It Started With a Game of Dodgeball

My Best Friend is A Cross-Dresser?

[Yun's POV]

I've been trying to get rid of my feelings for Hoya for the past few days. I only talked to him if it was necessary and I've spend the past few nights sleeping extremely late for the reason that I had to force myself to stop daydreaming about him and his.. intense and charismatic gaze. No! Snap out of it, Yun!

[Sungjong's POV]

When we got to school, Yun walked slowly and gloomily and plumped to her seat. Man, she's been more tired lately. I wonder what's gotten into her...

"Hey Sunha, why is Yun like that these days?" Hoya asked as he looked at Yun with much concern. 

I shrugged my shoulders casually. "Beats me, I don't know." 

Jokwon seonsaeng then entered the room happily with his usual funky attitude. He dropped his books down and greeted everyone with open arms. "Hello everybodeh~! Let's start homeroom, shall we?" 

"Yes, seonsaeng!" Everyone in the class enthusiastically replied except Yun, who already fell fast asleep. I must say, we're so lucky to have him as our homeroom teacher. He's always so peppy and alive unlike the other homeroom teachers who just do everything by the book. So boring, so uniform. 

Jokwon seonsaeng clapped his hands twice to attract attention and did a drumroll on his desk to add some spice to his announcement. "Today, we'll be having an all-day PE special!" 

Everyone was rejoicing and jumping around in happiness but Seonsaeng noticed that Yun was just there, completely lifeless so he went to her. 

He tapped Yun's shoulder twice. "Yun, why're you feeling so low?'" 

"Grr..." She gave Seonsaeng a piercing death glare and he retreated in fear and asked L to charm Yun. 

L slowly walked towards Yun. He was slightly shaking in fear. "Y-Yun, Cheer up, aryt.~" L nudged her cutely and gave her a wink. He was about to hug her until Hoya intruded and blocked Yun from L with his hand. "L, that's enough, no need for a hug." 

To his surprise, Yun squeezed Hoya's hand tightly with much force. "Don't touch me." She groaned while Hoya suffered in her painful grip. His fangirls screamed for him but they were no use at all, they just stood there, scared. And that's when I come in. 

I got Yun's wrist and separated the two. Hoya let out a sigh of relief as he held his hurt wrist. "Thanks, Sunha."

"No prob." I replied with a thumbs up. I went to the sleeping beast and nudged her but she suddenly stood up from her seat and in a split second, she grabbed my collar. "Don't disturb me in my sleep."

Hoya calmly held Yun's hand and controlled it to let me go. "Yun, that's enough." She toned down immediately but she still remained silent and lifeless.

"Sunha, can you hand me a comb, please?" Hoya asked. 

"Sure." I gave him the comb and he thanked me with a smile.  

"Your hair is so messed up today, you should at least make yourself look presentable." He said as he brushed Yun's messy, puffed up hair. She nodded weakly and her cheeks flushed red. Damn it, I should seriously make my move soon. 

"Just try to brighten up for the day, alright?" Hoya smiled, patted her back and went to his seat. 

"Alright..." She let out a faint smile but it was evident that she tried her best to do so. 

By the time that PE class had started, she was able to put her game face on. I'm kinda relieved that she finally brightened up. These past few days have been really gloomy with her moping around the apartment. 

"Listen up, today's sport is dodgeball! It will be boys versus girls." Min seonsaeng announced. 

"Okay, team up and let's start the game~!" Gikwang seonsaeng said.

"Bring it on, bring it on!" The boys arrogantly challenged us while they smacked the dodgeballs around. They were such children, how immature. As for the girls, we just laughed at them and played for fun.

"Ready, set, go!" Gikwang seonsaeng whistled and it became a barbaric battlefield of ball cannons. Only a few seconds have passed and already half of the class was sitting on the benches, watching the gruesome duel. People where getting hit here and there and I have to admit, Yun is quite the dodgeball master. She basically dodged every single ball that was thrown at her and eliminated so many of our classmates. She was responsible for almost half of the guys who were eliminated.

"Go die!" She yelled for fun as she hit L and Woohyun leaving only Sungyeol left in the Boys Team. "Screw you!" The two joked and went to their benches.

"Hey Yun, you've got something on your shirt!" Sungyeol yelled and she looked at her shirt. "There's nothing on my-"

He threw a ball and it hit her gut, she was caught of guard. "This ball!" Damn it, I'm the last one and it's me against Sungyeol. I'll just try to catch the ball so that Yun can step back into the court. That way, it's going to be two against one. 

"Prepare to lose, Sunha!" Sungyeol shouted and he threw the ball at me. I ran forward at full speed to catch it until I semi-slipped and accidentally switched directions... "BAM!" I hit the nearby metal flag pole. I felt my head and it was bleeding, I began to feel dizzy as I walked with almost no balance at all. 

"Sunha!" Hoya yelled and carried me to the clinic. "Just hold on." 

When we got to the clinic, I was told to sit on one of the clinic's beds with Hoya on the chair in front of it. The nurse then approached us to see my bleeding forehead. "My, that must've hurt. Please lift your hair up." 

Looks like I have no choice but to reveal it to him now. She won't be able to treat me properly if my wig gets in the way. 

