Chapter 1

The Youngest Park Sister




Kwon Jiyong stepped into his homeroom class and strolled to his desk towards the back of the room and near the window. All around him girls fluttered and sighed, noting how handsome and awesome their 16 year old classmate was. All except for one girl who sat two seats diagnally in front of Jiyong’s. Said girl was currently slouched down in her chair, one leg crossed over the other, hair up in a messy bun, and reading glasses perched on the edge of her nose as she read through another page of the history book in her hands. Her name was Sandara Park and she was an oddball that most students avoided. Sandara, or Dara, as she was called, was the type of girl who in any other situation may have been subjected to being bullied or at the very least teased because of the way she dressed. But three things saved her: first, she was the sister of Park Bom and Park Hanbyul, two of the hottest and most popular girls in the school. Second, her elder brother was Park Teddy who had seen more than his share of fights when he was still in high school and never lost one fight. And lastly, as beautiful as Bom and Hanbyul were and weird as Sandara was, rumor had it the three girls could also fight, having been taught by their oppa Teddy to defend themselves.

No sooner had Jiyong sat down at his desk than girls came over and began to talk to him.

‘Good morning, oppa!’

‘You look so handsome this morning, oppa!’

‘Oppa, I brought you a home-made bento I made myself.

On and on it went, the same occurrence every day and in every class. Jiyong was so numbed by it all that he simply ignored all the fawning over him by his many fangirls. If the girls got too close he’d merely glare at them and they would back off apologizing. By and by it was bound to be that Jiyong noticed that the one girl who did not give him any attention was the weird alien girl named Sandara.

And so it happened that he began to study her bit by bit in class each day. She had the strangest choice of hairstyles. One day it was all braids, like a dozen snakes coming out of her head. On another day she wore it in two bushy ponytails. Another day she came with it all combed up in a bizarre ponytail that stood at least four inches tall and resembled what Jiyong thought looked like a miniature palm tree. Some days she came in looking like she hadn’t bothered to brush her hair at all.

Always she wore glasses, round ones, star shaped ones, cat eye ones, square rimmed, neon colored – whatever suited her mood. She also liked wearing boys socks, the type with the three stripes at the top and reached up to her knees. Usually the socks was coordinated to match the pair of glasses she wore, but not always. Her plaid uniform skirt was worn long so that it was at least an extra two to three inches longer than what the other girls wore. And she always tied a long sleeved contrasting plaid shirt around her waist. She was quite a site for those who were unaccustomed to seeing her, especially since she had a penchant for backpacks decorated with cartoon characters. She even had a bright yellow spongebob backpack that was almost bigger than her. She got many a condescending look from her classmates but, like Jiyong to his fangirls, Sandara simply ignored everyone and went about her way wearing whatever she damn well pleased.

Then one day it happened that a group of girls thought they would make fun of the youngest Park sister. They waited for her in the schoolyard that morning, and when she arrived to go to class, they blocked her way and began to mock her outfit. Jiyong and his friends had been nearby when they saw the kids began to gather round in a circle. Curious, they climbed up on the rails to look over the crowd and see what was happening.

“Oh it’s that weird noona, Sandara,” Seungri, the maknae of Jiyong’s friends reported.

“Oh, this is going to be good,” Daesung said. He was the only one of Jiyong’s friends who had seen Dara fight, but that had been years before when she was in middle school, and it wasn't so much a fight as it was Dara stepping in to stop a boy from picking on a fellow student. The boy had been taller than Dara but that hadn't mattered as Dara made short work of him and kicked him in the family jewels.

“Hey, isnt’ that her sister over there?” Seungri said, pointing to where the eldest Park sister, Hanbyul was walking with her boyfriend. Seungri clapped with glee as he smelled a first rate fight about to take place. Especially when one of the bystanders ran to tell Hanbyul that her sister was being picked on.

Jiyong and his best friend Youngbae had their eyes glued on Dara and the girls surrounding her. “Should we do something?” Jiyong asked, the odds did look unfair after all.

“Us, interfere in a girls fight?” Youngbae asked, horrified. “That’s so uncool bro. We’ll be the laughing stock of the school. Besides did you forget that’s Park Teddy’s sister? Rumor has it he personally taught all three of his sisters how to fight. Chances are she might kick our if we jumped in.”

“Do you really believe that rumor?”

“Well we’re about to find out in just a few minutes if it's true or not from the looks of it,” Youngbae answered, as Jiyong looked worriedly on to the weird girl being surrounded below.


One of the girls reached out and tugged at one of Dara’s ponytails. “What are you, a little kid that you wear your hair like this?” she mocked. Her friends laughed but Dara just stood there.

“Aw, careful, I think she might cry!” another girl said.

Dara heaved a sigh and rolled her eyes as she tried to go around the girls. But this only gave them courage, and another one of the girls shoved Dara’s shoulder.

Dara turned and glared at them. “You girls really want to cry before school starts?"

