Whatever it takes...

Sequel to I will Always Be There For You; My Paradise

‘It’s so hot’ you whine into the fan as Hoya tinkers with the air-con, sweat drips down his face as you watch from your spot on the sofa enjoying the delicious view. His white shirt now stained with his sweat as he wipes it on his sleeve, he looks over to you with a small smile.

‘You know you could lend me a hand…’ Hoya asks Sungjong and you who are zombies beside the fan, the only source of cool air in their dorm. The rest of the Infinite Boys are out training as the three of you have to deal with the heated hell which Is Infinite’s dorm. Sungjong was hogging the bamboo pillow which would’ve been Myungsoo’s if he was there but the three of you were ecstatic that Myungsoo wasn’t there if he was he would’ve been… peculiar especially if the air-con was broken.

You get up from the couch and towards the kitchen to get a drink but Hoya pulls you down so that you sit neatly on his lap, he nuzzles his head on your arm wiping his sweat on you.

‘YAA, SWEATY BOY!! NO DOWN BOY’ You chuckle as he keeps going.

‘What am I a dog?’ he says pouting his lips to you.

‘yes, you are all mine’ you lean down kissing his lips resulting in Sungjong throwing the bamboo pillow at Hoya’s back which he then regretted afterwards. A knock came from the door as you jumped up expecting delicious ice-cream from the rest of the boys but infinite wasn’t the ones greeting you at the door…

‘You are under arrest for attempted murder’ Two police men gripped you by your arms dragging you out of Infinite’s dorms as Hoya & Sungjong reacted.

‘I don’t think you are taking her anywhere’ Hoya tightened his grip on the police man’s arm that held you as  they stared each other off.

‘Don’t make this harder than it is’ The other police man finally spoke as you looked deep into Hoya’s eyes.

‘Let go… this isn’t goodbye, Saranghaeyo’ You whispered to Hoya as he leaned in and planted  a small teary kiss on your lips. Tears fell down his eyes as he let go of the men who placed you inside their car, you looked up to see Hoya & Sungjong holding each other as tears fell clear as day down their cheeks. Hoya looked at you as he gripped tightly too Sungjong as the car drove away making you lose your view off them you unleashed your tears.

Hoya POV

You watched the car take away the girl you tried so hard to save, to protect, the girl you loved was now getting taken away. Sungjong’s tears stained your shirt as you pulled him inside letting him sob on the couch as you paced the dorm. You promised you would take of her, you told her she had nothing to worry about but you were wrong… so wrong.

You heard doors shutting outside with a parade of voices that you knew all too well, you walked back outside to be greeted by your members happy smiles if only they knew. They walked inside past you to see a sobbing Sungjong on the couch, they all turned to you then back to Sungjong.

‘Where is she?’ Woohyun asked you placing an arm on Sungjong who continued to sob, Myungsoo walked around the dorm calling her name but it was no use she was gone.

‘Hoya, what happened?’ Sunggyu spoke up as he gave you a stern stare but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell them she was gone taken like a leaf in the wind.

‘S-S-She’s gone… the police came and they took her for attempted murder’  Sungjong stopped his sobbing to tell them as Sungyeol dropped to the ground with a cry, Myungsoo ran towards him with red eyes.

‘No... That is not possible, Hoya he is lying right?’ Your bestfriend walked towards you placing his hands on your shoulders shaking you but you felt lifeless like someone has taken a part of you away.

‘Why didn’t you do something? How could you let them take her like that?’ Myungsoo spoke, this comment made you turn with a glare to Myungsoo who returned your gaze.

‘You think I wanted to let them take her? I tried… I tried my hardest and it still wasn’t enough to protect her, is that what you wanted to hear Myungsoo?’ You couldn’t help but sound aggressive but his comment tipped you over the edge as you walked to your room slamming the door.

Tears threatened to fall but you held them in with determination as you told yourself the same thing over & over; ‘This isn’t goodbye… I will do whatever it takes to get you back’

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great job!
thank you for this sequel. I cried from the other part. ;~;
I lovee this story!! The ending is sad, and I cried when I read it. So emotional!!! Good story!!
I lovee this story!! The ending is sad, and I cried when I read it. So emotional!!! Good story!!
OMGGGGGGG!!! Dongsaeng-ah!!! T^T *cries, sniffles, tissues*!!!<br />
I am literally sobbing... such an emotional and moving chapter~~~~<br />
Well done! ^^________^^
/claps/ your fanfic is amazing~ i cried, so hard. OTL i was literally sobbing~ great job~~! :D<br />
btw, you're a 96'liner? ^^
i crieeed TT^TT i never like sad ending story but this one is just...<br />
<3 <3 i really like it.. the suspense and everything was awesomely written :)<br />
great job btw! :D
bangtits #8
I mean , this story.
bangtits #9
Seriously , this song is awesome! :')
although it hurts... but this is the best ending ever for this story. i mean... you made me cry a bucket and I'm still shedding a river of tears rite now. I believe, there's always a way to find love although after death. *run for more tissues*. And I must say that I really fall in love with 'her' character... but it's sad how I can't put it into words.<br />
<br />
and I thank you for this beautiful fic, I've learnt that 'the end' of something doesn't mean it ends for everything else. It might just a beginning. <br />
<br />
I really want to read more from you. *Standing Ovation* <br />
*you really make me cry* really... really!