Come Home

Sequel to I will Always Be There For You; My Paradise

In the darkness of the night you could see Hoya’s defined figure sitting on the edge of the bed. He was facing the other way but you could hear the faint sobs coming from him as you laid there asking yourself whether or not comforting him right now would actually help. You couldn’t handle him in pain as your hands traced his ; he turned around quickly trying to wipe his tears to show you his strong side. You grabbed his hand that was desperately trying to rub away the tears; you held his hand tightly in yours.

‘Hoya cry…Don’t hold it in anymore’ you whispered as he just shook his head trying to remove your hand.

‘I can’t I have to be strong to protect you’ His voice was quiet you could barely hear him as you felt his arms wrap around your body.

‘You don’t always have to be strong… Lean on me Hoya’ you let out a small breath before his lips were on yours hushing all conversations that needed to be spoken.

A knock at the door froze the intense kiss Hoya was giving you as you both looked to each other.  Hoya made a motion for you to stay inside the room but you quickly shook your head refusing to leave his side but he placed a small kiss on your lips before locking the door from the other side forcing you to stay inside.  You grabbed your pin and pried the door open you couldn’t let anything happen to him. You twisted the lock and the door was free you walked outside with caution as you could see Hoya finally opening the door. A hooded figure stood outside in the dark and you couldn’t make out who it was due to the darkness of the night, you hear Hoya gasp when suddenly the stranger tackled Hoya to the ground. In a panic you rushed to Hoya’s side attempt to pull off the stranger who was now throwing punches to Hoya’s jaw. You stopped pulling when you saw what the stranger had around his wrist it was your charm bracelet; a charm you gave to Hoya for luck it was your turtle charm…

‘D-D-Dongwoo?’ your voice was shaky as you pulled the stranger’s hoodie off to show Jang Dongwoo’s light blonde hair, in doing that Hoya managed to pull Dongwoo off of his body. Tears stained Dongwoo’s usually cheery face as he wiped them away with his sleeve and gave Hoya the scariest glare you had ever seen. Both boys were heavy panting as you stood in the way placing your hands on their chests just in case another fight breaks out.

‘What are you doing here?’ Hoya said in between his breaths as Dongwoo gave him a smirk looking the other way; both boys shrug your arm off as you run to shut the door. Dongwoo moves to sit on the couch as you look to Hoya who pulls you in close to his side.

‘Go to bed me & Dongwoo have things to discuss, Saranghaeyo’ He whispers in your ear but doesn’t take his gaze off Dongwoo who just looks blankly at Hoya.  Hoya kisses the top of your forehead and flicks his hair towards the direction of the bedroom as you obey his words without hesitation. You rest your head on his pillow and attempt to sleep but in reality you tossed and turned in bed afraid of what was happening just a few meters from the bedroom door.

-End Chapter

- Start Chapter

*I wrote this chapter listening to; If you come into my heart by MBLAQ & C-LUV (Really Good Song and it sets up the mood up for the story just saying if you want to listen to it with this story but you don’t have to but check it out… Enjoy the Chapter sorry if I write so much anyways okay bye)

Hoya’s POV

You kiss her head and send her off to bed as she looks at you with those sad eyes you couldn’t help but want to run and hold her but looking back at Dongwoo the feelings were gone. As soon as she closed the door you returned you gaze at your best friend; Dongwoo looked you once over as your eyes caught what she saw. Her charm bracelet that she had given you was around his wrists as he followed your eyes he quickly covered the small charm with his other hand. The pain rushed back to your face as you winched remembering the harsh punches he threw; you taught him well he is getting pretty strong. A small smirk showed on your face as memories flashed of you and Dongwoo play fighting throughout the nights. Dongwoo motioned for you to sit as you gave a nod quickly sitting down as the sinking feeling arrived whenever you had to talk about something serious.

‘What are you doing here, Dongwoo?’ your voice was calm as you searched for information but you didn’t even know what you were doing how did it get to this that you were questioning your bestfriend? You couldn’t even think straight as you awaited his answer.

‘Shouldn’t I be asking that question? Lee Howon’ He smirked as he said your name without formalities but then again you and him never did use status with each other.

‘You know, don’t play dumb you know why I am here…’ You couldn’t believe how angry you sounded towards your own bestfriend but right now nothing mattered to you.

His smirk vanished as he spoke ‘I know you had to protect her, Hoya… I know you love her, you think I don’t know that. We all love her she is like a sister to all of us – it’s just why did you have to go?’ His voice was lightly breaking up as his eyes became wet as you reached out to him but he slapped your hand away.

‘I had to… Dongwoo I am sorry’ you couldn’t look him in the eye as you uttered his name but you could hear the light sobs coming from the couch in front of you.

‘But Hoya there is seven of us we could’ve help you hide her and protect her, we wanted to help you please Hoya come home we will think of something together’ You finally gain the courage to look into Dongwoo’s eyes as tears fell from your own you had to go over to him. (AHH YADONG COUPLE XD) She came out from the bedroom as tears fell from her own eyes you held a hand out to her as the three of you held each other as small sobs echoed through the room.


