Roommate - Changes for Season Two

K News

Despite suffering from low ratings, SBS' 'Roommate' will launch its 2nd season with a new concept soon. 

Park Sang Hyuk PD revealed through Star News,"'Roommate' Season 2 will be different from the season 1. We are currently looking for the new members who will match with the concept of the season 2'. 

He continued,"The season 1 focused on how strangers gathered and live together under a same house. Season 2 will emphasis more on individual life of the members than the season 1. We would like to show the process of overcoming difficulties of people with complexes and are in pain. In particular, you will be able to see their changes and growth through 'Roommate'". 

About the cast, the PD said the season 2 will be composed of people who are need to be cheered on. Considering the new concept, the average age of the members will also be higher, and just like season 1, celebrities that are hard to see on tv will likely to become the new members. 

'Roommate' now only have 7 members after the departure of Park Bom, Lee So Ra, Song Ga Yoon and Shin Sung Woo. The cast for season 2 will include the new members and remaining members from season 1. 

'Roommate' will end its 1st season on September 14th.


Source: dkpop news

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lunafxstar #1
Chapter 1: So heartbreaking