Woogyu In Words

In Words


It was an instant thing, like love at first sight only theirs was the opposite. Neither one of them bothered to find out why or even work things out, both comfortable with the way things are and continued on their merry lives and ignored each other.

But none could ignore the little bubble of something unknown that settles on their stomachs when they do cross paths.



It was inevitable, with both of them chosen for the same group and has images to keep. So with tight smiles and a stiff hug the deed was sealed.



No one ever knew how it started, but the previous deep animosity they help for each other morphed into something more deep and meaningful, something utterly new and surprising yet none of them could dare break it.

It was a thing that gathered them a lot of admiration and envy from many.



It was the first night they spent as roommates, their management forcing the both of them into one small room due to low funds. But despite the cramped up space, Woohyun couldn’t help but observe how warm Sunggyu is pressed on his side.



Sunggyu was always uncomfortable with these unknown feeling he suddenly harbored for his younger roommate, but he should have known better than to search it up in the internet.



Woohyun could never remove from his mind how Sunggyu looked earlier when the older walked in on him making out with a girl on the dressing room’s couch.



Their first kiss was an accidental one, with Sunggyu leaning on the younger’s ear to whisper something and Woohyun decided it was alright to turn his head to the side on that exact same moement.



It was funny how both of them blamed it all on lust.



Woohyun has always believed in love and Sunggyu was always apprehensive of it. It was for that exact reason why Woohyun cornered Sunggyu backstage after a show and held the older tight, having no intentions on letting go.



The both of them were known to be dominating people, and is but another battle for them.

Despite all that, between the flurry of bites and scratches and the haze of intense pleasure, it had always been clear to the both of them why they were doing it in the first place.



Other people were beginning to notice, and before everything would spiral out of control, they both decided it would be for the best to stop everything. So with tears blurring their eyes, they both shared one last soulful kiss before Sunggyu left Woohyun’s windowless room and entered his where he shared with both Myungsoo and Sungyeol.

The both of them were resolved on keeping their distance yet sadly it only took them a few days before Woohyun found himself being dragged behind the dark curtains backstage and was kissed hungrily by Sunggyu.



The couple didn’t know, but their members already knew about them for a long time now, though none of them ever voiced it on the vocal line. It had been weird and uncomfortable for them at first but the longer they pondered on it, the more they realized it was only a matter of time and they couldn’t imagine anyone else to be with the couple.

Now they found themselves hiding their smiles when they realized the vocal line had stopped pitting distance between themselves and were back to normal – closer than before actually.

And although it was still uncomfortable when they suddenly hear suspicious sounds coming from the younger vocal’s room in the middle of the night, none of them found themselves caring about it; All choosing to ignore it and instead felt happy for their fellow members.

For they have found and have each other.



“You stole my heart hyung. But lucky for you I have no plans on taking it back, because then it’ll mean that I’ll have to return yours.” Woohyun said with all seriousness and he couldn’t hide the glee in his face when he saw Sunggyu’s reddened face.

The younger was answered with a hard thwack on the head and the softest kiss on the lips.



None of them could imagine a life without the other, and the both of them could only face everything life throws at them with a smile on their faces and hands still tightly held by the other.

A/N: omg this is the first time I’m doing something like this and I could only hope this wasn’t a fail TT.TT

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Chapter 1: not even tired of reading it again and again
Chapter 1: i'm crying! was short but full of love... thanks!
Chapter 1: Omg,touched me right in the heart
Chapter 1: aww its pretty sweet. just like how woogyu is.
Chapter 1: It's simply described them. Tho its's short, i'm kind of satisfied with it. Too much woogyu feels. = ̄ω ̄=
Chapter 1: Beautiful, simply lovely
Chapter 1: perfection!
Chapter 1: aww your fics are so cute
and woogyu is so cute
my heart... ;u;