Part 2

Wedding Planner

Taeyeon’s wedding is exactly two months away from now. Jessica secretly wanted to mess up the wedding. Like, messing up the order for the cake, catering, venue etc. but she thought it wasn’t professional of her to do that. So she ensured everything was flawless.

After the incident at the dress boutique, Taeyeon and Jessica had become closer again. Just like the good old times. Some nights, they spend it at Taeyeon’s place eating midnight snacks together and other nights they will spend it at Jessica’s penthouse, watching movies and relieving the past.

By relieving the past, I meant having . Yes, they had gone beyond the line of friendship and professionalism. Honestly, the line had always been blurred ever since the first time Jessica stayed over at Taeyeon’s apartment because of the storm (and mmm y time).

So there they were, in Jessica’s room (well actually their previously shared room), lying stark on the bed, cuddling. They had just finished discussing about the catering services before eventually giving in to their ual desires. Since they were engaging an old friend, Sooyoung, for the catering services, they had nothing to worry about.


“Hmm?” Jessica was having a hard time keeping herself awake because Taeyeon was gently her head just like how she used to.

“Why did you never move out from this place?”

Jessica pretended to be asleep in order to avoid answering this question. The two had never talked about their feelings. They only assumed that they were using each other to get rid of all the lust and ual deprivation.

Hearing no response form Jessica, Taeyeon thought she must have fallen asleep. She gently placed Jessica in a more comfortable position before getting up and picking up her clothes from the floor. Jessica couldn’t help but to peek at her ex-wife but as soon as she saw a fully dressed Taeyeon making her way back to the bed, Jessica quickly shut her eyes.

“Bye Jessi. I love you. Always.” Taeyeon whispered before placing a quick kiss on Jessica’s forehead. She grabbed her bag and left the room. After hearing the front door click, Jessica got up from bed.

“She loves me?” Jessica spoke up. She was confused. Did Taeyeon really mean it? Or was it because it was out of habit?




D – 7


They say time flies when you’re having fun. Jessica could have sworn she wasn’t even having fun planning her ex-wife’s wedding but time still flew anyway. They have exactly a week before Taeyeon’s wedding.

Things have been going smoothly. Little hiccups here and there but nothing serious. Taeyeon was visiting her old friend, Sunny, today to personally invite her to the wedding.

Taeyeon entered the café that seemed to be pretty packed.

“Welcome to Sun- OH MY GOD IS THAT YOU TAEYEON?” Sooyoung yelled from behind the counter. She quickly rushed out from behind the counter and engulfed her old buddy in a bear hug.

“Can’t breathe.” Taeyeon managed to squeak out. Hearing this, Sooyoung quickly let go.

“I miss you!!”

“I miss you too, Sooyoung-ah. Is Sunny in?”

Hearing the ruckus from outside, Sunny popped her head out from the kitchen to check on Sooyoung. Upon seeing Taeyeon, she pushed the bowl of salad she was mixing to the chef and ran out to Taeyeon.




“So what’s the occasion?” Sunny asked, cutting things straight to the point after she and Taeyeon had managed to settle down in a booth in a corner of the café.

“Can’t I pay a visit to my old friend?”

“If you’re here to hit on me, Sooyoung is going to kill you.” Sunny jokingly warned Taeyeon.

Taeyeon chuckled. Some things never changed. She took out the invitation card from her bag and handed it to Sunny.

“What’s this? Are you planning to buy my café?” Sunny took the letter and wiggled her eyebrows at Taeyeon, which did nothing but to disgust the older girl.

“No you idiot. It’s my wedding invitation.” Sunny noticed that there was barely any excitement in Taeyeon’s voice and a fake smile was plastered on her face.

“Who is the unlucky one?” Sunny asked while carefully opening the invitation, trying to lighten up the mood.

“Stephen Hwang.” Taeyeon gave a short reply.

Sunny pretended to scan through the invitation card before placing it down on the table, together with the envelope.

“You don’t sound happy.” Sunny looked up and eyed Taeyeon. They had been friends since elementary school.

Taeyeon let out a sigh. Is it that obvious?

“You know you can tell me anything, Taeyeon-ah.” Sunny was not the kind to meddle around in her friends’ business but she was worried. Taeyeon was getting married in about a week and she’s barely even happy or excited.

“I’m not sure if this is right, Sunny.”

Sunny did not respond but she signalled Taeyeon to continue.

“I thought I had moved on from Jessica. But guess what? It seems fate is playing some kind of sick trick on us. She’s my wedding planner. To make things worse, I’ve been sleeping with her.”

Sunny almost spat out the iced coffee she was drinking.

“I thought Stephen was the perfect one for me. We had plans about having our own family and all but all I can think of is Jessica.”

Sunny hated the look on Taeyeon’s face. It was nothing but pure confusion and frustration. She took one of Taeyeon’s hands that was on the table and held it.

