The Return

The Day He Flew

11/11/2011 (10:00 PM KST)

The clock tower chimed 10 times, and Mia blew yet another puff of air. She was annoyed, angry, and extremely cold. Their 2 year anniversary would be over in exactly 2 hours, but the silhouette of JB was nowhere to be found. Did he forget about their date? Or was he late because he didn't want to watch the chick flick that she had chosen? She glanced at the movie tickets in her hand, and threw them away in the nearest dustbin. It didn't matter anyway, the show ended 3 hours ago.

She wanted to cry. How could he do this to her on their anniversary? She had been standing stock still at the place they agreed to meet at until her extremities turned cold. She was pretty sure her toes would fall off if she so much as shook her legs, though she didn't dare try.

Another long sigh escaped her lips as she peered to her left and right. There was still no sign of JB. She glanced at the clock tower once again, before deciding to finally leave. The cold was starting to become unbearable. Just as she was about to take a step to her right, a boy ran towards her and placed a card in her hand, before running away, leaving her alone and bewildered.

She opened the card, and as hard as she tried to suppress it, she couldn't help the smile that curved her lips. She could recognize his handwriting anywhere.

Keep going straight, and I’ll be there.

Her pace quickened, and even though she knew she was supposed to be angry at him, she couldn't wait to see him. At the end of the pathway her feet halted to a stop, and not only because she saw JB standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hand, but the fact that he was surrounded by a sea of colourful candles. 

He had a shy grin on his beautiful face as she walked up to him, and Mia inwardly squealed. She didn't know her boyfriend could be so cheesy.

“Miahnae.” He said softly when she finally stood before him. “I didn't know you would wait for me for that long.”

“Babo yah, you know I’d wait for you forever if my toes weren’t freezing to death.”

“Maybe this isn’t such a good surprise.” JB wondered. “Your nose is red.”

Her anger faded as she took another look at his guilt-ridden face, and she grabbed his hand. “JB, this is beautiful. But you know you didn't have to do all this.”

“But you’re special to me.” He pointed out. “And of course I have to do all this, you’re my girlfriend.”

She let out a small laugh, before placing a lingering kiss on his lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He whispered lovingly. “Happy anniversary baby.”

“Happy anniversary to you too. And you are coming with me tomorrow to watch the movie.”

“Neh, arasso Mia sshi.” He grinned.

9/9/2022 8:00 PM KST

Mia bit her bottom lip, and paced the kitchen anxiously. She could hear his voice from where she stood, and her fingers trembled. How was this even possible? How could a dead person come to life? What was going to happen now? How could she move on with Mark knowing that JB was still alive? Her head was a complete mess, and there was no answer to any of her questions, no matter how many times she mulled over them.


She jumped about a foot in the air, before she breathed a sigh of relief when she realised that it was Jackson that had called her.

“Yeah?” She replied, her nervousness evident.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be out there?” Jackson said, pointing at the living room.

“No no no, I can’t go there Jackson.” Mia hurriedly replied. “He’s there... and I just... I can’t...”

“You should hear what he has to say Mia, it’s kinda interesting.” Jackson said. “Where’s Mark by the way?”

“He uhh, he left. He looked annoyed when he saw... him.” She couldn't bring herself to utter JB’s name, afraid that that might make him more real than he already was.

“Oh, I get it.” Jackson nodded in comprehension. “He’s jealous because your return from the dead boyfriend is here when he’s just about to get married to you.”

“Jackson, saying that doesn’t make this any easier ok? Gosh! You’re so stupid sometimes!” Mia exclaimed. “Whatever, I’m heading off to bed. And don't you dare leave him here alone with me.”

10/9/2022 3:00 AM KST

Mia tossed and her queen size bed, feeling restless and warm. She had already kicked her blanket to the floor and yet, the heat refused to go down. She was very well aware that he was sleeping in the guest room next door and she groaned into her pillow. She didn't know why she let him stay at the house in the first place. Mark was not around and if he knew JB was here, she would never hear the end of it.

Under any other circumstances, for instance if she was not engaged and ready to marry Mark, she would’ve accepted him with open arms. After all, she had been pining for him for way too long. But the situation was different now. Mark swept into her life, and he became someone she could rely on, knowing JB was never coming back to her. She shook her head, the confusion getting the best of her.

Feeling suddenly thirsty, she made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water, seemingly lost in thought. She was pondering over the bizarre twist of event when a voice suddenly spoke up from the doorway.

“Hey you.”

She didn't even have a chance to turn around when she felt his arms wrapped around her waist. It felt just the way she remembered it, and she momentarily relished the feeling before squirming out of his embrace. It wasn’t right. She was now with Mark, and not JB.

“Uhh hey...” She mumbled, not looking at his face.

“Baby look at me...” He breathed, cupping her cheeks in his large palms. “I’ve been waiting to see your face for 10 years. This face is what kept me alive all these years. I’ve missed you so much...”

What was she supposed to say to that?


“Why do you look so uncomfortable?”

“Uhh, Jackson is sleeping in the living room.” She lied lamely. “I’m going back to bed ok?”

She took a step away, before his next question stopped her completely in her tracks.

“You have someone now don't you?”

Chapter posted on: Oct. 12. 2014

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Chapter 3: Author .. I hope you will continue this fic! It's super interesting .. I'm rereading it all over again .. hope you update it with further chapters :D
Chapter 4: Author aren't you planning to update? :( I'm really curious on what's coming next .. Update soon please!
Chapter 3: if i were here i would have picked mark not just because i like him but because you guys made more new memories together its always good to make new ones than keep old ones and if you go back to j.b then it might not feel the same like it used to.
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 3: That's a complicated situation
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 2: Wait so.... JB isn't dead
Infinitely4k #6
Chapter 2: ... and now I'm confuse... JB or Mark...? I hate you haha! :p
Infinitely4k #7
Chapter 1: If the plane crashed, I'm done... Haha kidding but seriously it better not be this...
Lotuspassion #8
Chapter 1: Dude I wannA a know why Jackson called