
Juliette [Oneshot]

this vid matches with the story^^ 

taemin playing river flows in you^^

love that song :)

i can't even play that song as well as him :(

oh well.

even though it's written by yiruma

let's pretend just for this fanfic it's written by taemin shall we?

so it would be the song he taught hatae^^

and the one she played^^

its in hd!


credits to the uploader of course. :)

enjoy the vid while reading^^ 


He disappeared when I was 13. I don't know where he went. He was just gone.

He had always been by my side every single day. My best friend. The only person whom I actually cared for. My family was a mess. My dad was a drunkard. And my mother was in the hospital. No one was paying the bills. That's why I treasured Lee Taemin so much. He was the only person who could make me happy and live again. He was my life.

And yet, he left. He left! No note. No nothing. I was never the same again. Taemin was my first love. I couldn't forget him. I told myself to move on. But I didn't. I just can't.

I've had several boyfriends and all since then. Many of them were really nice. It's just that the feeling I had with Taemin wasn't there. I usually broke up with my boyfriend in a week or two. At most a month.

So I entered high school like this. People started to speak rumours about me. Well, they were true, but due to it, I was left alone. I didn't really mind. I wanted to be alone.

One afternoon, I walked past the music room just out of my whim. I heard music coming out of the room. Someone was playing the piano. I looked into the room. A brown haired boy was playing. I stood outside the room, leaning against the wall, enjoying the sound.

Somehow the music really related to me. It was slow and soft, but near the chorus, it became loud and powerful. I was so entranced by the song that I didn't realized it had stopped and the door opening. A tall person collided with me. "Hello. Why were you outside? Why didn't you come in? Did you need the room?" The tall, good looking boy smiled at me.

I blushed for the first time since you know who left me. "H...hello... I'm sorry. I was just listening to you play the piano."

He grinned. "No worries. Do you know how to play?"

I shuffled my feet nervously. "Well... A little..."

"Cool. Let's hear it."

"Oh, but I'm not really good..."

"C’mon..." He pulled me in and sat me at the piano. He sat next to me. "There. Now play."

I took a deep breathe and laid my hands on the piano keys. I only knew how to play one piece. And that one piece was taught to me by Taemin. Apparently he wrote it himself.

I started the song and let myself into the music. It has been so long since I last played this song. Yet I was able to remember and play that song flawlessly. When I finished I heaved a sigh of relief.

The boy was looking at me with a mixture of shock and surprise. He squinted his eyes and looked at me then shook his head. He smiled. "That was really good."

"Thanks." I said sheepishly.

"So um... What's your name?"

"I'm Hatae. You?"

His mouth opened when he heard my name. But he retained his composure and asked me a weird question. "Do you know who is SHINee?"

"What? SHINee? What's that?"

"It's a Korean idol group. You've really never heard of it before?"

I shook my head. He then asked me how I had known that song. The piece that I had played on the piano. I told him everything. I didn't even know why I did so. Something about him was different. It was like meeting Taemin all over again.

I asked him for his name as well. He hesitated, thinking for a while. "Find out who is SHINee first, then I'll tell you." He winked and disappeared out of the room.

That night, I remembered what that boy had said and immediately went on the Internet to find out who this SHINee is. Apparently they were a very famous idol group in Korea now, even though they only debuted in 2008.

I looked at the members' names. Lee Jinki aka Onew was the leader... Kim Jonghyun, lead singer... Kim Kibum best known as Key... Sub vocalist and rapper... Minho... Rapper as well... And a Lee Taemin. SHINee's dance machine so it seems. Wait... What?!?!?! Lee Taemin?!?! There's a Lee Taemin?!?!?

I looked up more information on him. He looked exactly like that boy I had seen today in the music room. I guess it must be him. Wow. An idol. I never we had one in our school. I guess i just wasn't interested in such stuff but really?

I listened to a few of their songs. There was one I really liked. Juliette. Maybe it's because of the name? I really don't know but it was my favourite. Taemin's dancing was really good in the video.

Could he be the Lee Taemin who had left me so long ago? But I would need to confirm tomorrow. If only he was...

The next day, I looked all around for him but he was nowhere to be seen. I decided to try my luck at the music room. He was there playing that song I had played last time. Why didn't I think of coming here in the first place instead of wandering around? I knocked and entered quietly. That song. Could he really be..? He looked up and stopped playing, his twinkling eyes smiling at me. "So, have you found out who I am?" I nodded, still unsure.

"Um... I just want to ask... How did you know how to play that...song? That one I heard just now..." I asked awkwardly.

He smiled at me and said," I composed it."

He composed it? Then he really must be him! I choked on my voice. "T...taemin..? Are you really..."

He smiled and winked. "Hello, Hatae."

Tears welled up in my eyes. Even though I was happy that Taemin has finally come back, all those years of pent up anger, sadness and confusion came pouring out. "Where did you go?! You didn't tell me where you went. You just disappeared! Do you know how that made me feel?! I was never the same again! You..."

"I'm sorry."

"Then explain!"

He sighed and said, "I went for an audition at SM Entertainment. I didn't know I would be chosen. It was so unexpected... So I ended up becoming a trainee there and debuted with SHINee in 2008."

"You could have called me! You could have..."

"I lost my phone some time after I got chosen. And when I did come back to find you, you've already moved to another place so... I'm sorry."

He kissed me. My eyes widened in shock but I kissed him back. When he broke the kiss, I blushed beet red and looked down. He smiled and hugged me. I snuggled against him.

It's been so long. That warm feeling when I was with him. It's back again. And now it's even warmer.

"So which song by SHINee do you like?"

"Juliette. Although I love the others too! Lucifer is an awesome song! So is Hello, Obsession and Replay!"

"Juliette is one of my favourites too." He said, smiling.


"Because you're my Juliette, I'm your Romeo and I promise to never leave you again." He said gently, and leaned forward to kiss me again.





I hope it was nice :)

it is a oneshot

so i won't be continuing this

dedicated to my friend hafizah^^

who adores taemin ><


girl's namesake: Hatae = Hafizah + Taemin


Enjoy anyway^^

Comments and subscribers would be loved!


I have another story^^

This is one features FT Island and Yoona! ^^


Do read it, comment and subscribe!!!

komawo~ :)

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Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaa so so so beautiful and cute !!!!!!!!! ♥
i love the pic T_T
hielooo #3
nice story!!
omg!!!!youre my juliette and im your romeo????kya!!!!death by cuteness!!!!
that was so sweet~!!!
I liked it! ^-^
taeminjh134 #7
hahaha :DDDD nice
withtaemin #8
wow this is the cutest story ever!<br />
love it <3
omg looove it!!~ *-* <br />
so cuute~<br />
aww check out also my oneshot with taemin ^-^