‘….Please Hoya, come home we will think of something together’ you heard Dongwoo utter the last words that unleashed your tears as you pulled the door open. Walking outside the tears fell harder as you took in the sight of two best friends forgiving each other once more, Hoya’s red eyes fell on you as he held out his hand for you to take, you took his hand and sat in the middle of Dongwoo and Hoya who leaned into you as their cries fell on you. You their hair as they stained your shirt with tears that would always be held back.

‘Hoya, let’s go home’ after the three of you were cried out you all laid down on the couch asking about the other members. Hoya lifted his head and looked to you and Dongwoo as a small smile played upon his pink lips.

‘Arasso’ He said as he planted a kiss on your lips, Dongwoo got up from the couch and held out his hands for you & Hoya to take.

‘Let’s pack’ the three of you rushed inside and began frantically packing, throwing everything inside the suitcases when suddenly Dongwoo walked up to you.

‘Here’ He handed you the bracelet but you placed back in his hands.

‘Keep it’ his smile appeared as he slipped it onto his wrist..

‘Mwol? That is mine’ Hoya said from across the room but Dongwoo simple mehrong at him.

‘She said I can keep it so it is mine now’ He said with a childish smile that made Hoya throw a fake punch at him.

‘Oh by the way is your jaw okay? Sorry’ Dongwoo chuckled as Hoya placed a rough hand on his face.

‘I think it will feel much better if a certain someone kisses it for me’ he blinked a couple times as you let out a small laugh.

‘Arasso Dongwoo he wants you to kiss him’ Dongwoo puckered his lips toward Hoya making kissy sounds as Hoya ran around the room away from Kissy Dongwoo.

‘P-P-Please it really hurts’ Dongwoo gave up on chasing Hoya as the three of you sat on the bed but Hoya nudged at your arm as he pouted his plump lips with the blinking using as much aegyo as he could on you. Dongwoo was snoring lightly on the end of the bed as you and Hoya spread your legs sitting up on the headboard of the bed.

‘What do I get?’ You said as he just smirked pulling you close so he could whisper in your ear.

‘I can help with your asthma’ you gave him a weird glance but he just pulled you in closer as he eyed the snoring Dongwoo.

‘Heavy Breathing helps with asthma and ’ you slapped his chest as he mentioned dirty things to you he let out a chuckle.

‘you know you love it anyways you did say I was y’ His face was proud as you rolled your eyes  making him chuckle.

‘…Okay enough I know it may seem like I am a heavy sleeper but no one and I mean no one can sleep with you two yapping on about all that… stuff and don’t think I didn’t hear everything!!’ You blushed as Hoya just smirked even more.

‘Arasso but come on Dongwoo I have been through your collection, you have read way worse stuff’ Hoya said as the boys gave each other a sly glance.

‘YAA WHAT COLLECTION?  AND HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS COLLECTION?’ you said as they laughed, Hoya bit his lip as you scrunched the sheets in between your hands at the sudden turn on of HOGOD!!

‘Of course I don’t even look at that stuff now since I have you but the stuff in there…’

‘OKAY OKAY DON’T TELL ME’ you blocked your ears as they kept trying to talk about the stuff they read in ‘those’ magazines. The boys were laughing about random things but you were slowly drifting to sleep as you rested your head on Hoya’s thigh.

‘Are we making too much noise? Do you want us to go outside?’ Hoya whispered as you stirred in your sleep.

‘No stay right here’ you grabbed his hand as it linked in between your own fingers; you drifted to sleep to the sound of the two laughing softly.

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great job!
thank you for this sequel. I cried from the other part. ;~;
I lovee this story!! The ending is sad, and I cried when I read it. So emotional!!! Good story!!
I lovee this story!! The ending is sad, and I cried when I read it. So emotional!!! Good story!!
OMGGGGGGG!!! Dongsaeng-ah!!! T^T *cries, sniffles, tissues*!!!<br />
I am literally sobbing... such an emotional and moving chapter~~~~<br />
Well done! ^^________^^
/claps/ your fanfic is amazing~ i cried, so hard. OTL i was literally sobbing~ great job~~! :D<br />
btw, you're a 96'liner? ^^
i crieeed TT^TT i never like sad ending story but this one is just...<br />
<3 <3 i really like it.. the suspense and everything was awesomely written :)<br />
great job btw! :D
bangtits #8
I mean , this story.
bangtits #9
Seriously , this song is awesome! :')
although it hurts... but this is the best ending ever for this story. i mean... you made me cry a bucket and I'm still shedding a river of tears rite now. I believe, there's always a way to find love although after death. *run for more tissues*. And I must say that I really fall in love with 'her' character... but it's sad how I can't put it into words.<br />
<br />
and I thank you for this beautiful fic, I've learnt that 'the end' of something doesn't mean it ends for everything else. It might just a beginning. <br />
<br />
I really want to read more from you. *Standing Ovation* <br />
*you really make me cry* really... really!