


It was now night time and you didn't bother to even go down the dining room to eat with them.
'Do i still have my parents? Where is my mom? my dad? do I have any siblings? relatives?' questions had flooded your mind once again.



Little 6 yrs. old you was running around someone's villa at the top of  mountaing near a cliff.

'~~~~ dear be careful!~ you don't want to fall off the cliff!' a lady who is in her middle 27's that is your umma said.
'Umm...a!~ look! a ki---' you were cutted off when a very strong wind blew. You lost your balance and was about to fall off the cliff when your umma and appa quickly ran towards you.

They got you and then you were finally safe. Just then little did they know someone was behind a big tree near some pile of bushes just 4 feet away from little you, your umma and appa.

A guy in black pulled the trigger of his gun and aimed at your parents. and BAMMM!!!!

the gun shot fierced through your umma and appa. Your eyes rounded in shock. You were paralyzed in your spot as you looked at the dead bodies of you parents.
Maids went to the scene and called the ambulance.

End of Flashback...!


You hold you head and burried your face in your pillow. You were getting a heavy headache. "U....mma.. a-app...a..." you whimpered you were now starting to cry remembering. The past hurts.

And what's worse is.. You actually losed your memories...

Little did you know outside your room standing infront of your door. A guy who was ready to knock suddenly heard you faint whimperings.

He sat on the chair that was just besyd your door.

"~~~-ahh..." he whispered. 

A guy then passed by.. "What are you doing sitting infront of her door Sungyeol hyung?"
He stopped and looked at his hyung.

Then he heard your faint whimppering..

"Is she.. having her past memories back?" the younger one said. "Molla..." Sungyeol said as he closed his eyes.

They both sighed, and L just continued walking.. back to his room.

Once he was in, he closed the door and sat on his couch. 

"Because it’s my heart that’s not working I can’t send you like this, why?You need to be here for it to be paradise, This is paradise where I locked you up against your will." he said.

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Chapter 19: @ALL thanks for waiting? XD i .. am.. so sorry for not updating *bows 214381098365412375297 times*
@missukiss7 i did~
@Xtra4U thanks for subbing XD and wanna guess what'd happen next?
@hottimes :DDD
@floresitaseungri i just did, thanks for reading :D
Chapter 18: HOHOHO,
what's the next would happen? :p
Can't wait to see the next chapter ^-^
Chapter 16: Please update this story!!! ^o^ i really love it! *new readers*
Chapter 15: new reader here :)
Please do update again whenever you have the time, I miss this story.
I wonder who they are protecting her from?????
AwwW they'll protect her!!!!
They are so sweet!!!<br />
I can't wait for the next chapter!!
new reader here...<br />
i like ur story...<br />
protect from who?<br />
update soon<br />
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