Taecyeon is the problem!

틱턱 (Tik Tok)
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A very long chapter for anyone waiting these long three months. Also, this story has hit more than 1,000 views ^__^ I am going to try and update every month or so after such a long hiatus. Sorry about this. Please enjoy and comment! By the way, if you have time I have a blog I would like viewers to take a look at: NyNyOnline






Junsu stared at his phone and kept wondering whether he should pick it up and call Nyoko to apologise. Sorry for not picking up her recent calls or replying to her texts. But his stubbornness told them there was no change between the two but with what was going on recently ticked Junsu off. How did he not notice this before? Junsu put his head on the desk and sighed deeply still considering  apologising for his actions.


“Hyung! Junsu hyung!” Wooyoung called.


From the living room, his footsteps could be heard getting closer to Junsu’s room until he was at the door. “Are you hungry at all? Taecyeon is making ddukbokki, you want some?”


The mere mention of s name made him grit his teeth but as he raised his head, Junsu immediately smiled and nodded at Wooyoung in order for him to leave.




Earlier that month…


“Please!” Taecyeon whined.


“No Taec!”


He pouted at her, an expression that would never work but Taecyeon still insisted on doing it. “Please, it’s been ages. Just a few minutes.”




She wasn’t supposed to stay long nor did she have any intention of maybe, you know, surprising Junsu. The whole point of the day was to have a quick lunch with Taecyeon and go home. But now, he insisted on her staying a little longer – at their dorm. And Nyoko had never been to 2PM’s dorm before in comparison to the countless times Taecyeon had been to YURA’s.


And upon walking in there, Nyoko felt uneasy. Taecyeon noticed and had to ask.  “You okay?”


Nyoko nodded in response but it was obvious to him that she was distracted by something while in the dorm or was it because they were alone? Taecyeon was probably being a bit paranoid so he suggested it would be best for Nyoko to just relax and sit down while he went into the kitchen. Even though she sat down for a while, observing the dorm didn’t help because her eyes directed to the rooms and whether anyone else was home – like Junsu for example. Not like they were doing unusual anyways but still…


“Hey Taec! Is no-one else here?”


“Nope!” He shouted from the kitchen. “Everyone has a schedule and finishes later so it’s just us! Do you want something to drink?”


“No that’s okay.” She replied feeling relieved. Taecyeon came out of the kitchen shortly with a drink and leftover takeaway for himself.


“So what do you want to do?” He asked knowing full well Nyoko was going to hit him for saying that. “I’m just joking. You want to watch a movie?”


He sat down and looked at Nyoko for an answer. “I don’t mind. You choose.” She replied whilst looking down at her phone.


It ticked Taecyeon off; he could see she was focused on her phone too much and not paying much attention to him ever since they got into the dorm now. “Why are you looking at the time for?”


She immediately looked up at Taecyeon when his tone changed. It was quieter and he seemed like he was going to cry. It affected Nyasha enough to put her phone away and smile at him. “It’s nothing, what should we watch?”


Taecyeon proceeded to put a DVD on in silence that they had picked and turned off the lights then sat back down next to Nyoko. As the movie continued, Taecyeon was getting bored of his sitting position and looked at his best friend. She was so engrossed in the movie, she didn’t realise Taecyeon moved and lay his head on her lap. He looked up at her and smiled before adjusting himself to watch the TV.


“Hope you don’t mind.” He said.


“No, I don’t.” Nyoko replied with a grin. She slowly brushed his hair gently with her fingers and continued resting her hand on his head for the remainder of the movie. Taecyeon was content and smiled for a while.


It wasn’t long however before the sound of the door opening and closing could be heard and footsteps approaching. The lights went on and Jaebeom walked into the living room surprised. “Well it looks like you two have got closer.”


“What? Hyung, what are you talking about?” Taecyeon sat up and looked at him questionably.


“You know what I mean!” The door opened again and Jaebeom directed his attention to the person at the door. “Junsu, come in here and see this!”


The sound of Junsu’s name made Nyoko panic inside.

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LeeJinki-s #1
leilayb #2
Chapter 9: Omg this story is good. Please update soon. Such a clif hanger
Ah! Unnie adores you so much right now
rae_undefined #4
Chapter 8: Aaaahhhh~~~ I need to know what haplens neeeext lol please updafe soon! :)
Chapter 8: OOooohh wth, jay? such a troublemaker.
Chapter 7: Omo please update this soon
SooJung #7
Chapter 7: Uh oh. Can't wait to see what happens though!
Chapter 7: To tell you the truth i really like no not like i love this story its very realistic and its hard to find realistic stories on here. I've loved it so far and I cant wait for you to update soon. FIGHTING!!!!