I'll protect you

Subjects We Must Know

"It's to keep us smart Taehyung." Namjoon says to me as I complain for the fifth time after getting this assignment.


Our manager thought it would be such a great idea to give each of us a subject and at the end of two weeks of studying give us a test that will decide who eats well with the company on one special night.


I sigh heavily and sit on the floor with the text books they provided us. Where did they even get these stupid text books anyway?? 


"Hey hyung do you want to study together?" Jimin asks Jin, who just happened to get the same subject as him. History.


"Sure Jiminnie" he says, ruffling the younger boys hair. 


"What subject did u guys get again?" Yoongi asks, lazily picking up a text book.


"History" Jin replies.


"Ah me too." Yoongi says, and Jimin gets a huge frown on his face.


 "But wait I have science." Jimin says, looking at the two other boys. 


"Hey me too!!" Jungkook says with a smile. Jimin smiles and they all go to rooms in their little groups,leaving Namjoon, Hoseok and me in the living room.


"What subject did you guys get?" Hoseok asks.


"Language arts, but in English not Korean." Namjoon relies, picking up his text book up off the ground next to me.


"And you Tae?" Hoseok asks me, smiling a bit.


"Um. Math." I say. Namjoon let's out a groan and gets up off the couch to go to his room.


"Good luck with that." He says on his way out, and I can hear his door slam shut. He's probably gonna work on some raps for our next album, English not being a problem for him, so he got lucky.


"What subject do you have? " I ask, plopping down next to him on the couch. He sighs and holds up a science text book.


"Is it really that hard?" I ask him and he shakes his head. 


"Nah, I just get bored with it sometimes." He says simply with a shrug, still smiling softly.


"Ah.." I say quietly with a nod, silence filling the room.


"Well hey, I'm good in math so I can help you if you want" He says, setting his text book aside. I look up at him, hopeful.


"You'd... You'd do that?" I say unbelieved. He nods and scoots closer to me, taking the textbook from my hands and setting it aside.


"Of course I would."


"But I... you know how much I at math. I can't learn it, I'm a lost cause and a waste of time." I say, shaking my head and looking away from him. 


He's quiet for a moment. I can feel him looking at me but I refuse to look up. He suddenly grabs my hands, kissing each finger lightly before kissing my palm.


"Your not a waste of time Tae-ah. You just struggle a lot when it comes to math that's all... but I never want you to tell me that your a lost cause of that your a waste of time. Because you aren't. You really," he says, kissing my hands again. "Aren't." 


I blush and look at him, and he just smiles, messing with my hands, his cheeks slightly tinted pink. I scoot even closer then before, resting my forehead against his, eyes closed. He sighs softly, smiling and squeezes my hands gently, intertwining our fingers.


"I don't want to study." I say and he nods.


"Me either but we have to." 


"Its cold in here though." I whine, shivering a little.


"Hang on." He says before disappearing down the hall. It only takes him a few moments to reappear again with a pillow and large blanket. I get up so he can set them on the couch, pulling me down under the blanket with him and wrapping his arms around my waist.


"Your so warm...." I whisper, clutching his shirt in my balled up fists. I close my eyes, focusing on his breathing, and the warm scent of rain still on his clothes from earlier when he went shopping.


"We should study sometime though..." he says, hugging me closer to him.


"Later. I just want to be with you right now." I same shamelessly. He knows how stressful our job is, and so when things like this happen it's not awkward or unusual because it's relaxing and nice to be in someone else's arms, and he knows that just as well as I do. So he doesn't question it when I nestle my face into his neck, letting a soft sigh fall from my lips.


He never once suspects that I like him. No. That I love him. Because I do. I really do. But I'll never tell him that, because right now it's not weird between us, and he's happy and just, he's him. I don't want to risk losing our friendship because I let my stupid feelings get in the way.


It hurts that he doesn't know... but I'm willing to never tell another soul about my feelings if it means I get to see his smiling face everyday, to have him act natural around me.


"JIMIN!!!!" I hear Jin yell from his room, voice cutting through the peaceful silence. I open my eyes to see hoseok looking into them, face only a few inches apart.




