and Lu Han. But not now.

He stood from his seat and went to cafeteria where the group usually was. But Minseok was nowhere to be seen. There were only Lu Han and Junmyeon in there table. He looked for the shorter boy around the school. Then he saw him skipping(?) on his way. The boy was peeking into an empty room and he thought it was his chance. He pushed the boy into the room and pressed him to the door with a loud bang.

Minseok looked as stunningly pretty as usual. Instead the dreamy look he lately had in his face, this Minseok was a lot more brighter and it was driving him crazy. How much he wanted him, claiming him as his.

"Kim Minseok, don't you know that your constant staring has been bothering me a lot? And do you know how often you’ve been doing that?" he admitted with a muffled growl. He was sure he was being scary right now but Minseok still had that happy small smile in his face.

"I can be nice while I can." He continued, "But you keep staring at me with that look I can't-
"I like you, Kris." Minseok suddenly said, cutting off his speech and- Eh?

"Eh?" It caught him off guard completely. His raw emotion that he held so hard suddenly gone at right that moment and his heart skipped many beats he thought he got a disease. His face was heated he was sure his face was red like tomatoes. Did he hear it right?

"I like you. I really really like you. I know this is crazy but I maybe even love you." Minseok confessed once again, more confident this time. There was a hint of amusement in those soft smile. But, hello! Minseok loved him!

"You said your heart is taken. So it was me all along?" he still couldn't believe his ears. Well, it might play trick on his stupid heart. But Minseok's light laughter reminded him that it was real.

"So you heard my conversation with Sehun? Yes, it’s you. I fell in love with his older brother. But I promised to give him my heart if it’s unaccepted." Minseok shrugged his shoulders.

"No!" He suddenly heard himself almost shouting. He was surprised by himself and Minseok seemed surprised too. He blushed in embarrassment again. Could he be not-stupid just once?

"I mean I.. I like you, too. A lot, actually. That's why I.." He knew he started to rambling nonsense. He shook his head to get a grip of himself.

"I like you, Kim Minseok," he said while grabbed Minseok's arm, pulling him into his chest and hugged him. He felt so happy and warmth washed over his nervous body as he felt the other hugged him back.

They stayed in that pisition for awhile before Minseok suddenly pushed their body apart and looked at him with sulking look.

"Wait. If you like me, why did you get bothered with me staring at you? That's so rude!" He pouted angrily.

Kris felt like his heart stopped at the accusation. Did Minseok know that he was thinking lewd thing about him? Oh dear. He was a bad boy! He wanted to cry at this point, feeling guilty to think his cute love as ual object.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. Your face was so y when you stare at me and I got this weird feeling that urged me to..touch you.. But I can't. So I .. It is.. Oh God what am I talking about? I'm so sorry, Minseok-ah." He blurted stupidly. He was sure his face was helplessly red. They just confessed to each other, he couldn't possibly make Minseok to hate him because he was such a late bloomer, could he? Why he was so stupid?

Minseok was blushing prettily and Kris wanted to poke his own eyes because seeing such beauty made him think dirty and-

"That's okay, Kris. I'm not angry. It was kind of my own fault anyway." He said while reaching his hand and intertwined their fingers. Kris felt he was blushing darker.

"Call me by my real name, Minseok-ah." He asked shyly. Minseok blushed too.

"Yi-YiFan?" He tried shyly.

Kris smiled approvingly and caressed his hair lovingly. He couldn't contain his happiness that now Minseok was really his. His smile never left his face.

He took Minseok home that day and Minseok pouted when he bid his goodbye.

"I told you not to pout, didn't I?" he warned playfully.

"Why? Because I look stupid?" Minseok replied sulkily. He chuckled at his cuteness. Did he hold grudge about that stupid reason? Kris felt he had to be honest to his love, now that he was already his boyfriend.

"Because it tempts me to kiss you." He answered boldly and Minseok blushed again.

"T-then kiss me," Minseok said shyly while seeing straight to the his eyes.

Kris couldn't believe this was happening. Minseok asked him to kiss him! Of course he wouldn't pass such chance.

He leaned down so slowly. When their lips touched, it was like there ware tons of butterflies invading his stomach. Minseok's lips were so soft and plush. He was dizzy. He didn't know why he was still alive when his heart was doing marathon inside. The short innocent kiss made him breathless. He saw how Minseok's red lips glistening prettily. He wanted to kiss him again.

"Don't pout in front of other people." Kris whispered in serious tone. His boyfriend chuckled lovingly.

"Why? So people won't kiss me? You are hopelessly cheesy, worse than LuHan is to Junmyeon." Minseok teased.

"I'm being serious here." How could he be calm when his boyfriend's lips were so captivating. Who knew how many people wanted to taste the sweetness of those pretty lips? He pouted now.

"Don't worry, giant baby. I won't let them. Now kiss me again?" Minseok comforted him while he stood on his tiptoe and circled his hands around his neck. He hugged the small waist before him in respond before leaning down to press their lips again. He wished forever exist at this moment

But his forever was crushing along an angry cough from a very angry man on the porch of Minseok's house. And Kris didn't know what to expect when that word slipped from Minseok's swollen lips.


"A-appa?" He squeaked like a mouse at the realization of their situation.

That day Kris ended up with a bruising cheek. But it didn't matter. Minseok kissed it better after he begged his father to stop and he was invited inside the house by Minseok's mother who welcomed him warmly while his father still glaring at him along his visit there. Especially when Minseok kissed his bruise better right in front the old man.

Maybe, they would be alright. No. He would make sure they would be alright.

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Chapter 2: This is actually so adorable. I cant help but smile the whole time. I really like it. Thanks for sharing this.
Chapter 2: This is so cute ....I was smiling like an idiot all the time :)
Thanks for writing this !
JiYuKuo #3
Chapter 2: OVA (?) Please I want to know what will happen next
Chapter 2: kyaaaaaw this is the best xiuris fic evvvvveeeeerrr omg the feels awwww so cuteeeeee... authornim you have to know how bad i was squealing for every xiuris moment. aw aw aw... cute cute cuteee i want moree
jhooooooooooope #5
Chapter 2: I reread it, but the feelz are still the same<3 It's so cute, i really love minseok's character in this story. And omg, that erted dragon XD
jennifer_yuki #6
Chapter 2: Cuteness overload!!!♡(ノ∀`●)⊃
Xiuris is just too cute and adorable.
God bless this fic. And thank you author'nim for writing this amazing fic.ヾ(´・∀・)ノ
jhooooooooooope #7
Chapter 1: Ok. Now I'm shouting.
No, screaming.
jhooooooooooope #8
Chapter 1: I was smiling when I read this and my friends told me that I look like an idiot *sobs* But I love this, seriously.