AP Bio Partners

Chocolate Chip Love


Soo Yeon POV


            I wake up to my alarm clock blasting the latest hot song on the radio. I slowly release my hand from the nice, warm blanket to turn it off. After I take in what today was, the first day of my second to last year of high school, I get out of bed trudging to the bathroom.

            When I'm done and ready for school I grab my quick breakfast and head out the door, to wait for the bus.

            I enter through the school gates. The beautiful, high-class, rich academy known around the world as Cheonjal Academy. The school of the extremely smart, and if you can't get in with brains you paid your way in. Our student body consists of the geniuses, whose parents work for NASA, and richies, whose parents are CEOs or movie stars or idols. Then there's me, who only attends this school because my grandparents left a HUGE fund when they died to allow me to go here.

            "Hello, everyone! This is your principle, Mrs. Park. It is now 8:25, please report to your homerooms! Thank you, have a nice first day!" Our cheery 50-year-old principle said through the school's intersystem. And the courtyard of our open hall school suddenly became empty except for me.

               The day went by slow as I got back into a normal day schedule, going from class to class. Days went by, class after class. Then weeks went by, day after day. Eventually it was October and I was in science class when, my life turned upside down.

            "Ok class. The other AP Bio teachers and I have decided that we are going to do something different this year. We are now assigning you projects that will be worth half of your final grade. We will give you 5 months, which means it's due at the end of February," my teacher, Mr. Lee, says passing out the handout with the rubric and guidelines, as my classmates groan.

            "The good part is you get to work in pairs," he says. My classmates around me make eye contact with their friends already choosing but are disappointed when he says, "I have already paired you and will tell you in a minute."

            "OK. Park Jinah, you are with Yang Yoseob. Lee Kikwang, you are with Moon Haejee. Kang Mi Sun, Jang Hyunseung. Yoon Doojoon, Cho Ji Kyong……" he continues listing the names of my classmates as they high five when they get their friend or someone they know, until there are only two people left.

            "And finally, Son Dongwoon and Park Soo Yeon."

            "Ne!?!?!?" Son Dongwoon yells from the back jumping up from his chair, as the girls around me glare. "Excuse me, can I get a change of partner?" he ask causing his group of friends, the popular group of 5 other boys and 6 girls, to giggle under their breath.

            "I can work by myself if he wants," I say looking from Dongwoon to my teacher.

            "No, Dongwoon, you have to go with her. It's either that or both of you fail the project. Ok class please move, so that you are sitting next to your partner."

            During class Dongwoon had moved to the empty seat next to mine, flinging his bags onto the table causing me to jump in shock. We look at the sheet and see that we have to at least one part of the project EVERYDAY!?!?

            Dongwoon seemed to read the same thing because he ask "We have to work on it Everyday!?!?"

            "Yes. Oh! Class, Dongwoon brings up something that I wanted to talk to you guys about. With this project you will probably become really close with your partner because I am requiring you to do at least half an hour of the project everyday, and log in your progress in the graph on the back. I suggest that you meet at one of your guys' house and if you like do all of your homework there. Dongwoon, I suggest that you do your homework with Soo Yeon because I've talked to your other teachers and we have all agreed that you need the help."

            "Umm…" I say not knowing what to say as we go into an awkward silence.

            "We'll go to your house. My father is meeting with his managers and executives at our house and I don't want any funny business about bringing a girl home. I'll meet you at the gate after school. My driver can take us to your house," he says before quickly grabbing his bag and running out the door to meet his friends.

            After school I walk to the main gate looking around for the irritating boy I am now paired with. Soon after he came running with his backpack talking on his cell. When he sees me he hangs up and says "My driver is coming around the corner."

            I was about to say that we could just walk to my apartment, when a black Mercedes pulls up in front of us. A middle-aged man got out of the driver's seat and opened the back door for us. Dongwoon went in first and moved to the other side of the back seat. After I got in the driver closed the door and got in.

When I told him my address and directions he started off. I looked out the window to see a line of girls, popular and unpopular, glaring at me in jealousy for being in Dongwoon's personal car.

When we got to my apartment building we went up to my floor. As I opened my door he asks, "Where are your parents? They don't mind you bringing home a guy?"

"They're dead."


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helleicious #1
Chapter 6: OMG I was looking forward to it :(
angela718_sdw #2
new reader here! hope u update soon... :)
mrssimple808 #3
oh snap!!! its sounding gooooooood!!!!!
mrssimple808 #4
ME LOOOOVE IT!!!! I hope you can finish your first chapter soon!<br />
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<3 your friend Moon Jinah