I'm sitting at my place while the class is in chaos. Want to know why? I'll tell you later.


All students are focusing on the blackboard...something is written there. A few minutes later,Jun Sophia get inside the class. As I expected,her eyes wide open when she saw what is written on the blackboard.


"Ya! Jung kook got to be kidding can you be so determined to do this?",Jin hyung suddenly come and give pats of proud. I can't lie that I'm also proud of myself.


All my hyungs are in class now and they keep complimenting me. They know how much I like her but they never expect that I will do something like this.


On the blackboard,I've wrote there..


-JUN SOPHIA,BE MY DATE!!! ~jeon Jung kook


From far I can see Jun Sophia is rushing towards the blackboard. She take the duster and erase it-left in a mess. She then rush towards me-holding that duster.


"What the heck is on your mind?!",she looks red.


"To make you my date that night...",I smile,challenging her.


"Urgh! Please know that I hate you so much!",she said and without any warning,she throw the dusty duster towards me. I, who never expect her sudden action didn't manage to avoid it,and soon my school uniform is half covered with white dust.


"Whoa!!!...", my hyungs are teasing her for her super bravery. uniform is dirty but... I don't mind.







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