
Hold His Heart

Sehun's morning was filled with whispers and secret-glances, it seemed by now everyone knew that he was dating Kai. During each break they had Sehun would rush out the classroom to his next, avoiding Kai's classrooms each and every time so as to avoid the older. Sehun was not used to dating someone his age, both Kris and Luhan were three years older than him and were in university so Sehun never faced either boys in school. It was new and foreign to Sehun and he didn't exactly like it. 

When the lunch bell rang Sehun did his best to rush Baekhyun so they could get out of the hallways which were a potential threat to be sighted by Kai and his friends. 

"Will you cut it out? Kai's your boyfriend you---"

"No he's not." Sehun argued immediately to Baekhyun's upmost annoyance. 

"Fine, for argument's sake he's not. But you're still dating him since you are going on a date with him this weekend and---"

"What?! Who said I was?" Sehun questioned, this being the first time he has ever heard of such a thing. 

Baekhyun sent Sehun a weird look and tilted his head before answering. "Chanyeol's in my Bio-Lab unfortunately and he wouldn't stop pestering me about if I was going to go as well. Something about even numbers or something like that." Baekhyun shrugged. "For the record I am not going Hun, even if you beg me. I am not spending an entire Saturday afternoon with Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongdae and---"

"AW why not?!" A familiar voice whined from behind Baekhyun and Sehun. The two boys turned and saw Chanyeol pouting. Actually pouting... Of all things honestly!

Sehun immediately went on edge while Baekhyun just sniffed a reply already annoyed. "Because despite what you believe Chanyeol, we are not friends and I do not want to hang out with you or anyone else for that matter when I have better things to do." 

Chanyeol puffed his cheeks out like a child and quickened his steps so he could catch up with both Baekhyun and Sehun. "But if you don't go then Chen will be without a date!" Chen complained. 

Sehun blinked, entirely lost, but before he was given a chance to ask for some more clarification and details he noticed Chen and Kai heading towards them and Sehun's heart skipped and without a thought or command Sehun's feet jump-started and took off down the hall away from Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and even farther away from Chen and Kai. 

"Damn it. He keeps running." Kai cursed as he watched Sehun go like lightning. 

"Are you going to chase after him now that we have an hour break?" Chen asked. 

Kai shrugged. "Why would I when Baekhyun is right there with the Happy Virus? Baek can just take me right to Sehun." Kai reasoned. 

Chen nodded with a mischievious smirk. "Ah that's true." 


Sehun arrived at the picnic table outside out of breath and exhausted. He just wanted to avoid Kai at all costs for just today, but doing that required energy. 

"Ughhh..." Sehun groaned as he collapsed on the bench. He stayed up most of the night, part of him anxious about school today, and part of him missing Kai's embrace. Though he would never admit the latter. 

Sehun folded his arms and placed his head down gently, deciding he would rest his eyes for a bit until Baekhyun came and joined him. It was only going to be a few minutes Sehun thought, that he would rest like that, but before the blond realized it his consciousness was slipping away as he drifted off into a light slumber. 


Sehun wasn't sure at what point he had passed out, or for how long, but he finally returned to consciousness when he felt himself being nudged in the side. 

"Mhm-Mhmmm..." Sehun mumbled and whined, not really wanting to wake up, however the person was persistent. 

"Come on babe, you gotta wake up and eat something before classes start again." Kai said as he continued to poke Sehun. 

Sehun's eyes flew open hearing the other male's voice and the younger almost popped out of his skin when he saw how close Kai's face was to his. 


Sehun's shrill squeak was met with laughter from the others at the table, even Baekhyun who was shaking his head in disapproval for the countless time today. 

"Um..." Sehun blinked trying to process what was going on exactly. He noticed almost immediately that he was half-seated on Kai's lap, with his legs sprawled out over the older's left leg and his was right up against Kai's thigh. One of Sehun's arms was draped loosely around Kai's neck while the other was limp and his left hand rested on Kai's hip for more support. Kai had his arm wrapped around Sehun's torso to prevent the younger from falling and he was nudging food towards Sehun with his free-hand. 

"H-How long was I asleep?" Sehun questioned as he glanced around, his mind still foggy. 

"Not too long, lunch is only half-way over. We showed up about twenty minutes ago and you were dead out of it it seemed. Kai didn't want to wake you yet so he just let you climb all over him." Baekhyun informed kindly before sassily adding. "Be happy your boyfriend is so nice because you know I would have pushed you off the bench or something." 

Sehun blinked before looking at Kai who was not looking at him but instead was staring off into the distance. 

"Um... Sorry." Sehun whispered as he tried to detangle himself from around Kai. 

The older boy shrugged and helped Sehun slightly so as the blond would not fall backwards and once Sehun was seated properly Kai pushed a tray of food towards him. "You have to eat at least half of everything there." Kai said firmly, his concern evident, before placing attention somewhere else once again. Sehun found it a bit hurtful that Kai was being a little cold to him but did not argue it since he knew he sort of deserved it with the way he's been acting all day. 

But nonetheless Sehun felt compelled to at least thank the older for getting him lunch and letting him sleep on him for a little bit. "...Thank you." Sehun whispered before pecking Kai's cheek quickly and soon adverting his entire attention to the food as if to act like he didn't do what he just did. 

Kai smirked however, seemingly forgiving Sehun already, and he wrapped his arm around Sehun's shoulders and moved to whisper in the younger boy's ear, "I'm not at all pleased with your behavior this morning but I'll forgive and forget everything if you kiss me on the lips right now." Kai baited, just to see how far the younger was willing to go to earn forgiveness, and Sehun's cheeks turned pink to Kai's upmost amusement.

