The Stupid Cupid


Writing about love is like an abstract. Well, love is abstract anyway. Sometimes it makes you happy, other times sad, few times alone, but mostly loved.

Why am I telling you all this love stuff? It’s because I’m a cupid.

There are others out there like me. Pairing the people of the world, finding their matches, making them learn from their mistakes, and other things that revolve around love. Though it’s basically everything, we are very specific. Cupids can only work around new couples and single people. Once you’re taken, happy or not, you’re out of the list. Unless you broke up and became single again.

Cupids, though, can only work on a person once in that person’s life time. Every time you found someone new, a new cupid worked it out for you.

Do I sound like a smart cupid right now? Haha. Unfortunately though, cupids are stupid when it comes to love. Yes, we do make love happen for other people but making love happen to us? I don’t know. I haven’t tried. And I haven’t met any other cupid to ask if it’s possible for cupids to fall in love.

What’s my story about? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m not a fortune teller. How about you, do you know? Or like me you’re a cupid too? *sigh* its nonsense to ask questions.  

Can I ask you one thing though?


Have you ever fall in love?


Booyah! Hey guys! Haha sorry, Red Velvet's Happiness is just so catchy. Anyway, I present to you my first one-shot story starring our well loved Wu Yifan aka Kris! Yes, I know what happened but that won't stop me from writing about him with the other members. Always remember our saying, "11 in our eyes, 12 in our hearts". And also! Please listen to Kris' song 'Time Boils The Rain', his voice is just... ugh. I can't even explain it. I mean, there's just so many emotions I felt when I heard his voice. It's so different but at the same time there's this recognition that made my heart melt. I have so much feels for this guy and he's not even my bias! Oh no, don't worry Lu and Xing I will write something about you two too. Soon~ hihihi.

P.S The original title of this is actually 'Love, Love, Love' but I find 'The Stupid Cupid' more compatible. Haha

Ohorat~ ^^ <3


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