Epilogue: I Remember

Paradise Lost

We are drawn to people we have loved before. I look for you in every life. So we can finally have our happy ending. 

Sometimes I find you, sometimes I find you too late.

“Boss, we reject so many trainees.” the pretty, red haired assistant complains as she erased yet another 25 potentials from the database with a swipe of her hand. She shuts her tablet, the hologram disappearing from the room. Frustrated, she snaps, “We have ONE more trainee for you to view today. She came by high recommendation, I don’t have her info yet so just scan her wrist when she gets in ok?” She shakes her head at her kind but picky boss. “Try not to make this one cry?”

Nam Woohyun laughed sheepishly, knowing how hard he made it for her, “I’ll try, noona..”

He walked confidently toward the audition room, the hallway lit up with floor to ceiling interactive videos, featuring his work, his artists. The booming speakers filled the halls, "Here at Infinite Entertainment, we only breed the best talent..." Technology sure advanced, he smirks to himself, shaking his head. I can still remember ipods and blu-ray players. Sitting down in the huge room, he all the monitors. One by one the screens lit up with six other curious faces.

“I didn’t know we were scheduled for an interview today..” Hoya muses, as he scans his calendar, his leather shoes propped on his desk. “Do you need us to come down there or...?”

“Nah.” Woohyun replies, his fingers tapping on the steel desk. “Not worth your time.. plus she’s late..”

“What do you know about this one?” Sunggyu asked, his voice crisp and clear. “Nothing.” Woohyun replies, yawning. “Last minute referral.”

Suddenly the automatic doors slide open and a shadow walks in briskly. “I’m SO sorry... I got lost in this massive, massive building.” Woohyun lets out an involuntary gasp at the petite girl standing before him. Her high cheekbones flushed pink, her long brown hair grazing the small of her back, and those eyes. Those big brown, sparkly eyes.

“Is that...?” Woohyun hears from the screens behind him. The six others leaning forward at the edge of their seats. You glance up curiously, ‘Is this a group interview? Oh my god. This is a huge company, of course it’s a group interview, babo!’ you yell at yourself.

Woohyun quickly hits mute on the screens before s could say anything damaging. He says nothing as he continues to gape at you.


Clearing your throat, you start over, standing tall and proper, you bow 90 degrees. “Hello.”  He only nods, his knuckles white from gripping the arm rests. “I know I’m a last minute interviewee..I'm sorry... Do you want to scan me before we start?” You ask quizzically holding out your right wrist. In the future, every person’s information is updated and stored in a chip implanted in them as a baby. How convenient.

Woohyun nods again still stunned, as he comes out from behind his desk. You are surprised at how young he is, how incredibly handsome his face was and how fluid he moved.

Those eyes. He thought, Those eyes. Walking silently toward you, he gently takes your right wrist, a shock vibrating through his body. Oppa, cook for me! I’m hungry! a haunting voice rings in his head, the teasing, familiar tone causing him to jerk in his tracks. He stifles a gasp, hurriedly pressing a thumbnail device against your chip. Your important vitals flashes up on the screen above.

“So you’re 18, huh? Blood type O. Grew up in Korea, went to school in the UK, history major, theatre minor, graduated at the top of your class..Good, good. But what can you tell me that I don’t already know about you?” He asks in a voice louder and more nervous than he intended. He made you uncomfortable, circling around you like a vulture.

“Well, despite my background in theatre, I hope to become a singer.” You say confidently, your palms slick with sweat. “I am the best and I’d like to train with the best.”

“Confident. Why don't you prove it then." Woohyun says simply, clapping twice. As if by magic, the platform underneath you rises, creating a minature stage. You cough nervously, this guy is intimidating. Not to mention the six other faces that are watching. You breath deeply and focus your eyes on one of the men on screen, his eyes friendly, he smiles at you encouragingly flashing his pointy teeth. Handsome, you smile, blushing.

