
There You Are
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That whole shenanigan had made the rest of the Big Bang members warmed up to her in no time. When they heard of what happened between Seung Hyun and Ha Neul at their first meet, their responses were not what Ha Neul was expected.

"Finally! The time has come that God sent us someone that can put him in place!" Dae Sung had then said in relief. The way he was so grateful at the fact that Ha Neul is around, made her suspicious of Seung Hyun. What did Seung Hyun do to make all of his own members were telling her this? Ji Yong, Young Bae and Seung Ri had merely came up to her then and shook her hands as if they had done a business deal. Each of them had smiled mischievously and said, "Thank you." Seung Ri had said, "I look forward to you and hyung's... friendship." Because she was new then, she hadn't understand what was that all about.

She had a grasp of it just about two weeks later.

When it all turned out to be a misunderstanding, that didn't make Ha Neul a forgiving soul. To her, Choi Seung Hyun is a man and he had kind of touched her and that kinda made him an . Misunderstanding? Tell that to someone who cares or one of those obsessive fans that would probably beg him instead to touch them. Not Ha Neul. So naturally, she kept her distance, only talked to him when needed, and throw sarcasm left and right at his way whenever possible. It annoyed the hell ouf of Seung Hyun and Ha Neul always get a little kick of satisfaction out of it.

Choi Seung Hyun has never met any woman like Lee Ha Neul. She was frustrating, irritating, snipy and seems to be on her period all the time! Well, that would explain her whole attitude towards him. Alright, he get it, he had wronged her at their first meet- but it was an accident! It was an untold fact that Ha Neul held a tiny grudge on him over that matter. Nobody mentioned it, but everyone knows it. Since it was kind of entertaining to watch them squabble, everyone had conveniently forgotten about it and just enjoy watching Seung Hyun and Ha Neul's interactions.

Once, during a meeting when both of them were trying not to strangle each other, CEO Yang Hyun Suk had smiled and said, "If this goes on, you two are going to end up getting married." Seung Hyun of course, was unamused and everyone else in the meeting had snorted a little- but nobody laughed as hard as Ha Neul. She was laughing so hard, her eyes started to tear a little. "Me? Marrying this--" She gestured wildly in front of Seung Hyun's face and continued, "... whatever this is? Ha! No thanks, boss. I won't end up with him even if he's the last man on Earth." Seung Hyun should not have mind it, but he couldn't help feeling a little bit slighted. So he muttered something under his breath to offend her back. "At this rate you're going, no one would even want you. You probably never even dated before, what with you being all snipy and all." 

Ha Neul froze because that hits where it was close to her heart. For once, she was lost for words and gave a small smile. The meeting had continued, but Seung Hyun felt weirdly agitated. Ha Neul did not say anything and her lack of response made him feel bad. He wondered if he said something that was out of line.

That night, Ha Neul went home and binge eat whatever junk food that she could find. She put on the comfiest pullover she owned, and lamented to herself over her pathetic non-existent love life.  



When Seung Hyun could not get over how unresponsive Ha Neul was the other day, he decided to apologize to her as it was nagging on his conscience. So during the concert after-party, he casually slid next to her and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Really, if any of s hear him apologizing, he will never hear the end of it. Ha Neul ignored him and took a big gulp of that punch she was holding in her hands.

"Uhh.. are you.. alright?" He asked hesitantly. Ha Neul raised an eyebrow and quickly spit out the drink back to the glass. "Did you put something in my drink?" He cringed in distaste and said, "You're disgusting. Why did you spit out the drink like that?"

"You asked me if I'm alright. So I thought you spiked it," she said and he couldn't decide if he should be offended that she thinks he would do something like that. He fought the urge to roll his eyes and cleared his throat.

"What is it?" she sighed as she set the glass down and crossed her arms over her chest.


"You came to me for something. Either you're here to annoy me or you're feeling so bored and left out that your last resort of companion is me. Which is unlikely. Or you're here to ask me out?"

Seung Hyun gaped at her last remark. What? When he did not say anything, it was Ha Neul's turn to gape at him. "Holy , you're really here to ask me out? You must be crazy."

He snorted and laughed incredulously. "Seems to me you're the crazy one here."

"Then what is it that you want from me?"

"I just... Uhh... I want to... I'm sorry for what I said the other day.. I was just.. Uhh..."

Ha Neul turned to look at him. Well, that was unexpected. She honestly thought that he came to irritate her and for him to apologize for his remark the other day, never crossed her mind. Somehow, the thought that he agonized a little over this, made her feel warm inside her heart. He stared at her expectantly and she took a sudden interest on her fingers which are now on her lap.

"You were right anyway. You didn't have to apologize. I... uhh... I'm a little slow on this whole dating boys thing. It didn't appeal to me because I had other priorities to focus on. So all the crushes I had over the years remained just that because I never acted on it. Well, I confessed once in high school and that senior didn't feel the same. Ever since that, it was like a wake up call for me. I figured that somewhere along the way, a guy would take interest in me. But that never happened. That's why you didn't have to apologize because you were right. I was just being sulky because you were right and I hated it."

Ha Neul didn't know why she felt the need to explain, but she gave him a small smile nevertheless. Seung Hyun felt a ridiculous urge to comfort her. He wanted to chide her for being so blind to all the obvious advances and heart-eyes that a lot of the male staff threw at her. Dae Sung once pointed it out to him and although he shrugged it off, he couldn't help but notice the fact that a lot of guys in the company was actually vying for her attention.

He grew stiff at that realization. Why should he care about how she feels?

She was surprised at how easily she blurted out one of her insecurities to him and he too, couldn't quite make of the reason why, of all people, Ha Neul would confide something like this to him. It seems to him like Ha Neul is very sensitive on this matter. He supposed she's just like any other woman out there- wants to be swept off her feet, to love and be loved in return, get married, have babies and live a happy ever after. Lee Ha Neul was surprisingly quite normal after all.

Just then, Dae Sung came over to her and pulled her up on her feet. "Nuna, let's dance!" he said chirpily. She groaned and said, "You know I was born with two left feet, Dae Sung. Leave me alone."

"No, you're coming with me and that's final," Dae Sung insisted and started to drag her away. She turned her head back towards Seung Hyun and when she caught his eyes, she muttered, "Thank you." For apologizing even when you didn't have to. 

Not knowing what to say, he merely took a sip out of his glass and watched her being led away by Dae Sung. He wondered if she would tell him more about her life, had they weren't interrupted by Dae Sung because, Seung Hyun found himself grew curious of her.

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22nd Dec: There You Are updated!


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thinkdreamlive #1
Chapter 4: would love to see this updated
darkestnights #2
ive been waiting for this to be updated for the past 2 years jdbfjfhudhd
Chapter 4: finally you made time to update!!! ugh cant wait for another chapters! from this moment i bet seunghyun already set his eye on haneul kkk! update soon author nim! xxx
zeesfraise #4
Chapter 4: glad you finally had the time to update.. can't wait for the next chapter! :)
MyDarlingLove #5
Chapter 3: Can't wait!!!
MyDarlingLove #6
Chapter 2: Seunghyun is sooo oblivious lol. Im really liking the beginning!!!
Chapter 2: Lol seunghyun seriously had no idea about that tap--accident T^T thanks for update chakanim ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 2: Hehehe, what an awkward first meet :P
Looking forward to this story!!!!! Update soon pleaseeee! Xxx
Popkorn17 #10
Chapter 1: +1 new reader and looking forward to seeing the next button soon~