Chapter 14

EXO's fanaccount compilation
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[Fan Account] Compilations about EXO (4)

1. There was this one fan, Baekhyun wanted to write her name while signing so he asked what her name was.
Fan: Baekhyun ah~~~~
Baekhyun: I know but I’m asking for your name.
Fan: Baekhyun ah!
Baekhyun: (yelled) I SAID: “YOUR NAME”!!!!
Fan: (yelled back) BAEKHYUN AH!!!!!
It turned out that her name was Baek Hyun Ah.
2. Fan asked Kris: Master, please tell me how to draw well?
Kris: I’m not sure myself. … About me, I was born with that talent.
3. Fan: Junmen!!!!!!
Suho: Do you believe in me?!!!!
(‘Junmen’ came from Junmyun+ Amen. Some of you may have known this.A lot of fans coming to fansign said to Suho that their religion is Junmen. He seemed to like it and often asked if they believed in that religion)
4. One fan imitated Tao’s Korean pronunciation: I nheally like Thaoe’s broneunciateun.
Tao was really happy and kept laughing throughout the fansign.
5. Fan: Oppa, can I borrow your face for just one day?
Luhan: Absolutely cannot. …. This face is really important !!!!!!!
6. Fan: Oppa, among the members, who obeys and listens to you the most?
Suho: …….. (heavy sigh) ……. How I wish there were one!……
7. Fan: Oppa, why are you still here now? Why aren’t you in jail?
Baekhyun: (shocked) Why so?
Fan: Because you’re too handsome……. That’s a very big crime…….
Baekhyun: Aaaaahhhhh….. (smiled radiantly) Yes yes that’s right! I may have to be sentenced to death

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i have no idea why the fonts are like that and i can't seem to fix it TT^TT


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DobiLatte #1
Chapter 59: i really admire my friend. How can she hold herself back from hugging him???
ficsystem #2
Chapter 58: The last two chapters are way too sweet. I have a bias, too. I guess i know what you feel :) . I wish one day you can see him in person. My sist, her bias isnt him so it was her objective comment, said..he was the nicest member when he came to our country last year. We know they are all nice but still that evening he was a candy!
Chapter 50: OMG HAHAHAHA BACK UP TALL GULLD PARK CHANYEOL IS MINE /dies/ First time I felt so proud of being short >____<
ficsystem #4
Chapter 52: get a good rest, Lu
Chapter 52: But I'm still hoping that SM will get back on their feet. I mean, without Lee Soo man, we wouldn't have snsd, boa, dbsk, suju, shinee, exo, rv and many more.
Chapter 52: My heart still hurts. I don't know when it will stop ;-;
I'll be praying for him. May he recover into good health soon!

I definitely did not know about him injecting IV tho O.O woah.
Chapter 51: That LuKris moment got me. Wait I'm crying again. I MISS THOSE TWO OPPAS
ficsystem #8
Chapter 50: hey... i like your message but i don't understand what the site's all btw, good luck
ficsystem #9
Chapter 50: lol...i am tall but wait...for chanyeol i'm way short. lolololol
ficsystem #10
Chapter 49: lol that fan should meet Xiumin...he wanted to see mermaid...exo eh syowtaim!