"No-one thinks about me,"

"I'll Give You The World, Sungmin, If You Can Just Return My Love."

Donghae hesitated before pulling the envelope out of his bag. He knew that Kyuhyun liked wine; so he'd picked a card with a French title and a wine bottle in to make it seem more romantic. The card wasn't signed - he hoped that it would get the message across that Kyuhyun was loved, and wasn't so alone in the world like he though.

He quietly lifted the lid of letterbox before slipping it inside, making sure it didn't clang shut - five in the morning isn't a good time to wake The One.


Donghae knocked on the door for the second time in a day, shivering in the cold. He'd raced back in 15 minutes in order to be to work on time - but first he had to see someone special.

"Did you give it to him?" the man said, hesitantly opening the door once he found who it was. Donghae nodded and the man flung his arms around Hae, beaming with delight. "Thank you," he said again.

"I'm happy to help ... I chose a wine bottle and added the verse you made. It wasn't signed, don't worry." 

"I hope he realizes that it's me," 

"I'm sure he will." Donghae assured him. "Is there anything else?"

To his suprise, the man burst into uncontrollable tears. Alarmed, Donghae walked him into his bedroom and sat nervously on the edge of the bed while the man wiped his eyes and cheeks with a tissue.

"It's just so ... hard. Everyone looks at Kyuhyun and thinks 'oh poor him, look how he's suffering' and I'm sitting here like 'what about me?'" he cried. "I just feel so lonely ... and no one thinks about me, because I'm just the person who broke him. And Hyukjae made me do it - and, and it turned out he's g-gay!" 

"I'm not on the best of terms with Hyukjae either," Donghae replied, rubbing his neck anxiously.

"I'm sorry to bother you ... I just needed someone to talk to." the man said, blowing his nose on a spare tissue. He wiped his eyes once again and ushered Donghae out the door, sliding down the back of it once Donghae was gone. He burst again into tears, catching sight of the photo that had fallen out of his pocket, and Kyuhyun's face as his head rocked back and forth.

"Do you know how much I love you, Kyu-ah?" Sungmin murmured, hanging his head. No-one did think about him; he could only hope that Kyuhyun had opened his card and had read it - in it was his only chance of seeing Kyuhyun again. 


Kibum twisted his face in a frown as he and Siwon walked out the restaurant, biting the sides of his cheeks in his worry. He hadn't seem Kyuhyun for over 3 years - that last time he'd heard his voice was when Kyuhyun had called him to say he was leaving. 

Kibum thought about it - and pulled out his phone. He dialed the number he still had registered on his phone - Kyuhyun :) - and clicked "Call". 

"I'm sorry, but the number 07131105150 is not available or isn't registered with our network. Please try the call again." came the echoey womans voice. Kibum sighed and stowed away his phone, turning back to Siwon with a soft peck on his lips. 

He hadn't expected anything else, really. 


How was that? Hope it was good! -Unedited-

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If anyone is curious about the number: 07: Sungmin's number 13: Kyuhyun's number 11: the year 05: year they debuted  15: Forever 15! :D [I'm so sad, I know XD]

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Chapter 24: Subscribed a while ago but didn't read until now... I liked the plotline and I thought it was pretty well written XD
I might read the sequel one day, and thank you for writing this XD
ilabya14 #2
venzsuju #3
Chapter 23: nice story :D
i dont like with chaptered story, but once i read this, i cant stop myself :)
Chapter 24: I finished this in one night. Kya~
ireadanything #5
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
ireadanything #6
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
Although I found some parts very confusing, I really liked the story. Good job.
I will subscribe and start reading this a bit later today :)
awwwwwww .... love this fic >.< ..