"WHAT'S THE RENAISSANCE AGAIN?!!!!" A voice yells back. Its Yoongi this time.


"DIDN'T IT HAVE TO DO WITH THE TROJANS OR SOMETHING?!" Jimin yells and I can hear Jin laugh.


"I DON'T THINK SO JI" Yoongi yells back, irritated.


"GUYS SSSSH I'M WRITING IN HERE!!!" Namjoon yells, the manager grunting in his room at our leader.


"SORRY!!!" Jin yells back.


"YOONGI WHAT IS THAT ONE REALLY FAMOUS SCIENTISTS NAME?!" Jimin yells, voice echoing off the walls.


"AH I DON'T KNOW!" He yells back.


"GUYS BE QUIET!" Namjoon yells, obviously annoyed.


"SORRY WE'LL STOP!!!" They all yell at once.


I close my eyes again as the silence takes over the dorm again. Our breathing in rhythm. Our hearts beat as one and I'm dying to know what his lips would feel like against mine.


"JIN HYUNG!!!!" Jungkook yells, the maknaes voice roars through the dorm startling me. I hold my breath, eyes clenched, trying to myself down.




I don't reply. He pokes my cheek with his finger, but I keep my eyes closed, his shirt balled up in my clenched fists.


"Taehyung let go..." he says but I don't move.


His body is now on mine halfway, pushing me down into the couch, taking my breath away but in the best way possible. He grabs my hands and tries to lessen my grip on his shirt. "Taehyungie please let go your knuckles are turning blue please. You don't need to be afraid, I'll protect you. I would never let anyone hurt you, never let anyone who was a threat near you. I'll protect you when your scared of the dark at night, when the stupidest things like right now with the maknaes yelling," he says, my hands finally starting to loosen a bit. "I'll protect you." All I see is love. So much love in his eyes. But probably not in the way I want.


I want to cry so much right now. To wrap my arms around his waist and confess to him, but I can't risk losing him. But when he leans down and presses a soft kiss to my lips, I finally know what I've been missing. And god is it so good.


After about a hour of us laying Hoseok finally moves to grab the text book.


"Nooooo" I whine, grabbing his arm and burying my face into it.


"You need to study." He says sweetly, opening the text book.


"I hate math, I've never been good at it. I can't stay focused on it for long and its hard and boring and no fun at all and I don't understand why I have to know math still like-"


"I can see why your bad at it." He says with a laugh. I smack his chest playfully and he smiles.


"No but I'm being serious it's such a difficult subject and-" 


"Make a bubble." He says, looking over at me.




"A bubble."


"A bubble??" 


"Yes,with your cheeks, puff them up to make a bubble." 


"Why?" I ask, but doing so afterward's,


"Because if your making a bubble with your mouth you can't talk." He says with a wink. I smack his chest again.


"Come on, I want you to do good on this test and besides if you pass I have a treat of my own for you." He says, my eye's going wide now.


"Really what is it?" I ask excitedly but he shakes his head. 


"You gotta wait and see" He says, and after that I focus hard on the math in front of me.


Its been two weeks since the manager gave us our subjects, meaning today was the day of the test. We all stand in a line waiting go to separate rooms, manager hyung taking our phones before hand.


"Okay now Taehyung, here's your test." He says, handing me my printed test. I gulp and he's about to lead me to the room I'd be in to take the test but all off a sudden arms wrap around my waist, hugging me from behind.


"Good luck Taehyung-ah I'm sure you'll do grate!" Hoseok beams and I smile at him. Finally in my room the test begins. A few hours later I'm done with the two hundred questions or so test, my work shown for each problem. I feel good about that test, and about Hoseok surprise, but we'll never know what happens until I get my test results back.

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Chapter 2: you make me blushing while reading this fic ..
omg .. XD
Chapter 1: oh, i'm curious yeaaahh!! XD
Chapter 2: Wahahahhahah naughty my mind is dirty omgggg

Update soon maybe?
Awww so cute!!!
Chapter 1: So curious! I hope something 'naughty'~~~

Update soon