Lost Through Time.


The story is about a young man called Nevaeh Donovan who is 15 years old.

He is the last of his known kind in, his time in which his parents were killed brutally in their own home.

He travels through time and history to figure out who he is and when he was born, to help him discover more about time breakers (Which is his kind).

While he is finding himself going through multiple situations throughout history in earths time.

He is a brave and courageous young man, who tries to find his way back home trying to figure out what really happened to his parents that day and how he lost his memory and to take down Elcon before they take him down.


Before he could walk. he was able to skip through time.


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Miss_Catta23 #1
Need to improve by making more action... i know its only the first chapter but you can add a little more. other than that ...its GREAT!
Miss_Catta23 #2
loll!! its cool<br />
TaylaLetired #3