"Alright, Miss." I said calmly and removed my wig and placed it on top of the sidetable. She then treated my wounds and left me there to rest. The nurse already knew about me since she looks at the medical records. Of course, she kept the secret between the two of us. 

Hoya, on the other hand, was shocked. "So... you're a guy?"

"Yeap and Hoya..." I was very nervous and hesitant but I tried to maintain my cool despite my wound.

"Dude, I like you." I confessed. I looked at him straight in the eye with all honesty but I couldn't read his face at all.

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm straight and I already like someone else." At that moment, my heart sank and I tried to hold my tears back. 

"Are you disgusted by me?" 

"About you being gay?"


"I mean, bi? No, not at all." He smiled. At least he accepts me for who I am and I'm glad to know that.

"The person you like... could it be, Yun?" I asked.

"Yes, I've had a crush on her since day one but please don't tell her. Actually, she's been ignoring me nowadays and I'm starting to get the feeling that she's trying to avoid me." He said worriedly.

Suddenly, I heard someone rushing into the clinic and screaming my name.

"Sungjong, are you alright?!" It was Yun and the moment she saw me wigless and bitter beside Hoya, she was able to assess the situation quickly. She scooted over to the empty spot on the bed beside me and checked my wound and felt my neck and head if I had a fever. I could see that Hoya was slightly jealous of me.

"Calm down, I'm not sick or anything." I assured her. 

"Oh, that's good." She did a crooked smile as she held her gut. Hoya immediately got an ice pack and handed it to her. "Thanks, Hoya." 

He beamed at her. "You're welcome." 

In the end, we missed out on the one whole day of PE. Turns out, Yun also had to rest for the day since that jerk Sungyeol hit her hard. He's gonna be getting it from me tomorrow.

When we got home, I had lost my apetite since I'm still depressed from being rejected. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at him at all. It's just the heartache that continues to eat me up. 

"Hey, I'm making dinner tonight." She said. Yeah, right, I've seen her in cooking class and she's always the one who's screwing up. 

"Just try." I tried to crack up a joke.

"We'll see about that!" She replied and headed for the kitchen while I just squandered in self-pity inside my room. I really gotta bounce back soon, I don't want anyone to be burdened by my sadness.

An hour later, Yun called me for dinner and I still didn't have any intention of eating. I just stared blankly at the table and a tear managed to escape from my eye. 

"It's okay, I'll clean up. Just go back to your room and we'll talk about it later, okay?"

I went back to my room and plumped to my bed. Yun came inside a few minutes later and sat beside me.

"So what exactly happened between you and Hoya?" She asked.

"Well, I confessed. He was straight." 

"Oh." She understood immediately and gave me a big hug. "It's okay, you're Sungjong! You'll bounce back sooner or later." 

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She looked at my wounds and she began to feel sorry. "Hey, I'm sorry about your wound. If only I didn't led my guard down..."

"No, it's not your fault. It's that douchebag Seungyeol's fault." I said as I held her hand. "Ack!" She faintly said. I noticed that her hands had cuts and burns, she must've gotten them from cooking tonight's dinner. Damn, I feel so guilty.

"Stay here." I commanded and went to get the first aid kit.

"This might sting a bit..." I warned and rubbed the medicine on her cuts with a cotton ball. "You call that a bit?!" She complained. 

"Better deal with this unless you want these heal slower. Now sit still." I said as I applied the last few dabs of medicine. "There, it's all done, you drama queen." 

"Look who's talking!" She joked.

"Oh, shut up." I pouted.

"I'll be going to my room now.~" She said but when she was about to stand up, I held onto her shoulder. "Repay the favor , this time..." Wow, this is embarrassing.


"Stay here until I sleep." 

"Wow, what a man." She mocked.

"Be quiet!" 

"It's alright, I'm just kidding! I'll be glad to stay with you." She happily agreed and lied down beside me. 

"Hey, why have you been so down lately?" I asked with curiosity.

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"HAHAHAHAHA. I just keed, Promise." I assured her.

"I was trying to get rid of my feelings for Hoya but I had a hard time doing so."

"It's okay, he's all yours. Just be yourself in front of him, okay?"

"O.. kay...~" She said and fell asleep on my lap, so much for moral support. I understand though since she barely had any sleep for the past few days and to put the cherry on top of the cake, she had to deal with today's PE shenanigans. She cuddled me, thinking that I was a pillow and for some weird reason, I feel very... warm and good inside. Could it be that... I've been liking the wrong person all this time?

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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 47: Great fanfic! best Sungjong fanfic ever!
great job!
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 47: I love this! Please make a sequel author-nim!!!
Chapter 47: sungjong is just amazing!
Chapter 47: sequel please? authornim. kkkk
infinitexo19 #6
Chapter 47: This was one of the best sungjong fanfics i've ever read! Thank u soo much for this great fanfic!
infinitexo19 #7
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim new reader here! I like the story as far as i am right now! Thank u fir this great fanfic!
Chapter 47: such a cute story....though I don't know why anyone would ever run away from Sungjong.... :)
5herL00kAtMe #9
OMO!! This story is great!! The idea is really unique. I'd never had thought of writing a crossdressing fic!! :) Sungjong became really manly at the last part! Love this story!! Hwaiting!! :)
Chapter 47: its doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee