✆ Eden_girl

♔ §erenity ©ode ♚ ™ [Graphics] | REVAMPING | Please read note.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Praesent posuere nisl sit amet nisl placerat auctor. Praesent sit amet eros lectus. Etiam auctor gravida orci. Aliquam tristique accumsan rhoncus.

Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh. Etiam dictum porta mollis. Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Mauris gravida tempor ligula, ac sodales turpis rhoncusus. Pellentesque molestie ipsum vel mauris convallis dapibus. Quisque at odio nec sapien condimentum rhoncus.

designer: designer username
designed for: requester username
finshed on: 03/11/2015
hours taken: five hours
inspiration: song by artist
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Hi I put in a request!
Chapter 5: Requested! :)
tofubunny #3
Requested!! ^^
hunhantaeny #4
Applied as a Advertiser^^
applied as a designer : )
Chapter 2: if u still haven't make a request, u can always PM me to help you as a test to my incredibility lol
Applied as a staff~
Rquested! I'll be waiting patiently :D ~
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, but if you haven't started on my poster, I'd like to cancel my request. It's due to my story as I'm having some difficulties with it. I'm really sorry. I really am.
Chapter 2: thank you very much!!! I really love it! I credited you in my foreword, do I need to credit it somewhere else? I'm sorry I'm a noob when it comes to this kinds of things T.T