
The Day He Flew

10/9/2014 12:15 AM KST

“W-what? What do you mean?” She stuttered nervously. The expression on Jackson’s face was wrong on so many levels, and her head just refused to comprehend what he had just told her.

Jackson frowned, the strange stillness of her face bothering him.  It was like the sea before a gigantic storm, and he wasn’t sure he liked it at all. Why couldn't she understand the fact that JB’s flight had lost signal with the airport?


“So what?” She scoffed, drowning the explanation Jackson was about to provide her. “So the plane lost contact with the airport. What’s the big deal? It doesn’t mean anything! Maybe they’re in the middle of a storm or something. God Jackson, have a little more faith will you?” She scolded him.

Jackson dropped his head, knowing full well that he couldn't change her mind. Maybe he was wrong. And maybe she was right.  Under any other circumstances, he hated to be wrong, but he hoped this time around, he was sincerely wrong.  He didn't want anything to happen to his best friend either.

“You’re right.” He finally said. “We should stay positive. I really hope I’m wrong Mia.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, and turned around. “Of course you are. You always are.”

Please be wrong Jackson.

15/9/2014 10:00 AM KST

Five days. That was how long she waited for that person. Mark knew, because he had been coming to the airport every day. And every day he would see her standing by the window, her shoulders slumped as she pressed her face against the cool glass. Who was she waiting for? He knew she was there, he could see her, but he doubted she felt the same way. If she wasn’t so solid against the window, she could’ve blended in with the glass, and no one would know she was there.

He walked over to her, realising with a start that she was a horrific mess. Her skin was so pale, her hair shone with oil. Out of concern, he reached for her shoulder and forced her around. He was expecting to see the beautiful face he saw five days ago, and not what stood before him.

Her face had sunk, and her cheeks bored the remnants of dried tear stains. Her eyes were glazed with moisture, and he wasn’t sure if she could see him. It was like her soul had left her body behind, an empty shell as it stood and waited for the person that she was hoping to see.

“Hey...” He said, waving a hand in front of her face. “You need to go home...”

He thought she couldn't hear him, but then she shook her head furiously. “No, JB might walk through those doors any minute. I have to be here to see him.”

“JB?” He echoed. “As in Im Jae Beom? Is that who you’ve been waiting for?”

Mia furrowed her brow at him. “Do you know him? Do you know what happened to him? Why isn’t he here yet? Can you tell me where he is?”

She was speaking like a crazy person. He supposed staying at the airport for five days straight could do that to someone. Nevertheless, his mind clicked in comprehension and he let out a low whistle.

“You’re JB’s girlfriend.”

“How do you know that? Please, can you tell me what happened to him?” Tears were threatening to roll down her cheeks once again, and he quickly pulled her into the nearby seat.

“Hey... shh...” He said as he tried to soothe her. “I’m waiting for him too. And I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I don't think he’s coming back...”

“You don't know that!” She yelled at him. “How could you be so sure? You’re not even on that plane!”

“The Prime Minister-“

“What does he know about airplanes?” She cried again, fear wrapping its ugly hands around her heart. Her chest was constricting, as if someone was trying to squeeze life out of her body. No, JB was alive, he had to be.

“Mia....” He said, trying to wrap his arms around her. She wasn’t the only one acting crazy. He could see many families around him going through the same thing, and he wrapped his arms tighter around her, never mind the fact that she was a stranger to him. What he knew he needed to do was to protect her, and drive her fears away.

“No no no!” She mumbled against his chest, refusing once again to believe what the people were trying to tell her.

JB was out there, and she knew he was crying for her, just as she was crying for him. 

Chapter Posted on: Dec. 8. 2014

OMG, sorry for this late update! I just started work and life is hectic. =( Anyways, hope you guys like this short chapter! 

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Chapter 3: Author .. I hope you will continue this fic! It's super interesting .. I'm rereading it all over again .. hope you update it with further chapters :D
Chapter 4: Author aren't you planning to update? :( I'm really curious on what's coming next .. Update soon please!
Chapter 3: if i were here i would have picked mark not just because i like him but because you guys made more new memories together its always good to make new ones than keep old ones and if you go back to j.b then it might not feel the same like it used to.
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 3: That's a complicated situation
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 2: Wait so.... JB isn't dead
Infinitely4k #6
Chapter 2: ... and now I'm confuse... JB or Mark...? I hate you haha! :p
Infinitely4k #7
Chapter 1: If the plane crashed, I'm done... Haha kidding but seriously it better not be this...
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Chapter 1: Dude I wannA a know why Jackson called