The Shopping Date

My Best Friend is A Cross-Dresser?

[Sungjong's POV]

I seriously can't believe that I'm doing this... Sharing my prize with Sungyeol and now going on a date with him? Well, it wouldn't be fair if he left the marathon empty-handed. He's the reason why I won in the first place.

"Sunha~!" He finally arrived, running and screaming toward me preparing for a hug. I pushed him away and caught him by the back of his jacket. "Hey, Sungyeol." I greeted.

"Aww unfair!" He whined.

"What's unfair?"

"You still owe me a hug from last time. The closet, remember?" 

"We're not playing that stupid game anymore so I don't owe you anything."

"But-but!" He was really eager.

"But what?!" 

"L made a mistake with the timer and let us out on the 6th minute..." He pouted to make me feel guilty. Sadly, it was working. 

"One quick hug. That's it, alryt?"

"Okay!" He nodded willingly and spread his arms out for a hug. I rapidly hugged him but as I was about to let go, he wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. 

The moment my feet touched the ground, I let go. Embarrassed, I exclaimed, "I said just a quick one!" 

He stuck his tongue out with his jokester wink. "You know me, I bend the rules at times." 

"Let's just go and eat." 

We began to walk around the mall to look for places to eat. 

"Let's eat at a Japanese restaurant!" He declared. 

"Excuse me, don't I have a say on this?" I asked while placing my hands around my waist.

"Oh, sorry. Where do you wanna eat?" 

"At a Japanese restaurant!" I jumped up and punched the air happily. Dumbfounded, Sungyeol replied, "But it's the same freakin' thing..."


We arrived at the Japanese restaurant and there, we took a seat. At first, I was pretty much scared since I always thought that Sungyeol would be sloppy in the manners department but it seems that he's not.

"Hello! My name is Heechul and I will be your waiter for the day." It was Heechul, our school's hall monitor wearing his black shades as usual. He was surprised to see the two of us eating together. "Oh, Sungyeol! Sunha!" He high fived us casually and started taking our orders.

"I'll have ten pieces of salmon sushi and water." I said. 

"Will that be for the both of you already?" Heechul asked as he jotted down my order onto his clipboard. 

"Hell no! That's just for me."

He was slightly shocked 'cause I looked too thin to be eating that much. "Uh... Sure. What about Sungyeol?

"I'll order the same as her but by any chance, do you guys have coffee?"

"Yes, we do."

"Two cups of coffee, please." He ordered with a big smile.

"Let me guess... That's only for you." Heechul inferred.

Sungyeol did a thumbs up. "Yeap!" 

"Okay, I got your orders. By the way, I forgot to give you this..." He then handed a detention slip to Sungyeol. It said there, "For cutting classes... Twice." 

Sungyeol glared at Heechul. "Dude, I'm on a date! Stop embarrassing me." 

"You should've thought of that before you cut class." Heechul scoffed and left the two of us.

I smirked. "Seriously? Sungyeol?" 

He shook one hand. "Let's not talk about this." 

A few minutes later, our orders arrived and we happily ate it. Before we left, Sungyeol gave a big tip with a letter to Heechul asking him if he could let him off the hook. Like that'll happen.


After eating, Sungyeol and I went to my favorite store. 

"So, how does this ensemble look on me?" I asked. He looked pretty bored though. Did I take too long in changing clothes?

"Those shorts don't look good with that top." He answered frankly.

"What?!" I yelled in embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry. Wow! You look pretty and gorgeous and stunning!" He replied sarcastically while waving his arms around. "Here, try these on." He threw a pair of shorts at my face and pushed me back to the dressing room.

A few minutes later, I went out and asked him once more, "So, how does it look?"

"Great!" He nodded. "So, are you buying those?"

"Yeah." Before I went to pay for my clothes, I got a pair of black ripped jeans.

"Who's that for?" Sungyeol asked.

"This is for Yun, she kinda likes things like these." I replied as I held the pants up. True, Yun would like these pants but my real motive is for her to share them with me. After all, our sizes are pretty much the same.

I then bought my new outfit as well as Yun's [our] pants.


The two of us went to a nearby store to buy men's clothing. Sungyeol was just throwing in almost every long-sleeved plaid shirt that he could find into the cart as well as random fedoras of almost the same design.

"You're impulse buying, you know that." I blankly stated the obvious to him.

"These aren't for me, they're all for L." He said as he threw a bunch of fedoras into the cart. "L has an obsession with these, you see."

"Why not buy something for yourself?" 

"Then why'd you come here in the first place?"

He placed his hands on both of my shoulders. "Simple, to be with you." 

"Ah..." I couldn't answer him 'cause I was hiding the butterflies.

"Say, why not pick something out for me?" He suggested.

"Hmmm... How about this?" I got a gray jacket with angel wings at the back. "You like stuff like this, right?" 

"Wow! How'd you know?" 


While he was paying for his clothes, I went to Etude House to buy some BB cream. When I got back, he had two paper bags. One large and one small. The small one probably had his jacket inside of it. 

"Since we're done shopping, shall we stroll around the park?" He then linked my arm around his and we walked to the park.


The park was very relaxing. There was no one there but us so we had the park all to ourselves. 

"I had a great time today. Did you?" He asked me with a soft expression on his face.

I nodded with a smile. "Yes, I did."

He let out a sigh of relief as he pressed his hand against his chest. "That's good. I thought that I'd be sloppy." 

Suddenly, he stopped walking and stood in front of me. "I need to ask you a serious favor..."

"What is it?" 

He then removed my wig, revealing my true gender. "Could you please stop pretending in front of me...?" 

"You knew?" I asked, shocked.

"Of course, I knew." 

"But how?" 

"I saw you confessing to Hoya..." He slightly lowered his head as his face sank.


He looked at me straight in the eye. "I ran after you that day on your way to the clinic. I was so dead worried and I couldn't forgive myself for what I've done." 

"Sungyeol..." I patted his shoulder to comfort him. 

He softly held my hand. "That's why I did all I could to protect you in the marathon. Even if it meant depleting all of my energy that day." 

"But why still go on a date with me?"

"It's because..." He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead. "I have feelings for you, Sungjong." 

I slightly pulled away from his hug with mixed feelings. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer you right now."

"It's okay." He took a cute furry bunny jacket from the small paper bag and wrapped it around me. "I don't want to rush you." 

"Have a nice day, Sungjong." He said with a smile and walked away as the wind blew slightly. 

My heart was beating really fast at the time. Someone was willing to love me as I am but the problem is.... Do I love him back enough? 

I stood there alone, clutching onto the jacket that was wrapped around me with watery eyes, dazed and confused.

"Even I don't know who my heart is calling out..."

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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 47: Great fanfic! best Sungjong fanfic ever!
great job!
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 47: I love this! Please make a sequel author-nim!!!
Chapter 47: sungjong is just amazing!
Chapter 47: sequel please? authornim. kkkk
infinitexo19 #6
Chapter 47: This was one of the best sungjong fanfics i've ever read! Thank u soo much for this great fanfic!
infinitexo19 #7
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim new reader here! I like the story as far as i am right now! Thank u fir this great fanfic!
Chapter 47: such a cute story....though I don't know why anyone would ever run away from Sungjong.... :)
5herL00kAtMe #9
OMO!! This story is great!! The idea is really unique. I'd never had thought of writing a crossdressing fic!! :) Sungjong became really manly at the last part! Love this story!! Hwaiting!! :)
Chapter 47: its doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee