Cha 2x


I don't want to go to shool. Why did the Gods have to curse me wih such a thing? Am I that unworthy of down right intelligence so that I don't need any of this / school. New school meant new classmates, new teachers, new materials, and new uniforms. What i hate more than buying new materials, is fittig a new pair of uniforms. Like seriously when it doesn't fit you, the clerk doesn't 'nt have to repeat that 'it doesn't fit you' my god, Lord help me.

I know I'm being overdramatic but c'mon you feel me or not. This what happens when you stay at home for the summer and lyig down like he couch potato you are. Well even so, that doesn't change the fact that I absolutely despise school/dislike it wih burning passion because 'hate' is too much of a word.

As you can tell by now I'm am extreme extrovert/very anti-social, more than I love having peeps beside me I hate creating new ones. So I bet this won't be a very successful first day for me. 

Badluck is a very good friend of mine. That's why I frikin missed the bus on he first day of school. Perfect. Just perfect. I can't wait to see what happens next. Note the sarcasm.

So basically I had to walk to school. No, not walk, I needed to run because as it said in the circular, you need to be in the court 7:45 sharp for the assembly.

As I checked my watch, 7:13 am. I could do this I just need to run for another 15 blocks. No problem. Hehe.

7:28. Come on M. You could do this. Almost there. Phew yas made it here before the bell. Wait a minute I still need to go to he registrar's office to gt my I.D. and schedule. .

7:36. "Thank you miss!!" I said. She nodded as a response. "At least the registrar lady likes me hehe.

Now where's the court. Um turn left then right then straight then at your left you'll see an exit then voila here I am. I sure got the skills for this . 

As I checked my watch, 7:43. Well, good enough for a newbie I guess.


So basically, they just discussed the rules and regulations, schedules and introduced some teachers and that's practically it. I wonder how did that even consume 2 hours. Welcome to junior high I guess.

As we went to our respective classrooms, I swear it was a riot. People pushing everywhere and everyone. So much for the first day.

As we sat down on our desks as we scattered everywhere, the teacher started the attendance.  "Ahn" she practically shouted, apparently she only shouts the last names of the students. "Present ma'am" the student named Ahn responded. And blah blah blah until the students whose last names started with c were called. "Cha" she called. "Pr-" "Present ma'am"  I was cut off by some guy but I didn't look for him since it wasn't any of my business to mess with other people's names.

"I mean Cha Hakyeon" The teacher said, and once again he said present. "Next Cha Minki" she called. Finally it's me."Present miss" I responded as politely as I can. "Are you relatives miss Minki?" She asked. "Ma'am please call me N, and no mam we're just classmates". She nodded then face down again to her list of students.

So I guess were 2 Cha's now, I guess that wasn't a bad thing.

Days have passed pretty normal. Wake up, eat, school, come home, shower, eat, sleep then wake up again. Nothing practically changes. 

I also noticed that Cha # 2 was frequently absent, and that I barely remember his face anymore. He only comes in like once or twice a month at that. A month people. I'm actually surprised that he's not yet expelled.

As I excused myself to wash my hands because of all the chalk I've been holding for class activities, I just had to remove all the dryness and roughness. But as I came out of the restroom I heard grunts behind he lockers along the hallway like someone's being attacked or something. A group of five men probably cornered the victim. I just his so that the so called group-of-five gang doesn't find me and come for me too, because I am absolutely not ready for that.


So you finally came back, you dimwit' one guy said.

'So where are the drugs you said you'll give us huh' another guy said. I heard a loud thud which sounded more like a kick, a powerful one I must say. 


'You're not gonna answer you motherer' the first guy said with an additional noise whih sounded more like a punch in the face, which made the victim grunt.

Silence once again filled the hallway.

' you, you mother er. It ain't gonna send itselves' the guy said

More grunts started to fill the hallway once again. Probably the gang was attacking him as a group now. All I could do was listen and watch as the time passed by. I'm such a wretched being.

'You better be ready for that package or else I'll kill you and all your dimwitted friends'the guy said. He probably went out now since I heard the doors open and the sound of it closing immediately occured after that.

I heard the victim laugh. What the f man? Why are you laughing.

"Friends?" He laughed again. "If I only had friends".

I watched him as he got up, blood covered almost three fourths of his face. Blood drops trailed the floor as he traveled towards the exit. 

The next thing I knew, I called out for him."Hey dude! Where are you going? You should be heading to the clinic by now!"

I can tell he heard me because he stopped his pace and turned to face me and slowly began to walk towards me, very slowly. 

As we were now face to face, probably only 15 inches apart. He lifted his head.

"Hi! I'm N...thank you for your concern I really do appreciate it with all my heart-ugh" he said very passionate but full of pain. He was cut off as he held his side, he's injured and I didn't do anything to stop it. My eyes almost teared up. "But things aren't worth to be healed" he said with a smile almost as if nothing happened. He started to turn away until I said

"We can be friends" I said as a compensation for the things I should've done if it weren't for my cowardness.

He faced me again then laughed then turned back again toward the door practically dragging his whole body. I don't understand.

He whispered something but I couldn't possibly hear everything but I catched some words actually just one word at that. '"

I didn't really get it though no matter how much sentences I tried to fit in with the word. Oh well. 


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Hi guys, warning I'm a slow updater bc student so yeah and sorry for some grammatical errors. the reason for that is because I didn't have any time to touble ch


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"""It ain't gonna send itselves"""