Woohyun raises his eyebrow, “Are you going to sing?”

“Yes, yes” you mutter, snapping back to reality. Clearing your throat, your clear, melodic voice fills the room.

When the world turns dark
And the rain quietly falls
Everything is still

Even today, without a doubt
I can’t get out of it
I can’t get out from the thoughts of you

I know that it’s the end
I know that it’s all just foolishness
Now I know that it’s not true
I am just disappointed in myself for
Not being able to get a hold of you because of that pride

On the rainy days you come and find me
Torturing me through the night
When the rain starts to stop, you follow
Slowly, little by little, you will stop as well

Embarrassingly, tears form to your eyes, old songs always making you so, so sad. You hope it didn’t deduct points. You look up at Woohyun, his face expressionless, but his body quivering as if he was angry. Did I do horribly?

Wordlessly, he walks to his desk shutting off all the other monitors, leaving you alone in this dark, huge room with just him. Gulping, you close your eyes as he circles you once more, his body so close you can smell his cologne, citrusy but manly. You flinch as he runs his fingers down your cheek as if inspecting your face. Without warning he presses his soft and pillowy lips against yours, invading your mouth.

Woohyun stumbles back as you hit him across the face. Seething, you narrow your eyes at this arrogant ert. ‘I.. am not that type of girl. If I’m not good enough, then fine. But I will never, NEVER go down this route to get a spot in your company.” Angry and embarrassed, you spin on your heels to leave. “Any company.”

“You’re in.”

“What?” You turn around angrily, your long hair flicking around like a whip, stopping just short of the door.

“I said you’re in.”

“What if I don’t want to be anymore?” You ask, your hands crossed in front of your chest. Woohyun smirks wiping a spot of blood from the side of his lip, he looks at your toned body, a body he once knew so well. “You do....”

“And I’m sorry. You.. just looked like someone I knew.”

You reconsider this, stumped at his stupid, stupid excuse but not wanting to throw away the opportunity of a life time. “Fine. But touch me again and I’ll…. kill you.” Crap, that was the worst empty threat ever, you thought.

Pausing at the door, you look back at the older boy who was still standing in the same spot, lost in his own thoughts. He gave you a funny feeling in your stomach, a feeling of... emptiness? You almost feel...sorry for him.

“But ….thank you. I’ll work hard.”


Woohyun walks back to his office, his fingers tracing across his pink lips. That kiss, it was as if a bottle of memories refreshed in his mind. Kiss me again, oppa! One for good luck ok?
Not that he ever forgot them. Not even after all these lifetimes.

“Well?” Sungjong, the pretty boy, demanded, the rest of the members already worried, waiting in his office. Their faces were curious, hopeful. "We've seen a lot of lookalikes.." Sunggyu said flippantly, but his eyes revealing, betraying his wanting.

Woohyun pauses only for a beat, “We found her.”
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anon1212 #1
Chapter 9: Hi authornim, i hope you are doing well. I am reading this again after 10 years and i still weep while reading which made me feel relieved. I has been scrolling through 63pages of infinite tag just looking for this exact facfic. Thank you for writing this and helping me through my emotional turbulance.

Stay safe, xo.
great job!
Chapter 9: I cried really hard T__T That story broke my heart T__T too much feelings but Thank you for that. That's something new :3
monmonstar #4
Chapter 7: im crying really hard!
Chapter 5: Omh so sad omfg I crief so bad ;~~;
Chapter 9: This was written so well sobs had me tearing up all the way through, ahhhhh. ;n; I don't know if I can watch paradise again without thinking back at this fic omg ;~~~; It's so sad that they can't actually die though... if that makes sense but yeah they just have those memories and shes basically clueless idk ;-; waaaaah
toinfinite-y #7
Chapter 1: Huhuhu. Such a great story, author-nim ~
Chapter 9: ;_____;
Cried so hard when I read your fanfic. Omg it killed me inside when infinite had left the house.