Doki Doki (Heartbeat)



"I swear, there is no way I could have known he was outside the door!" 


"You're not funny Lydia! You tricked me right after we promised to be honest." 


"Actually, I didn't promise until just now..."


I turned away from Lydia as we were driving to the airport. She picked me up today and, after another difficult morning, we managed to organize my things and set out. Of course, I still hadn't forgiven about yesterday. She tricked me into saying that because she knew he was outside the door, the look on her face gave it away! I shoot a sideways glance towards the front seat, Jaebum and a friend of his seemed to be enjoying themselves unlike Lydia and I who had been arguing the entire time. She kept saying it was Jaebum's fault, that he was just teasing me. As she continued poking at my cheeks, the events of yesterday flashed across my mind. It was just seconds after I said Jaebum was handsome, unaware that it was Lydia's idea of a joke.



"If that's the situation... I think he's very handsome." 


"Thank You."




I my heels and saw that the bathroom was wide open. Jaebum stood in the doorway, smiling at the two of us. His face had that smug look reminding me that he is well-aware of his good looks. My face probably looked like a lost child, faintingly unable to understand the position I was in. Lydia burst into fits of laughter, nearly falling onto the floor as she knelt down. I felt the heat rise in my face as he walked towards us. 

"It's nice to know that I'm not the only person here who thinks I'm good-looking." He stretches his arm around my shoulders as he speaks, "Lydia is in denial." 


At the sound of her name Lydia straightens up and manages to catch her breath, "No... I'm not in denial... about anything! You tease girls too much!"


"I can't help it."




"What's wrong with thinking a girl is cute? I'm openly expressing my opinion."

"Oh, so you think Uhuru is cute? I guess the feeling is mutual, huh?" Lydia winks at me. I wanted to say something but, just like before, I was stunned by the closeness of Jaebum and myself. Every attempt to slip away failed, they eventually suggested we discuss the contract over lunch. So, I was held captive for most of the day. 




"Uhuru, don't ignore me! I said I was sorry!" Lydia snapped me into the present when she pulled at the sleeve of my shirt. "Damn it! Don't be mad at me!" Almost like a child, she tugs at my sleeve again.

"I'm not mad. But you just confessed that you knew Jaebum was listening to us." I force her arm off my sleeve and turn to face her for the first time. She gave me a frustrated look and leaned forward, poking her head towards the front seat. 


"Are we almost there? I'm starving, we should stop and eat somewhere!" 


Jaebum's friend replied in an irritant tone, "You realize that the plane can and will leave without us?" I figured he was used to Lydia's impatient attitude. He seemed to strict for a producer, but Cha Cha was understandingly fed up with the constant questions. 


I check the time and can't believe he thinks we'd be late. The plane won't leave for three hours, but he makes it sound like we are rushing to beat the clock. At that moment, I realized that when Lydia rushed me this morning I skipped breakfast.

"We should stop somewhere, I'm hungry too." I lean against the seat in front of mine, looking over the shoulder beside Lydia. 


"I have back-up! Let's eat at a local place. Uhuru, you're from Michigan so where should we eat?" 


"Actually, I was born in Samoa. My parents are Kenyan and Samoan." I correct her mistake automatically, not thinking of her reaction. 


"Oh, really? Can you speak Samoan or Swahili or-"

"What happened to being hungry?" Jaebum interrupted her banter before she got to excited. "Is there anywhere you want to eat?" This question was directed at me. I thought for a minute and decided on a place they might enjoy, this was hard being that Michigan is so average. 


"Doki Doki Café is a nice place. It's a small restaurant owned by the Chikura family. My friend, Wakako Chikura, owned the place now."


We agreed to visit the café and I walked up to the counter, everything was the same as always. Except for the celebrities following close behind me. I tap the cat-shaped bell and call out.

"Waka-chan! I brought company!" She twirled elegantly around the corner and smiled. Wakako was the polar opposite of me; sweet-hearted, gentle, and feminine. I had relied on her over the years to be my inner kindness, she could explain the meaning behind my actions and I did the same with hers. She noticed the trio behind me and smiled even brighter with more excitement. 


"Zy-Zy! Are these your friends? Introduce them!" Enthusiastic as usual, Lydia pushed forward and grabbed Wakako's hand. Startling the young Japanese girl with her greeting, she was pulled back by Jaebum. 


"This is Lydia, that's Cha Cha, and I'm Jay Park." Wakako suddenly jumped, her strawberry blonde hair bounced with her shoulders. I forgot she was such a fan, it must be shocking to see Jaebum walk into her café without warning.

"Zyaire, can you help me with something in the kitchen?" Without waiting for my answer she drags me into the kitchen, leaving the others behind. 