“Big words from a little girl. Are you going to call your sisters, or your brother?” one of the girls taunted, as her friends laughed and high-fived each other.

A smirk formed on Dara’s face. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said, and dropped her backpack to the ground.

A murmur rolled over the crowd and everyone pulled out their phones and their videos as they saw Dara turn to the girls. She pushed her glasses up to the top of her head. “I haven’t had a good workout in a while,” she said, rolling her head from side to side and flexing her shoulders. “Who’s first?” she asked.

The girls that had picked on her began to look doubtful. Without her glasses, Dara didn’t look so nerdy and weak any more, especially with the dark gleam in her eyes and the way one corner of curled up as if she were looking forward to this. And Dara’s arms, small as they were, showed muscles that were hard and firm.

“Don’t be shy,” Dara said. “I’ll be nice and leave your teeth intact.”

Despite his previous worry, Jiyong found himself holding back a smile. He liked that she was fearless, and funny!

The girls who had picked a fight with Dara were beginning to back away. “Let’s go. She’s not worth our time,” one of them said. But the girl that appeared to be the leader didn’t want to back down. Not now when there was such a large crowd around them armed with their phones and videoing. “No! She needs to be taught a lesson,” she hissed.

Dara glanced at her watch. “Can we get this over with? The bells about to ring. Look I’ll even close my eyes so that you don’t feel intimidated.”

She then stood straight and true to her word, closed her eyes. As she did this, Jiyong got a clear look at Dara’s face and it surprised him to see that she was actually very pretty. Long dark lashes against milky smooth skin, and lips that looked soft and kissable…

Jiyong was so caught up staring at Dara’s face that he jumped in surprise when he saw her fling her right arm up to block a punch aimed at her. Even with her eyes closed she had sensed when one of the girls had launched a punch her way. And in the next few seconds, which oddly seemed much longer to Jiyong, he watched wide-eyed along with the rest of the crowd as the youngest of the Park siblings took down the five girls who had dared to challenge her. She threw a punch to the tallest girl, hitting her square in the face, delivered a roundhouse kick to another, side-chopped another, slapped this one, and twisted the arm of the last.  The action must have lasted only ten, at the most twenty seconds, before it was all over and Dara alone was left standing, her challengers down on the ground grabbing at their stomach, their faces, or backs.

Dara stood a moment waiting to see if any of them would stand back up. When it was apparent the five were through, she turned to get her backpack. Suddenly there was the sound of running footsteps. The elder sisters of two of the five girls had heard about the fight and came running. When they saw their siblings down on the ground, and Dara standing there fixing her glasses, a look of fury filled their eyes as they took a step toward Dara.

“Don’t even think it,” Park Hanbyul said, as she stepped through the crowd. It was as if a goddess had suddenly descended to earth. She was beauty incarnate, an angelic face, beautiful eyes, long slim neck, Venus like body, long gorgeous legs. And she was glaring at the two older girls that were set on attacking Dara.

The girls paused as they looked from one Park sister to the other. Dara had her back towards them but she turned her head to throw a deadly look over her shoulder at the two girls.

“Your sisters and their friends caused this issue,” Dara stated. “Back off now if you don’t want to join them.”

“We’re not afraid of you two,” one of the girls said, but her voice didn’t sound fully confident.

“Two of us?” Hanbyul said, a look of surprise in her eyes. “Why would I ruin my manicure on you? My sister can whoop your asses with one hand tied behind her back. Don’t you see what she did to your sisters and their friends?”

With that Hanbyul turned and smiled at Dara before making her way back through the crowd, confident that her little sister could handle the two newcomers without any problems. Seeing the hesitation on the two older girls faces, Dara slid her glasses back on and proceeded to walk toward the school building where her first period was located.

“Wah, I think I’m in love,” Seungri sighed.

“Do you want Seven hyung to beat you up? Besides Park Hanbyul would never look at you.”

“Who said anything about Hanbyul? I’m talking about Dara.”







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Chapter 12: Sorry I thought Cl is kontrabida in relationships of Dara and Jiyong and this story so so great authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 5: Exciting and worry about their relationship their is now kontrabida in the scene let see? ❤️
Chapter 1: Beautiful story authornim I love sequel scene❤️
Chapter 11: This story is full of surprises and it is unexpectedly beautiful huhuuuuuuuuu I’M CRYING
Chapter 11: This story is full of surprises and it is unexpectedly beautiful huhuuuuuuuuu I’M CRYING
Chapter 11: This story is full of surprises and it is unexpectedly beautiful huhuuuuuuuuu I’M CRYING
Chapter 11: This story is full of surprises and it is unexpectedly beautiful huhuuuuuuuuu I’M CRYING
Chapter 11: This story is full of surprises and it is unexpectedly beautiful huhuuuuuuuuu I’M CRYING
Chapter 11: This story is full of surprises and it is unexpectedly beautiful huhuuuuuuuuu I’M CRYING
Chapter 11: This story is full of surprises and it is unexpectedly beautiful huhuuuuuuuuu I’M CRYING