“I’m sorry Taeyeon but I can’t help you with this. You have to help yourself and all I can say is, follow your heart.”




D – 5


Jessica was at Taeyeon’s house tonight. Taeyeon wanted to cook dinner for the two even though Jessica insisted that she would be fine and had a lot of preparations to finish for Taeyeon’s wedding.

Jessica’s excuse was partly true. Yes, she did have preparations to finish but a huge part of her was trying to avoid Taeyeon. She has been doing such a good job at it till this evening.

Taeyeon made a surprise visit to Jessica’s office to check for updates about the wedding. Well that was what Taeyeon said but in reality, Taeyeon was desperate to see Jessica. (And a part of her loves seeing Jessica at work. Jessica looks incredibly hot when she has her hair tied up in a bun and with those geeky glasses.)

So there they were, sitting opposite each other at the dining table, eating the pasta Taeyeon had cooked. They hadn’t spoken to each other and the dinner was quiet, frustratingly quiet.

“So um, I collected the dress earlier today.” Taeyeon broke the silence.

“That’s good.” Jessica gave a short reply. She had already made plans to collect the dress tomorrow since she knew Taeyeon would be too busy with work to remember about the dress.

“Thank you for the meal.” Jessica had finished her dinner so she got up from her seat and brought her plate to the sink to wash it.

Taeyeon got up and made her way to Jessica. With Jessica’s back facing her, Taeyeon slowly slid her arms around Jessica’s waist. Seeing how Jessica was not reacting, Taeyeon placed light kisses on the back of Jessica’s neck.

“Taeyeon, stop. I’m doing the dishes.” Jessica managed to say after trying to not moan. Her neck area was always a soft spot.

“Hmm. Are you staying?” Taeyeon whispered huskily into Jessica’s ear. She felt Jessica shiver.

“No.” Jessica gave a one-word answer.

“Why not?” Taeyeon managed to say in between placing kisses on the side of Jessica’s neck, near her ear.

Seeing that she was done with the dishes, Jessica turned around and faced Taeyeon who had a seductive smile plastered on her face.

“We need to stop doing this, Taeyeon-ah.”

The older girl’s forehead scrunched up in confusion.

“Doing what, Jessi?”

Jessica took a deep breath. Her chest felt tight and her eyes were beginning to water.

“This, Taeyeon. Coming over to each other’s house, staying for the night and meeting unnecessarily. You’re going to be someone else’s wife in like less than 5 days. We need to stop.”

“But I want this. And I know you want it too.” Taeyeon grabbed Jessica’s hands and placed it in between them as though trapping her.

Taeyeon took a deep breath before continuing, “Honestly, I don’t even care about the wedding right now. I don’t even care about Stephen. He deserves someone better than me.”

Taeyeon then placed Jessica’s hands on her chest, somewhere near her heart.

“I want you. I need you, Jessi. I love you, Jessi. Always.”

Jessica was rendered speechless. Her heart was racing. Her mind was trying to comprehend the words that the girl had just said.

“Only one more night.” Jessica whispered before crashing her lips on Taeyeon’s.




D – Day


Today is the day. Everything is going smoothly and as planned. Jessica’s nervousness caused her to constantly check for any mistakes or errors. The wedding had to be perfect and flawless. It had to even though it was causing her heart to break.

Jessica made her way to the waiting room where Taeyeon was in. She knocked a few times before hearing a muffled, “Come in”. The sight that greeted her rendered her speechless.

Taeyeon looked beyond stunning in the wedding dress Jessica had chose. She looked almost angel-like.

“It’s nice to see you again, Jessica dear.” The gentle voice of an elderly woman brought Jessica back to reality.

Jessica gave a deep bow to the lady who was standing next to Taeyeon.

“It’s great to see you again, Mrs Kim.”

Mrs Kim gave her a gentle smile that Jessica had terribly missed.

“Thank you for helping our Taeyeon with this wedding. I’ll leave you two alone now.” Mrs Kim left the room after giving a gentle pat on Jessica’s shoulder.

“So it’s the day.” Jessica announced as though it was not obvious enough.

“I’m aware of that, Jessi.” Taeyeon chuckled.

“You look beautiful, Taeyeon-ah.” Taeyeon knew Jessica’s compliment was sincere. And seeing how Jessica looks so awestruck, it only made Taeyeon’s heart race and her cheeks to blush.

“Thank you, Jessi.” Taeyeon pulled the planner for a hug. Jessica wasn’t sure if Taeyeon was thanking her for the compliment, the wedding or something else.

“I have to go an check on some stuff. I’ll be out there for the ceremony. Good luck.” Jessica quickly made her way out of the room. As soon as she was out, she let out the breath that she didn’t even know she was holding.




The ceremony was starting. Stephen was waiting for Taeyeon at the altar. Taeyeon walked down the aisle with her father. And then Jessica’s mind decided to replay old memories from her first marriage.