"Explain yourself. Why are you walking around with Jay Park?" 


I explain every detail and watch her reaction. Her eyes grew large when she heard I would be leaving in a few hours. "You didn't tell me.... because you thought I would worry?" I nodded.


"Zy-Zy! Don't ever do this again! I'm happy for you but... kinda envious too." She smiles again, playfully looking over her shoulder at Jaebum. "He's very handsome. I can't believe it."

"Umm... Wakako? I need to ask you something. It's the reason I brought them here." It had been floating in my mind for a while, but hadn't formed into words. She gave me time to think as she sat the others down at a table and recommended certain specialties. If I did ask, would it make a difference? I can only find out by trying... so it's best that I not doubt my friend. 


"What is it you want to ask me? I won't hold you back from such a great oppurtunity."


"No, that's not it... I want you to come with me. Lydia thinks it would be a good idea to have a close friend with me since I'm traveling to a faraway place. I know you love the café so I understand if you don't want to."

This time, instead of looking surprised, Wakako patted my head. "You are so silly." It was my turn to be shocked, "What?" She leads me over to the table and sits me beside Lydia. "Uhuru, did you ask her? Don't leave me hanging, tell me!" Impatient as usual, Lydia demanded an answer. 


"I would love to! It's a beautiful oppurtunity to expand Doki Doki Café and my sister can hold down the fort here! Besides, not every girl has the chance to meet Jay Park let alone travel to Korea that same day! I can't refuse!" 


Wakako's cheerful response earns her a gentle poke from Lydia. Jaebum smiles and directs his attention towards me, "You must be close, to invite her like this. That's one more cutie added to are little group." I had already adjusted to his random compliments, they seemed to be a habit of his, but Wakako immediately turned a bright shade of pink.

"Thank You!" She was so flushed that I was expecting her to faint at any moment. It was almost cute. After everyone was introduced and comfortable, I was shown the contract and Lydia kept pointing out the most insignificant details. I decided that it was legit but Wakako hung over my shoulder as she walked around serving customers. Before we left, Jaebum gently pulled me to the side. 


He spoke in a soft whisper that sent chills up and down my spine. "Zyaire, are you okay?" 



"You look really tired. Are you feeling okay?"

I must have looked odd with all that happened in such a short time, but I don't see why he was concerned about me. It made me twitch a little, standing under him. This was the third time we had been so close but I still felt the awkward sensation from the first time. He leans over slightly to look at my face, I wasn't sure if he was teasing me or sincerely concerned. Suddenly, I heard a ringing sound in my head. It revibrated until I began to feel dizzy. Unable to keep my balance, I stumbled to the floor and slowly felt my thoughts become foggy. I could still hear Wakako's panicked voice before I closed my eyes.



"Zyaire? Are you waking up?" My eyes slowly opened at the sound of a familiar voice. Wakako stood above me with teary eyes. I remembered how I had fainted in the café and tried to sit up. 




Wakako threw her body across mine to prevent me from moving again. "You need to rest, it was the doctor's orders!" I realize that we are in my bedroom, the open window allowed a gentle breeze to swiftly run past us. They must have taken me to the hospital and then back home. But, what about the plane? We were supposed to leave at a certain time. 


"Wakako, what happened?" 

"Lydia and Cha Cha went back to Korea. They felt bad about leaving now but Jay told them he would take care of everything. He carried you to the car and into the hospital, he even brought you upstairs." 


"I fainted..."


"The doctor said it was from the sudden impact of intense stress. Jay felt terrible, he thinks it's because they expected you to decide so soon." 


"That is the only stress I've had, Wakako." 


"Oh, really? You shouldn't tell him. He was soooooo worried about you!"

I throw the blankets off and stretch my body. It hurts everywhere. Reluctantly, she stands up and gives me a tearful smile.

"I'm sorry. I have to go home. You know, tell everyone I'm leaving with you."

I send her off without saying much and try to calm my nerves. Out of nowhere, she pops her head through the cracked doorway.


"One more thing... a friend is spending the night to watch over you." She hurriedly shuts the door and leaves me. With a 'friend' of hers. Who is it? 


I force myself to stand and open my door, listening to Wakako tell someone 'thank you' and 'see you tomorrow'. When I thought about it, she said two of them left..... where was Jaebum? I take my time walking downstairs, feeling slightly light-headed, and stepped into the living room. 


I expected to be alone but almost fainted again when I saw the 'friend' who was watching over me.

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qylateukbiased #1
Chapter 4: CANT WAIY FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! This story is so great... LOVE!
thebiasedgirl #2
great story