Chapter 5

Our Taboo Attraction

          The next morning, Hankyung awoke first a saw that he was still wrapped around Heechul. Smiling, the blonde kissed his brother’s head and ran his hands up and down Heechul’s back. He had this voice in the back of his mind telling him that what he was feeling was not normal, yet he couldn’t make the feelings go away.

          Heechul opened his eyes and grinned up at Hankyung. The blonde smiled back at him before gently his face and kissing his lips. Heechul ran his hands up Hankyung’s chest before wrapping his arms around his neck. “Did you sleep well?” Hankyung quietly asked as he pressed his forehead against Heechul’s.

          “Yes, this is the first night in a while that I haven’t had a nightmare,” Heechul replied as he rested his head against Hankyung’s chest. “You seem to be my good luck charm.”

          Hankyung kissed his brother’s lips again before gently gliding his fingers over Heechul’s arms. “How do your bruises feel today?” he wondered.

          “Better, I’m so sorry that I dated Siwon. I just rushed into our relationship without thinking. This is my consequence,” Heechul muttered.

          Hankyung leaned up and lightly pressed his lips to Heechul’s bruises. “Everyone slips up Heechul, no one is perfect. What are you always telling me; to learn from my mistakes and try not to make them again.”

          “I’ll never make that mistake again, since I’ve got you now,” Heechul said confidently as he kissed Hankyung again.

          “And you’ll always have me, no matter what,” Hankyung promised before running his hands through Heechul’s hair and nudging his face against his brother’s. “C’mon, let’s get up and enjoy the day.”

          The two walked downstairs and found a note on the counter of the kitchen, stating that Min and Jae were going to be out shopping all day and would call them later that night when they were on the way back. “What’s the plan for today Hankyung?” Heechul asked as he wrapped his arms around his brother’s waist.

          Hankyung crumpled up the paper and turned around to Heechul. “Spend the whole day with my favorite person,” he said, placing his hands on Heechul’s face and leaning down to kiss his lips.

          The two spent the whole day snuggling on the couch, watching TV, and kissing each other. “I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day,” Heechul whispered as he ran his hand through Hankyung’s hair.

          “Neither could I,” Hankyung replied as he pulled Heechul closer.

          “Hankyung, what are we to each other now?” Heechul wondered. “Are we brothers or boyfriends?”

          “Why can’t we be both?” Hankyung asked. “Only we have to know that we’re together, everyone else knows us as stepbrothers. Do you want people to know about us?”

          Heechul quickly nodded. “People will judge us if they know. They’ll tell teachers, teachers will tell the principal, the principal will tell mom and Jae, and then they’ll take us away from each other,” he thought aloud as he clenched ahold of Hankyung.

          “Don’t worry; we will keep this between us. No one has to know, and I promise you that no one will separate us,” Hankyung promised.

          That night, Hankyung and Heechul lie in bed together looking at each other. “You know I love you more than anything in the world,” Hankyung whispered as he Heechul’s face with his finger.

          “I know, and I love you too,” Heechul replied with a smile. He wrapped his arms around Hankyung and exhaled calmly. “I feel scared to face the world without you now.”

          “You won’t have to ever face the world without me,” Hankyung said as he kissed Heechul’s head. “C’mon, we need to head to sleep, we have school tomorrow.”

          During the whole ride to school the next day, Heechul’s heart was pounding loudly. This would be the first day at school with his new stepbrother/boyfriend. Something about this felt wrong and right at the same time, that it caused Heechul to become jittery. Hankyung looked over at his brother and saw him shaking. He casually reached over and touched Heechul’s hand. Looking at the blonde, Heechul saw Hankyung grinning at him, giving him a look of hope and love.

          Walking around the high school, Heechul felt the urge to take Hankyung’s hand. His heart pounded as he saw Siwon walk by them. Hankyung and Siwon glared at one another before Hankyung pulled Heechul closer. “Pay no attention to him Heechul, he was a mistake,” Hankyung reminded quietly.

          “Okay, I’ve got to go to math class, so I’ll see you later,” Heechul said. They leaned forward to kiss each other, but stopped abruptly when they remembered where they were.

          “Alright, please be safe until I see you again at lunch,” Hankyung requested before watching Heechul enter his classroom.

          Through class, Hankyung was on edge, thinking about Heechul being alone in class without him. Hankyung wanted to be by his brother’s side; wanted to just leave class, leave school, and go home and kiss Heechul all day and all night. Constantly, the blonde would look up at the clock and wish for time to go faster so he could see Heechul at lunch.

          Finally the lunch bell rang, and Hankyung and Heechul reunited with each other. They got their food from the cafeteria and headed out to the football field and sat under the bleachers. “Out here, at least we get some privacy,” Heechul said.

          “Why do you think I picked this place?” Hankyung playfully replied.

          The two quickly ate their food before Hankyung began to lean forward and start to kiss at his brother. “Wait, wait a second,” Heechul requested.

          Hankyung pulled away as Heechul stood up and looked around. “Heechul, don’t worry, we’re alone; everyone else is either in the cafeteria or picnic area. We’re safe here,” Hankyung promised as he coaxed Heechul to sit down next to him.

          The raven haired teen was convinced as he relaxed into his brother’s arms and kissed his lips roughly. “I missed you so much during class,” he whispered.

          “I missed you too, I couldn’t focus on anything but thoughts of you,” Hankyung responded as he ran a hand through his brother’s hair.

          “Hankyung, I don’t know if I can last the rest of the day without you,” Heechul said.

          “Yes you can, we’ve got one more class, then we can go home and be together all night,” Hankyung promised. “Can you last another hour and a half?”

          “As long as you and I can be together for the rest of the lunch hour,” Heechul replied. Hankyung pushed his raven haired brother back against a supporting beam of the bleachers and kissed him lovingly.

          When the bell rang to return to class, Hankyung and Heechul pulled away from one another. Panting and Heechul’s face, Hankyung whispered “C’mon, let’s go to class; then we can go home.”

          As they walked to class together, Heechul said to his brother “I hope we can stay like this for a long time.”

          “Secretive?” Hankyung asked.

          Heechul laughed before leaning against his brother and correcting “No, together.”

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 14: This is a really good story.
so happy that even after 15 yrs they got their happy ending. XD
amuse_otaku #2
Chapter 14: At least they will always be together eventhough had to hold it for 15years .. Huhuuu forever HanChul ..
Zhenwook #3
Chapter 14: hanchul will always be together :33 yush yushh~ like their story in real life~ i really like this story~
thanks author for a greaaat storyy :3
Sapphirechan #4
Chapter 14: Ya happy ending .....I so glad ......Thank you for the story
Chapter 14: aww poor hannie has to live in prison for 15 years but
hanchul still have happy ending together becoz of their true love
Chapter 14: I seriously hate people who hate them because 1)Homoual or 2)Mistakes to others but the main people are following their heart. There was new girl yesterday and she just started Drama on the first day. Even going to the part of hating on one of my close friends whose like part of the LGBT community and ooh, wanna kill the girl. Everyone likes my friend as a normal person and that girl, nobody likes her. So this story actually helped me express my feelings of such stupid people. Like Jieun's Don't Stare that came out a few days ago.
Just one look of Heechul and Hankyung, I'm hooked. Going to go read now~
Chapter 12: Whoa whoa there! I didn't know the setting was in USA, it felt weird kkk but good story anyway! The plot is fast, I like it. Hope Hanchul could get married asap and live happily ever after yay!