New Beginnings Part 2

Super Junior Living: Eotokke?!


New Beginnings Part 2


My eyes widened once again for the third time today.


“So, ummmm... yeah.” Awkward.


“Whats your name?” Right now their all sitting down instead of standing around me because I found that kinda awkward. I still don't like them. And how can he not think this is like the most weirdest encounter ever?! First, they  picked me up from the side of the road, next they take me to their house putting me in one of their beds and later on I find out they changed my clothes while I was passed out. Its kinda like they me and tried to hide the evidence. Do they not realize that I am a complete stranger? And now here we all are sitting around the bed trying to get to know each other. We might as well be trying to sing Kum Ba Ya. I was sitting there looking dead for the past 5 minutes that I started to worry them...again so one of them started to put his hand up to my forehead and try to feel my tempature. I quickly grab his wrist and start to speak with a cold tone to him.


“I suggest you don't do that.” At this point I was holding the helpless guys wrist while slightly twisting it which caused him to twitch. He looked at me with a pleading look to tell me to let go. He kept grabbing onto my hand trying to remove it but I wouldn't budge. I looked around at everyone while holding the guys hand up to demonstrate that this will happen or even more if they bother me anymore. The guy nodded his head and when it looked like I got the message across I twisted his hand a little more and slammed it onto the bed. I saw him slightly shake his hand and rub it to console the pain. I smiled slightly at my success at making them scared of me now. While taking the covers off of me and getting out of bed while walking to the door to leave he starts to talk which makes me turn around.


“What was that for?”


“It was a warning to show you that if any of you guys touch me.” I said while pointing around the room. “You will probably get out with-if that even happens-with a few broken bones. Don't test me. Don't talk to me and Do Not stare at me or ask questions about my past. I shouldn't have to repeat myself.” I then turned around but stopped in place while he started talking again.


“You never even told us that!”


“Well, now you know. Besides, I just met you. You don't need to know everything about me.” I said matter of factly.


“Hey, Look! We're trying to help you out. We didn't have to do any of the things we did.”


“No, you LOOK!! I didn't ask for any of you guys' help. I didn't ask to have a bad life!! I didn't even ask to be born but it surely would of been better if I wasn't!! I didn't ask for anything except for someone to just love me or even care about me. And the act you did to me was just common courtesy. Don't you dare say you did that because you wanted to!!!”




“Thats what I thought. Now if you don't mind I'll be on my way.” I started looking for my clothes and once I did I opened the door and started to walk out.”


“Do you need a place to stay?”


“What did I tell you? I said don't talk to me!”


“We all heard you perfectly Fine. But since your being an arrogant brat-” I cut him off and said.


“Don't you dare call me that!! You don't know anything about me!!”


“And frankly I don't really want to.” I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. “Just answer me this one question before you go though. When you leave here....where will you be staying? Like, do you stay in a house, apartment..because by the looks of it it doesn't look like your old enough to buy your own place and certainly not old enough to be out on the streets by yourself.”


“I'm 17.”


“Like I said. Where are you staying for tonight?” That question caught me off guard. I didn't really have a place to stay let alone someone to go to. These guys were literally my only hope at this point. And yeah I wasn't old enough to buy my own place but they always let me stay at the hotels. I wasn't legal age then. GOODNESS! Its always legal age. Legal age is preventing me from doing a lot of things. I can't even have a normal life. All I need is to be 18 and then I will be able to live by myself. I have developed skills after living by myself for quite awhile. But, that still didn't answer his question. Where am I staying? Mother Father? If you see me right now I want you to know that I am worthless and there is nothing for me in this world right now. I need your help at this most desperate time for me. Why did you leave me right now? I felt a slight tear trickle down my face. And approaching me I saw him come forward with a warm smile.


“You can stay with us tonight and then make up your mind in the morning.” I nodded without even thinking and then he held out his hand and with his other one wiped his tear off and said with a soft voice.


“My name is Donghae.”


A/N: Mianhae for the short update *dances sorry sorry* I will upload the 2nd part to this tomorrow or later on tonight. I hope to see more subscribers.

SUB COMMENT VIEW AND ADD ME!! That seems to be my motto for the day. In the next chapter they all come to an agreement but she still acts kinda dirty to them...if thats even possible. I actually feel kind of bad for her. I mean, she lost her parents at a young age, nobody loves her, she gets hurt a lot physically and mentally. Not to mention emotionally. She has mentioned like 3 times already that no one has ever loved her and the only person that did was her parents who are now gone from her life....Iwould not want 2 be stuck in her situation. And the thing about the forehead incident was kinda explained in the 1st chapter. She doesn't trust people and she always got beat reallybadly so she hates it when people touch her. That is also a contributing factor to why she is so hard to get close to and vice versa. Anyway, Peace!!


AminataNSK...I hate the color pink so I have no idea why I...oh,yeah!! Sungmin my bias' fav color is pink.

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Chapter 3: keep going im liking this
liongirl_lian #2
Lol:) that kind of hurts getting strangled! Hahah funny! Girls are the best yay! Lol:)
please update XD
LOL! Sunmi caught them watching !! HILARIOUS! :D Plz update!! :D
YAYAYAY~~~~~ YOU UPDATED!!!! I'M HAPPY NOW!! ^_______________^<br />
thank you ^^ great update
please update soon~~ I like the theme of this story ^__^<br />