Failed Breakfast ;P

Sequel to I will Always Be There For You; My Paradise


The light hit your eyes making you cringe away from the window as you turned to the other side to face a sleeping Hoya. One of his arms wrapped around your waist as he laid with his back down, his face looked worried even in his sleep. You couldn’t help but feel angry at yourself every time you saw how stressed he was or how sad he looked whenever Infinite was mentioned. He stirred in his sleep as he kicked off the blankets leaving your exposed body in the cool air as you shivered you moved up against his warm body. You couldn’t go back to sleep you had too many deep thoughts so you got up and attempted to make breakfast for the guy that has done so much for you. You slip out from under his body and throw on his jacket to cover your body. You walk out to the kitchen feeling completely lost as you look around the cupboards but there was so  much food but you didn’t know the first thing about cooking so you sat hopelessly on the stool trying to think of something.  You attempt to make bacon and eggs as soon as you started you knew it was going to be a disaster as you accidently cracked the egg open most of the shell went in.  You use a chopstick and attempt to get some out but it didn’t turn out so well.

‘A little shell isn’t going to hurt’ you said to yourself as you kept flipping the egg around and frying the bacon. The smell of the bacon sizzled throughout the house as you took it in listening to your stomach growl.  Two strong arms wrapped around your waist as you flipped the eggs once more for the hundredth time. His head lean against your shoulder as he pecked your cheek, his was only wearing his black track pants without a shirt as you could feel his muscled chest press against you.

‘Why didn’t you wake me? I could have made you breakfast…’ His voice echoed through the empty house as he nuzzled into your neck.

‘You looked tired I wanted to let you rest… You have done too much for me I wanted to give you something’ you whispered afraid to look into his eyes to see his reaction as you pretended to keep yourself busy by cleaning the mess.  

‘But I want to do these things for you, I want to take care of you and don’t say that you haven’t given me anything you have given me the best thing you gave me your heart’ He turned you around to face him as he slid his hand into his jacket and pressed a hand against your cold stomach.

‘T-The food is going to get cold, go sit down’ you ushered him to the table as you went to grab the food for him. You placed it in front of him as he looked at the food with a curious glint in his eyes; he slowly picked up the fork and scooped some of the egg into his mouth. You saw his reaction turned from shock to the fakest smile you have ever seen as he slowly nodded his head up & down.

‘It’s yummy’ He said slightly coughing as he chewed and you swore you saw his eyes go watery.

‘Liar, if you don’t like it tell me’ you said as he finally spat it out on a tissue making you laugh.

‘Okay, there was a lot and when I mean a lot a lot of shells in there’ He said quickly afraid you might get upset but all you could do was laugh. You had to try it out for yourself as you grabbed his fork and ate some. After two bites you spat it out with a grin he grazed his hand against your cheek.

‘EWW YUCK I CANT BELIEVE YOU KEPT A STRAIGHT FACE EATING THAT!!’ you laughed as he just smiled his hand still on your cheek. 

‘For you, I would do anything… I told you to wake me but since that s really uneatable what do you want to eat?’ He said with a small smile as you got up taking the plate to clean as he followed behind you. You started cleaning as he watched you from the bench you looked over and couldn’t help but imagine running your hand across his chest. While you were day dreaming you poured too much soap that bubbles started to foam everywhere. You panicked and ended up getting the soap everywhere as Hoya attempted to help but slipped on the overflowing water, you turned around to help him but ended up slipping as well as both of you laid on the cold floor covered in soap and water.

‘…. I can’t even wash dished properly’ you mumbled under your breath but he caught it as he wiped a few strands of your wet hair out of your eyes.

‘I don’t care about all that stuff… And you shouldn’t either I am here for you and I want you only you the way you are… I don’t care if you can’t even wash properly because I want to be there for you to help you and take care of you, Saranghaeyo’  Hoya planted his lips on yours before you could even say I love you back.

‘Talking about washing… ‘When you parted from his lips you looked at both of your soapy wet bodies and laughed at the mess you made.

‘Oh washing I don’t think you can do that either let me help you’ He said as he helped you up from the wet floor. He the rushing water and helped you out of his now soaking wet jacket and let you go inside the shower. He took off his track pants and you were both bare once more as he climbed in beside you. His hand slid up and down your back as the water trickled over the both of you.


‘Yes?’ He said as he ran his hands through your wet hair.

‘Saranghaeyo’ You turned around to see his smile once more as he kissed you. 

Just a sweet chapter but the next chapter we are going to back Infinite's Dorm where bad things are happening >.< i hope you guys like suspense anyways comment ^^

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great job!
thank you for this sequel. I cried from the other part. ;~;
I lovee this story!! The ending is sad, and I cried when I read it. So emotional!!! Good story!!
I lovee this story!! The ending is sad, and I cried when I read it. So emotional!!! Good story!!
OMGGGGGGG!!! Dongsaeng-ah!!! T^T *cries, sniffles, tissues*!!!<br />
I am literally sobbing... such an emotional and moving chapter~~~~<br />
Well done! ^^________^^
/claps/ your fanfic is amazing~ i cried, so hard. OTL i was literally sobbing~ great job~~! :D<br />
btw, you're a 96'liner? ^^
i crieeed TT^TT i never like sad ending story but this one is just...<br />
<3 <3 i really like it.. the suspense and everything was awesomely written :)<br />
great job btw! :D
bangtits #8
I mean , this story.
bangtits #9
Seriously , this song is awesome! :')
although it hurts... but this is the best ending ever for this story. i mean... you made me cry a bucket and I'm still shedding a river of tears rite now. I believe, there's always a way to find love although after death. *run for more tissues*. And I must say that I really fall in love with 'her' character... but it's sad how I can't put it into words.<br />
<br />
and I thank you for this beautiful fic, I've learnt that 'the end' of something doesn't mean it ends for everything else. It might just a beginning. <br />
<br />
I really want to read more from you. *Standing Ovation* <br />
*you really make me cry* really... really!