Whale Project???

Chocolate Chip Love


Soo Yeon POV

            "They're dead," I say casually, trying to mask the slight prick of pain in my chest his question brought back up. "They died a few years ago in a car crash. The other driver lived, but they didn't…."

            "I'm sorry," he says distracting himself with the cup of coffee I placed on the table.

            "It's ok. So should we get started with homework?"

            "Sure. Are we going to do it here?" he asks looking around the living room.

            "What's wrong with the living room?"

            "I normally do my homework at a desk or table," he says then quickly adds, "If you don't mind."

            "Sure, we can do it in the kitchen then," I say walking to through the door that leads to my small and cozy kitchen with him following behind. He sat down as I grabbed something for him and me to eat. As I searched he opened his textbooks staring our trigonometry homework.

            After we finished with all our other homework we start our science project. We were supposed to come up with a theory about different paths the different whales could take when migrating, and then test it.

            "Why do we have to do this anyway!? We're not whales!" Dongwoon complained after reading what the project was.

            "Read the back," I simply say as I look at the requirements and supplies needed.

            "'We are doing this because it is a good way to learn the different currents in the world's ocean and the different geography. We are also doing this to see if you and your partner are able to work effectively together and choose a path. Essentially it can help you pick a 'path' in life,'" Dongwoon reads, disbelief still in his eyes.

            "Basically we do it or we fail our junior year…"

            "How would we test a path that whales take?"

            "I-I don't know…. Well we'll figure out that part later. Let's just pick which species of whale we will focus on then call it a day," I says looking up on Google the names of whale species.

            "Humpback?" he suggest.

            "No. ?" I answer.

            "Ani. Shark?"


            "Yeah, whale shark," he says looking confused as to why I'm confused.

            "Yah, pabo, a whale shark is a type of shark not whale," I say hitting him in the head.

            "Oh…. Orca?"

            "Yeah! I love Orca whales!" I say smiling big.

            "Okay, we got our whale, I'm leaving. I'll let myself out. Thanks for helping with my homework," Dongwoon quickly says before grabbing his stuff and opening his cell to call his driver, then walking out the door.

            It's about 6 so I decided to start eating dinner, but when I opened my fridge there was nothing to eat and in the pantries there was only ramen. I don't feel like eating ramen, so I guess I have to go out to eat.

             I grab my red jacket, quickly put it on, grab my bag and ear muffs, and head to the door. When I opened the door and ran into someone.

            "Dongwoon-ssi," I say confused as I notice that he was just about to knock on the door anyways. "What happen? I thought you were going home?"

            "My driver said that he had to leave because my parents needed him to take them to a company dinner."

            "Why aren't you with them?"

            "They don't like to take me with them," he says looking a little sad but obviously trying to act like it's not affecting him. I wanted to ask why and how this was even possible, but I didn't want to seem nosy. And I'm sure that if he could tell me something like this now, when we just met that day, he'll explain more when he's ready.

            "Uhh... I was going to go eat. You wanna come?" I say as we awkwardly sit on the couch, breaking the silence. When an unsure look came across his face I say, "It's ok. I am poor, but I have enough money to pay for dinner. Besides we're going to eat take-out. Did you expect a gourmet meal or something?" We both put on our jackets and headed out the door.

Lace cape collar double-ed wool coat b2stind-kwangseungwoonairpo5.jpg

            "So… Where are we going?" he asks, looking around the neighborhood.

            "To the near by market," I reply.

            "The what?"

            "The market. You'll see it's just around the corner."


Watcha think? Sorry it took kinda long. Subscribe and comment please~

<3 은미

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helleicious #1
Chapter 6: OMG I was looking forward to it :(
angela718_sdw #2
new reader here! hope u update soon... :)
mrssimple808 #3
oh snap!!! its sounding gooooooood!!!!!
mrssimple808 #4
ME LOOOOVE IT!!!! I hope you can finish your first chapter soon!<br />
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<3 your friend Moon Jinah