End of Ddukbokki Days?

틱턱 (Tik Tok)
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The lessons carried on smoothly until the end of the month. In the following weeks, Junsu began composing the backing track for Junsu’s song that he had written, HOT. After each lesson finished, it became a habit for them to stop by the food stand and eat there. As usual, Junsu would walk Nyoko home if he didn’t have a schedule afterwards.


“I have to go soon.”


“Schedule?” Junsu asked helping her pack up.


She shook her head. “No, exams. So I’m afraid I’m not going to be in Korea for the next two weeks.”


Over the past weeks, he had gotten to know Nyoko a bit more and felt closer with her. They joked around casually and started speaking comfortably despite they weren’t the same age. The thought of her leaving for a short time made him sad and he couldn’t hide it from her.


It wasn’t like Junsu to be like this to most girls but the thing was by now, he was clear of his feelings towards Nyoko. He liked her. He really liked her and he had many chances to say so. “Ah really? In that case, let me take you out for dinner and I’ll pay.”


“It’s ok, Junsu.” She politely declined. “How about this? Let me buy you something for a change. Save your money!”


“That’s ok! Let’s just eat at the food stand!”


“Okay but I’m still paying!”


Junsu smiled back and just accepted her offer. At least it was prolonging her from leaving. But while they were at the food stand, he couldn’t bring it up. But since this was his only chance, he wasn’t going to waste it!”


“Junsu? You okay?” Nyoko asked.


Junsu snapped out of his thoughts. “Huh? What?”


“Are you okay? You didn’t reply to what I had to say…”


“I’m sorry, what did you say?”


Just as Nyoko was about to speak, she noticed someone walking towards them and waved at the familiar face. “Hey Jay!”


‘Great timing, hyung.’ Junsu thought as he turned around to greet Jaebeom. “What are you doing here, Jaebeom hyung?”


“I was on the way back from recording.” Jaebeom then looked at Junsu and nudged him a little. “But now I can see why you’re so busy. I didn’t know you were taking Nyoko out on late-night dates.”


Junsu rolled his eyes. He knew Jaebeom was teasing but still…sometimes he found his leader to be annoying with his constant jokes lately. “What are you talking about? Of course not!”


Jaebeom smiled back. “I know! I just thought you would have been done a while ago with your composing lessons and at home by now.”


“We were just leaving.” Junsu told him.


“Junsu, you should go home with Jaebeom. I can go by myself this time.”


He looked at her in surprise. “No way! I can’t let you walk home alone.”


“It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”


“Let Junsu take you home.” Jaebeom insisted. “We don’t want something to happen to you. I’ll see you

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LeeJinki-s #1
leilayb #2
Chapter 9: Omg this story is good. Please update soon. Such a clif hanger
Ah! Unnie adores you so much right now
rae_undefined #4
Chapter 8: Aaaahhhh~~~ I need to know what haplens neeeext lol please updafe soon! :)
Chapter 8: OOooohh wth, jay? such a troublemaker.
Chapter 7: Omo please update this soon
SooJung #7
Chapter 7: Uh oh. Can't wait to see what happens though!
Chapter 7: To tell you the truth i really like no not like i love this story its very realistic and its hard to find realistic stories on here. I've loved it so far and I cant wait for you to update soon. FIGHTING!!!!