Episode 1

Running Man: Season of the Uzzlang

The two teams arrive at the final location twenty minutes apart from each other. They have the final mission explained to them. The chosen bodyguard is invincible, you must oust the other teams Princess. Protect the Princess Name Tag elimination. The Idol team as the first there quickly moves to hide Jinwoo with two idols in the general location of the hidden actress.

"Changmin hyung should go after Ji Hyo Noona.", Kai suggests.

"Keep a watch on Jinwoo!", Changmin takes off. Running Man team slowly heads out leaving Ji Hyo with Jae Suk and Jong Kook as company. Changmin lurks behind displays looking for the perfect chance. Shouting is heard then Jinwoo quickly runs past with most of her team and the Running Man team following behind. Suk Jin stops for a breath chatting to his team mates.

"Was that Jinwoo?", Jae Suk laughs.

"She can run", Suk Jin sighs.

Jong Kook commands, "Go get her!"

Jinwoo is seen with her back flat against a wall. The three remaining members of the Running Man team surrounding her with her team forming a wall around her. The five do their best to protect Jinwoo. Kwang Soo is the first one oust. Suk Jin arrives to help as Kwang Soo is dragged off to the jail. The big nose brother soon joins the traitorous giraffe. The five move Jinwoo to a new hiding spot. Changmin eliminates Jae Suk instead of Ji Hyo due to him moving in the way. The idol rushes off to find the rest of his team. Jinwoo sits in a closet with her VJ looking very uncomfortable. She calls someone chatting in a soft voice before sneaking out. She ends the call before running out making her team shout following her.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't sit still!", Jinwoo pouts.

Changmin appears from around the corner. He brings Taemin and Jinwoo while the others pretend Jinwoo was still hiding in the closet. The trio run into Haha and Gary leaving Changmin to hold them off. Taemin holds Jinwoo's hand running down the hallway with her. Jong Kook is seen leading Mong Ji around trying to find Jinwoo.

"Jinwoo ah where are you ?", Jong Kook shouts.

"Taemin ah, we have to hide"

Taemin pulls Jinwoo away trying to buy time till Changmin comes back around. Jong Kook remains close by on their tails.


The two turn to see tiger running down the hallway at them. Jinwoo splits up from Taemin running the other direction. She displays her fast feet once more running away from Jong Kook. Jinwoo loses her VJ in her escape. Changmin is seen sneaking up behind Ji Hyo. The fourteen stand before the camera cheering. Jae Suk neatly wraps up the show. Everyone claps cheering for a mixture of Jinwoo and Changmin.

"Jinwoo ah, how does it feel to win?"


PD announces, "Jinwoo will join the cast next week"

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