Bumkey - Heartbreaking Message for RiSe; Pleads Citizens of Korea to Make Changes

K News


In a long message on Twitter, Bumkey left a somber message in response to Ladies’ Code RiSe death.

Bumkey’s message reads as follows:

I guess this year’s Chuseok can’t be just a happy one. Although I haven’t seen RiSe often, she was such a bright, friendly person and someone who gave her all. Another farewell.. I praay that you end up in a good place. I know for a fact you did. Rest in peace RiSe.

With this tragic accident, not just to me but to everyone including everyone in the industry and citizens of Korea, our young friends have put us to our senses. We need to make changes. I know this hurts but if you look from another perspective, I thank them. Rest somewhere peaceful.

What we all need to learn is not even in textbooks, but in the sufferings of others in order to better ourselves as people and to live for the ones that we love. I believe that this will be the right way of mourning over their innocent passing.

My intentions of when I was thanking them was that we should learn something from this tragedy and their passings. What do you think those young friends would have wanted to tell us before they left? I’m going to act like I have heard what they would have said. I was just coming from a stance that we should all change our attitudes for the better.

If there was any misunderstanding regarding what I have said, I sincerely apologize. It just hurts so much.. 

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lunafxstar #1
Chapter 1: So heartbreaking