Diary of Love ♥



It's easy to love but...

it's hard to forgot somebody too....


Hello , Dear ^^

i'm Lizz ♥ i'm 11 years old! and i'm Thai!


i love to write a fanfic or sad novel 

Fraction it's from my life and imagine ♥

this story it's .... the six story of my all novel

I'm sorry everyone i can't to trans Thai to English well 

^^ but i will exerting to trans!!! 

This story is about the secret of love 

The shy woman...Park bom she loves Jiyong (G-Dragon) and fear to tell him so , she wrote about feeling inside in she's diary...

The brave man...Seunghyun (TOP) he was brave! buy only the love...he is shy to tell her and wrote about feeling insid in he's diary!

Pls read it LOL! 




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