Chapter 1

LORA - The Greatest Fire Bender


It takes me forever to write this short chapter in English... Like 12345678 years...? hohoho. lol.

So lame, I know... :’(


The thing is my sister and I live in different city. I think she just dissapears from this cruel world because she doesn’t reply my messages since morning. So, I am working on this alone. Huhuhu... *poor me*


Eventhough the first chapter is too mainstream, but we promise the next chapters will be better, better, and better...


And, I hope you’ll like it... ;)


Beware of typos and grammatical error, guys...


















It had been 365 years since Kingdom of Fire was conquering the world. And during that time, there were eleven Kings who reigned the kingdom hereditary. Park Kyungjin was the 12rd King. He became a King after his father—the previous king—was died. There was a huge rebellion in southeast region where minority clans like the air, water, and earth benders united their power to attack the Kingdom of Fire. Although they failed, they were already satisfy because they could kill the King.

Under King Kyungjin’s authority, Kingdom of Fire never been better. King Kyungjin was way more cruel than the previous ones. In his life, he always held the grudge towards the clans who killed his father. The benders who still alive had to live hidden, moving from one forest to another ones. And if King Kyungjin found them out, they would be killed by him directly.

While another clans lived miserablely, the fire benders lived wealthy. Most of them lived as a mine workers, traders, and farmers. And some others worked in the palace.

Although his kingdom was under the glory, it didn’t make the King lived peacefully. Every night, he couldn’t sleep well. There was something that always bothered his mind and made him feel afraid. He was not afraid of those rebellions—he could easily killed them if he found them out, of course—but, he was afraid of saman’s prediction who haunted his clans for hundreds years already.

And, he remembered exactly for the first time after his father died, he sat on the throne as a king. His privy council approached him and said, “Your Highness...” he bowed politely. “It’s just few hours since you become a King. Please forgive me for my unpolite words but i have to remind you.  It is become tradition whenever a new King is choosen, i have to remind you about those ‘baby girl’. We should keep looking for her. That’s the main duty of you as a king, Your Highness. I hope you never forget about that.”

“Of course not,” the King said. “I will never forget about that girl. Although we still don’t know wether she is born or unborn yet, we still have to look for her. First of all, we should hold a population census as soon as possible.”

“As your command, Your Highness. I’ll send peoples to all around country to hold a population census soon.”

“Good,” the King nodded.

The baby girl who had a burning mark on her body, one day she would take over the kingdom and became a righteous King. She would create a piece of the world. The fire, air, water, and earth benders would live in harmony. And it made every King scared. They had killed many innocent souls to be where they were right now. And sure, those girl would ruin everything... That was why they shoul kill her before it was too late.

No one knew wether the saman’s prediction was true or just rumour to scared the Kings and the fire benders. And if it was true, then Kingdom of Fire was sure in a big trouble. In hundreds of years they waited for the baby and more than ready to kill her, but until now, those baby girl was nowhere could be found. Population census was held every year but no hope. Still, they couldn’t find her.

There was a long silent before the king muttered something. “They said that those girl will be the greatest fire bender who ever lived. It means that she can defeats me—probably kills me and takes the throne.” the King said with a hard face. He sighed heavily, then looked at the garden beside the palace’s main hall. There were a little girl and a little boy who were playing at garden. They both were King’s child. “But I’ll never let it happens. Because if i die, there is someone who deserves to get this crown... my one and only daughter, Yura. I hope she can be the next king for this country.”






“Noona, wait...!”

Park Yura, ten years old girl who barely smile and always put a serious face, spun her body to face her own little brother. “What?” she spatted.

The five years old boy grinned and handed her a rose. “Here... this flower is for noona who I like the most.”

Yura rolled her eyes while took the flower. She looked at it with a cold stare, and in a matter of seconds, those beautiful flower changed into the dust, then it flight and fell down tho the ground. She, without hesitant, was burning the flower. “Noona...” her brother looked at the dust with a completely shock face. A tear was threating to fall, and he gave all his strenght to hold a sob escaped from his lips. But failed. There was nothing for five years old boy could do except crying in this situation, right?

“Park Chanyeol...” Yura looked at her brother. “You are a boy and you cry?” she asked in disbelief although she often found out her brother crying.

“I cry because noona burn my flower...” Chanyeol defensed himself.

Again, Yura rolled her eyes and looked away. She always though that her brother, Park Chanyeol, was nothing but useless kid. He always crying, whinning, most of the times looked overly happy, has an ugly grinning... ugh... She never liked her brother even a bit. She hated him.

Yura gritted her teeth because Chanyeol didn’t stop crying. She wasn’t felt sorry for burning those beautiful flower nor sorry for making her brother cry. She did it with pleasure. But looking at fragile boy in front of her made her anger up and up. “What do you want huh? You always tagging me along, what exactly do you want from me?”

“I...” Chanyeol said between his sob. “I just want to play with noona.”

Yura folded her arms across her chest and scoffed. “Look, Park Chanyeol. I have no time playing around or doing some random stupid thing with you. I have something important to do. Excercise, doing archery, riding horse, and many more that i am so sure is way more precious than playing with a cry baby like you.”

Chanyeol pouted his lips and couldn’t utter anything. His noona was right, she was telling the truth. But those truth was too cruel for a kid like him. “I like you noona... that’s why I always follow you anywhere. I want to play with you atleast once. Please...” Chanyeol plead.

“No. I don’t like you and I wish you dissappear from my sight. Now, get off!”

She pushed Chanyeol away until the latter falling down to the ground. And without looking back, she dashed with a fast pace, leaving him alone.





A woman, laying upon her bed, sweat were flowing down from her temple like a river but she ignored it, even the pain after giving birth was nothing for her. She tried to hold her sob. She looked at a pair eyes who innocently looked back at her. Her baby. A baby girl who just born a few minutes ago.

Of course she ever heard about the rumour. But she never expected that the baby girl of hers was ‘the baby’ people always talked about.  And now, she didn’t even know what to do. She only could cry and cry. Her maid was there, helping her giving birth, and now she was standing a few meter from her with her completely shocked face.

“Oh my god...” Han ahjumma barely said anything and shooked her head in disbelief.

“Please... Keep this as a secret...” that woman plead.

“But, madam Jung...”

“Please...” she cried even harder. “I know you for so long.  And you know that I’ve been waiting for this baby. I know, I can trust you. You won’t tell people about this, will you?”

The maid looked at her madam, worried was all over her face. She had been working at madam Jung house for a good ten years. Madam Jung and her husband were so nice towards her. They treated her as their own family. Never crossed in her mind to betray this family and reported them about the baby girl with burning mark on her body.

No way.

Besides, Jung family had once saved her live from King’s cruelty. She was a water bender and Jung family never told anyone about her true identity. Maybe, this time was a time returning their kindness towards her.

“Madam, i heard that they’ll hold a census the day after tomorrow...” the main said. “They’ll sure find out the baby if you still here...”

Madam Jung held her baby and adjusted her position in her arm. She drew her eyes to look at Han ahjumma. Waiting her maid to continue her words.

“You know I have a little house, uhmm I mean a hut in the forest. While they are censusing, I can hide your baby there, madam...”

Madam Jung’s eyes suddenly lit up. She stopped crying and threw a faint smile towards her maid. “Really...?”

The maid nodded lightly.

“Oh my... Oh... Han ahjumma... thank you... thank you so much...”




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