Dressed in an Early Morning Glow

a voice thick with dreams

He awoke to the white lights filtering through his curtains and he thought to himself, is it morning already? The day ahead unraveled: the calls he needed to return; the faucet he needed to fix, the papers he needed to sift through, the people he needed to up to, the supplies he needed to buy and many other obligations he had forgotten, that he will pay for later in the week. He reviewed like a list, repeating and rephrasing, in hopes he didn’t forget them all.


But he could hardly concentrate as he watched the body beside him, rise and fall. He smiled to himself as he turned to his side to watch his wife sleeping. She wrapped herself up in the white fluffy blanket that they shared. The truth was Yoongi never needed the blanket, so it was fine. And not to mention, he loved waking up to her flushed face under the blanket. Her hair bundled around her neck and her pillow in long black streaks. He swept a strand with his fingertip out of her face, while lightly her cheek. A smile climbed up his face. He grabbed her waist and moved in to cup her head in the nook of his neck. He could feel her breathing on his neck, low and slow. It tickled his skin, but it was warm and familiar. He loved it when her white t-shirt would rise with her breathing, it made him feel more alive. Her heart beat against his skin. It was so intimate that something inside of her was felt by him--an outside force. And that the muscle that kept her breathing against his chest was steady in his ears. There was something personal about feeling her slightest movements, as if it was just for her and him. He moved back to admire her face again. Pressing his nose against hers, he whispered softly.


Jagiya…wake up…”


She said nothing, but Yoongi smiled anyway. He could see her eyelashes lightly brush against her cheeks. He rubbed his thumb across her eye and he whispered her name again. She stirred. Groaning softly, she pushed the blanket from her face. He watched her slowly stretch her hands and then he grabbed her wrist--feeling her pulse in his thumb. He kissed her palm and breathed in. She squinted and looked up at her husband.


“Yoongi, I didn’t even hear you come in last night.”


He let go of her hand and brushed the hairs off of her forehead. “Actually, it was this morning, about 4.” As he spoke, he kissed her head, dreamily as he was distracted by her beauty.


Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned so her back faced Yoongi. Yawning again, she asked Yoongi when he’s leaving for work. He smiled while snaking his hand around her waist. Pulling her toward him, he breathed in her scent through her hair. It was one of his most favorite things of the day. She smelled fresh and clean like spring. Though he did that every morning, he was always overwhelmed by amazing she was. When he inhaled her in, it was as if he was engulfed by the sea. All around him was her essence--refreshing and cool. It was a sensory overload where he is alone with her in his arms. Her heart was all he could hear. Her warmth was all he could feel. Her natural perfume was all he could smell. He could melt into her, and feel what she felt or just be one with her. She exhilarated him as he felt a tingle lingering on his fingertips. Only she could do that to him. She always brought an unexpected energy to him and all he wanted to do with it was be with her. That’s what he wanted everyday. But that day could not be what he wanted. He sighed and answered that he needed to leave at eight--it was six at the time.


She turned around. “Are you serious, Yoongi?”


He nodded.


She sat up and slumped her shoulders. Her hair in the back, fell down her to the side of her face and Yoongi couldn’t help but brush it off.


“Why are you still awake? Go to sleep…”


He tsk-ed as he wrapped his arms around her waist again and placed his head at the crook of her neck again. She placed her hands on top of his and he lightly pressed his lips against her cheek. “Jagiya...it’s fine. I have to get going soon…”


“So soon?” she asked, groaning in annoyance.


Looking down, she started picking at a loose end curling out from the comforter. She twirled it around her finger and smoothed it out on the white blanket. Yoongi knew that when she was this quiet, she was thinking about saying something; something that bothered her, but that Yoongi didn’t see. He knew that she wanted to say it, but he also knew that she was a private person. Most of the time, he’d have to ask her straight out what was on her mind. He whisked away her hair from her face and asked her what was wrong.


“Nothing…” she said as she looked down. “It’s just… I never see you anymore. You’re always busy with your job and I know that you love music and there are a lot of people counting on you, but I like having you around…” Her words fell as she kept speaking, realizing that she knew this would eventually happen when he asked her to marry him.


But Yoongi didn’t scowl or pout, instead he closed his eyes and buried his face into her neck. He squeezed her waist as if it was a hug.


“You know what I would do if I could spend the whole day with you?” He kissed her neck again and whispered his secrets. “I would stay in bed with you and cuddle you until you stirred. I would kiss your perfect face until you actually woke up and then you’d hit me. But you’d be awake enough to come into the kitchen and help me make breakfast. You’d tell me a dream you had last night and I’d kiss you and not really pay attention, because you make me go crazy. We’d eat whatever was in the fridge and watch TV for an hour. Maybe I’ll kiss you some more while you tell me to stop. Then we’d go out and shop around Myeongdong, where I’d put you in cute hats and ask you if I looked as good in them as you did. You’d say no and I’d kiss you. Our arms would cross as we crossed the streets of Seoul--not buying anything, but just being with each other. We’d go out to eat--somewhere fast, because you’d be too hungry to wait for anything else. We’d eat in the park, where our napkins would be caught by the wind and I’d have to run to go get them. You’d laugh and make fun of me and I would just kiss you again, because I love you. We’d talk about my job, our life, our future until it was too cold to be outside. After that, we’d go home and go to my office, where I’d show you new songs that I wrote...just for you. You’d smile like you do and laugh the way I love and then I’d kiss you again. For the rest of the night I’d kiss you and then we’d sleep in our warmth.” He closed his eyes again and sighed deep in wishes and aggravation.


“If I could spend the whole day with you, I would. You know that.”


She slumped her shoulders, but she didn’t speak. Yoongi knew that’s not what she wanted to hear, but he couldn’t tell her any lies--just his dreams.


“I love you so much…” he grumbled in her hair.


“I love you also,” she replied as she grabbed his locks from the back of his neck.


The two didn’t say much for a while. All that was heard was breathing again. They breathed together and their hearts beat together. That’s all he ever needed. And if he could, that’s all that would ever be. But those are just dreams.



I hope that you liked it:D This is my first Suga fanfic, did I do well?

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Chapter 1: aaaah this was from 2014 but the romance of this albeit a little bittersweet is still relevant ;~;
this was really nice and just heartfelt, i'd melt in yoongi forever in this little fic >< <3
greenmayiel10 #2
Chapter 1: that was heart melting..
Sarah694 #3
Chapter 1: Wow it was amazing!
I love it so~~~~~ much. If they had just one day... oh~ T-T
Thank you authornim ^^
YeolCy #4
Chapter 1: This was so sweet. I love your writing style. Especially the way which Yoongi thinks about his wife.