

I loved waking up early and going to my bus-stop,
I was in sixth-grade middle school.
Nothing was very exciting about my life,
But people thought my life was very entertaining whenever I had told them one of my adventures.

To be honest,
I look forward to a bunch of things in life.
It's just not very my thing to be so excited about my life.

Then again,
I met this boy.


Every morning,
I would look forward to go to my bus-stop just for him.
He would be there so early,
I worried.

I tried my best everyday,
on school days,
to meet with him at our bus-stop.

One super early morning.

He told me he was sitting at the bus-stop all night!
I asked, "Why is that? It's freezing out here at night..."


"Well," he reply'd, "..."

The silence between us,
it was unbearable for me.
I didn't want to say anything awkward,
but I had to say something to break this silence.

"It's okay...?"

He glanced at me,
then he leaned his head again,
on his knees,
sitting on his binder leaned against the stop-sign.

"My dad, he came home drunk again. I..."

"Oh, okay. I get it."
That was all I could say because I did not know what else to say.
He smiled at me?


This guy was somewhat on my mind.

Whenever I would arrive there earlier than him,
he'd try to sneak up on me.
But, I'd always know he would be there,
sneaking through a neighbor's backyard just to scare me from behind.

He would even wait by a bush and try to pop out of nowhere.
It was quite hilarious.

We would spend time speaking together for two hours or at least,
while waiting for the bus.
I loved his voice and personality,
It was just comforting and he was a very nice person to me.

There was this conversation I had started with him that was spread around the whole school, It was a joke.
"Hey, wanna hear something?"

"Sure! Go for it."

"Hmm, ..., If you had a friend named Jack-off, Would you help jack-off? ..."

I was scared of his reaction.
I am not a person that say's words like that everyday.

((Still, I found this situation funny.))

My mind couldn't think at all but just wait for his reaction.
Is he gonna laugh? Will he think I am weird for such a...? Huh?


He chuckled.
I turned my face the opposite way, flustered and smiling.
He glanced at me, then chuckled again.

"What? What is it?" I said.

"Ha. Where did you get that from?" He asked, still chuckling.

"Um, A friend from elementary..." I replied while he was still snickering.

It was getting awkward for me, having this unusual conversation that I started.
But, he still welcomed the surprise.

I let the moment pass, he's still chuckling, I take glances at him.
Finally, the bus came.

When he and I and another girl got on the bus, He started talking about it with his buddies.
That's how my joke got around, but no one knew it came from me during that day.
How popular I possibly felt, to start something around the whole school.


One day, after school, me and him rode the after-school bus.
I was kind of happy when we got off the bus.

We were at a street we had to cross with soaring cars, I was unsure and frighten to cross.
But then, he said, "Ah, here, hold my hand. We go when there are no cars, okay?"
So, I held his hand and was very cautioned.
I was afraid to cross yet enjoyed the time with him.

When we crossed, I was finally relived.
I stopped to take a breath, then he let go of my hand.
He then asked, "Where are we?"
"Oh, I know, if we just go straight up, we'll be where we are supposed to be." I replied confidently in myself, looking at him.

"What? But were in the middle of nowhere!" He dramatically exclaimed looking around.

"No. Were not."
I smile and my face gets hot, I try to look away or draw attention elsewhere.
He then asked, "Why do you look at the ground?"

I reply, "I'm not. I'm looking at where I am stepping."

He laughs, "Ha, okay."


We were walking together, side-by-side.
I felt my face was getting hotter,
I hoped it didn't turn red.

We were now closing-in to my house.

"Aw, aha, you have dimples!" He said in a cutesy-way.

"I do?"

My face, now my body felt hot, possibly because of the extra shirt and thick uniform.

"Yeah, on both sides." He smiled gently, he also had dimples, I blushed.

"..." Quiet I was, nothing more for me to say except my whole face was burning.

I started to smile even more.
But then I realized our time was coming to an end,
I wished time could have stopped for me,
there was nothing better to do at home but just TV and internet.


"Um, hey, this is my house. So..." I stated, still smiling.

"Oh, then, where am I?" He asked, confused but smiled back at me and looked around.

"Hey, hey, don't you see? The stop-sign up there where our regular bus stops at." I replied trying not to laugh.

"What? Then which way do I go?" He walked slowly up to the street, our conversation was still maintained.

"When you get up there, you'll remember..." I said pointing to the top of the street where the stop-sign stands.

He walks up the hill of the street, as I try to pay attention on getting the mail from my white mailbox next to my neighbor's black mail box.
I then turn back to look at him while heading up the stairs to my house door,
he turns around and shouts, "I remember now, thanks!", While he was all the way by the stop-sign already.

After that, I wasn't so sure of my feelings...


I liked him as a friend and that is all.
But then, I started to think about him and my actions.
I guess I spent a little more time with him than the other boys and enjoyed it.

One day,
said he was leaving because his family is moving.
Well, he never really told me, I just heard.

I wanted to tell him good-bye,
but then we weren't even really in "Best Friends" or "Friends" relationship yet.
We were just "Friends from the bus".
It was complicated for me, he didn't even tell me.

I knew something was up of why he...
I didn't see him a lot at the bus-stop nor fourth-hour gym class,
I couldn't believe he was leaving.
This friendship was only for four months between me and him during our time.

In the end, I acted as if everything were normal.

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Red_lantern #1
Hello, this is a great fic.