She remembered how nervous she was while waiting for Taeyeon at the altar. Thoughts like, “What if she doesn’t want to marry me?” and “What if she decides to run away?” were constantly running in her mind.

The voice of the priest brought her back to reality. Jessica was tuning out mostly. She had wanted to run away from the church. It was too suffocating in there.

“If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.”

Jessica didn’t know what got into her but she stood up with her hand raised.

“I object!” She yelled before making her way to the front. Gasps were heard from every corner of the room and everyone looked horrified.

“Jessi?” Taeyeon asked as though not believing the girl she loves had just objected to her marriage.          

“Jessica please, come on.” Sunny who had followed her friend was going to stop her.

“Taeyeon, listen. You can’t marry him. Remember what you told me? He deserves someone better. You want me. You need me. You love me. Always. And I’m here to tell you that I want you too. I need you too. And I love you, so much. And always. I never got over you. Please, Kim Taeyeon. Don’t say yes.”

The bride was speechless but before she could even react, Taeyeon’s brother and cousins dragged Jessica out of the church.

“Is it true, Taeyeon?” Stephen turned his bride to face him. Taeyeon had tears b in her eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Taeyeon ran out of the church. She tried to run as fast as she could but her high heels and dress prove to be a burden for this kind of moment.

Stephen was going to chase after his bride when Taeyeon’s parents stopped him.

“Please let her go.” Mrs Kim said in her gentle voice.




“JESSICA!!” Taeyeon yelled when she spot a girl sitting at the roadside.

Said girl turned around, surprised to see the bride still in her dress running towards her. She stood up and ran towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was panting when Jessica was in front of her.

“I’m sorry Taeyeon. I didn’t know what came over me but I meant every single word I sa-“ Taeyeon cut Jessica off with a kiss on her lips.

“Sometimes, you speak a little too much.” Taeyeon joked. Jessica was still shock from the kiss.

“You were so brave then. Why so quiet now?” Taeyeon teased the girl again but she was in turn taken aback when Jessica was suddenly down on one knee.

“I don’t even understand why we went separate ways when we should have stuck together through thick and thin. Will you,” Jessica took a deep breath and with a wide smile on her face (despite tears b in her eyes), continued her sentence, “Will you marry me, Kim Taeyeon?”

“Once again, yes.”

“Now that Jessica has popped the question, why don’t we go inside and marry you two officially?” To the surprise of the couple, Stephen was standing there as the witness.

“I don’t have a dress.” Jessica realized.

“Don’t worry. You can wear the one I was planning to wear for the evening.” Taeyeon assured her fiancé.




“If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.”

Thankfully no one objected and the ceremony carried on.




(Three years later)

“Thank you, Jessi.”

“Why are you thanking me?”

“For being brave and going against the world.”

“YAH! Jung SooJung!” Jessica raised her voice at her two-year-old daughter. Taeyeon laughed at the sight before her. She grabbed a kitchen towel and helped wipe the pasta sauce from Jessica’s face.

“Thank you for the wonderful gift too.” Taeyeon placed a chaste kiss on Jessica’s lips.


Hey there. Sorry for the long wait for this one-shot. 

A lot of unexpected things happened that caused the delay for this one-shot.

Things like, the death of Rise and Eunbi, Jessica's sudden withdrawal etc.

Also, as mentioned in the first chapter, I had changed the plot for this story like a billion times.

A few of the ideas included, Jessica and Taeyeon being high school best friends, a one-sided lovestory etc. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot (despite the circumstances we are in right now).

Drop your comments down below. 

Thank you for patiently waiting and I hope I didn't disappoint you. 

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Chapter 3: Ohmygod this is so good.. especially the " I object " part, cuz I realised that so far, for all the stories that I've read with marriage with someone that you don't really love, the person just runs away during the ceremony or before that and never was there someone who was actually brave enough to fight for their love like how Jessi did in this story and it was a refreshing change.
AAAAND that mini letter you wrote to Jessica, ohlawd I could totally relate, not that I hated her before, she was never my bias but somehow she crept into my heart. It's been so long but I can't help but feel like there's something missing from SNSD but still, as long as they're all happy.
Am I talking too much? AHHAHA I realised my comments are always long. Anyways, LOVE YOUR FICZ, binge reading them rn.
mzlyod #2
Chapter 3: Make a sequel for this.. wanna c how they raise little dudungie..... ^^,
series_9 #3
This is my second time reading this. Idk why but the second time seems nicer hehe. Cute Taengsic ftw.
Taengsic95 #4
Chapter 3: You did good job :) thanks for update and I love the ending
Chapter 3: awww this is cute!! i like the ending kekek..
mzlyod #6
Chapter 3: w0w..!!
they r t0gether again...
and... have baby!!!
great 0ne.. ehe
Bumella #7
Chapter 3: thank you so much for ending this fic with a happy ending.. we need all that .. ya i do enjoy the story a lot.. glad that they both realise their love for each other before it becomes too late