The blond wasn't really happy about the terms but if doing it will make Kai happy, and earn forgiveness from the older for Sehun's inexcusable behavior, then Sehun was willing to do it.

Swallowing his pride, and some excess saliva, Sehun turned his face slightly and touch Kai's plush lips with his own thin ones. It was only intended to be a peck, or at most a very chaste five second kiss, however once Sehun felt those warm and welcoming lips on his own he could not resist himself and he just had to explore more.

Sehun pushed forward just a bit closer to Kai's face and without much thought or debate on it poked his tongue out to swipe the older's lower lip, surprising Kai to say the least. The older was perfectly happy with whatever Sehun wanted to do and push whatever boundaries Sehun was willing to press. 

When Sehun's tongue entered Kai's mouth hesitantly the older had to remind himself to behave himself and allow Sehun a chance to explore freely. Sehun did his best to mimic movements Kai did in his own mouth and he appeared to be doing a good job at it if Kai's tightening grip on him was any indication. After a minute Sehun finally retreated, almost out of breath and leaving with a final peck. 

"Ew." Baekhyun's disgusted voice sounded before anyone else could react. "PDA is so disturbing I can't believe you would do that Sehun." 

Sehun's cheeks inflamed instantly, causing an explosion of laughter to occur.

"Aw Baekhyun don't make him blush like that, Kai looks like he can hardly restrain himself from attacking poor Sehun!" Chanyeol howled with more laughter. He spoke the truth though, Kai really did look like a predator doing everything he could to hold himself back from pouncing on his prey, namely Sehun. The youngest boy was just too cute Kai thought and it was a true miracle that he did not push him down and have his way with the blond. 

Sehun tried to ignore the hungry look Kai had trained on him while Baekhyun freely spoke his mind once again. "I'll say and do whatever I like Chanyeol, because unlike those two love-birds I am smart and stay single so I don't have to put up with someone trying to boss me." Baekhyun sniffed. 

This time it was Chen who responded, and he was shaking his head chuckling. "Gee Baekhyun, you sound awful bitter for someone appearing to take an abundant amount of pride in being single." Chen raised a brow, currently he was seated across from Baekhyun on Kai's right side as Sehun was on the tan male's left. Chanyeol was the only one seated next to Baekhyun, the the older's slight irritation, on the brunet's right. 

"I'm not bitter." Baekhyun sharply clarified. "I have just been there and done that, all the ridiculous amount of teenage love and romance. I find it a total waste of time and I believe it is just pointless. Now if it were anyone besides Kai then I would be absolutely against Sehun getting himself in yet another vacuum of a relationship, especially this soon after his last failed attempt at one. But it's only my opinion and view, Sehun is a big boy and can make his own decisions. I would just prefer those decisions to lead to Sehun displaying his affection for Kai out of my eye-sight." Baekhyun sent the youngest a pointed gaze. 

Sehun bit his lip and tried to not blush more before he took a rather large bite of the sandwich Kai bought for him. And before Chen could tease Baekhyun more or Chanyeol ask for another explanation of something Kai responded to Baekhyun's candid speech. 

"Well thank you Baekhyun for approving of Sehun's and mine relationship. It seems I should ask why me of all others, would you be okay with dating your best friend?" Kai curiously asked. 

Baekhyun made a face that silently questioned the younger's intelligence before he answered. "Because you're quite flawless honestly, and don't act humble or oblivious cause you already know how good-looking you are. You may not be an Einstein but you're definitely not stupid, and after hearing Sehun talk for hours about your time together Friday night I have no doubts that you are an exceptionally kind--- at least to Sehun." Baekhyun shrugged. "The only obvious imperfection about you is your taste in company." Baekhyun said intentionally trying to point out that Kai was friends with Kris, Sehun's first and worst ex, but he also managed to send a side-ways glance at Chanyeol and give Chen a judgemental once-over. 

Kai's smile was wide and he actually felt touched by Baekhyun's words, but just as he was about to tell the older so Chen's voice rang out first.

"Gee I really hope you lose some of your attitude before this Saturday. I can hardly imagine you having any fun on our date if you carry such negativity around---"

"Saturday?" Baekhyun furrowed his brow before dismissing the topic. "I'm not going. As I already told Chanyeol I have better things to do." Baekhyun took a sip of his coke offhandedly. 

Chen snorted. "Like what? Sit in your room and study?" Baekhyun immediately looked offended and it was apparent he was going to snap back a sharp reply but Sehun swooped in to try and extinguish some flames in the fire. 

"About Saturday, what's going on? Everyone says we're going on a date but you never asked me out and---" Sehun was interrupte but Kai's loud and disappointed groan. 

"I was going to ask you to come to Lotte World with us, Chanyeol is going on a date and I wanted to bring you along so I wouldn't be stuck with Chen the entire time. I wanted it to be at least a little romantic when I asked since it will be our first, official, date but looks like that's ruined since some people can't keep their mouths shut." Kai pointed a glance at Chanyeol, the latter quickly speaking up to defend himself. 

"Chen told me to ask Baekhyun to come too! He said I had to---"

Kai rolled his eyes as he conviently cut off his friend. "Yeah whatever, you could have waited at least until after I asked Sehun." Kai turned his full attention back to the blond and smiled his million-watt smile that gave Sehun butterflies. "So anyways how about it babe? Will you go out with me this Saturday?" Kai asked. 

Sehun intended to say no, but looking at the ever-hopeful Kai he just could not do it. "Um..." Sehun looked to Baekhyun, who was nodding encouragingly, Sehun found himself answering a bit differently than his best friend would have liked. "If Baekhyun comes as well then of course." 

Baekhyun gaped before he glared fiercely. "Looks like that's a fat no because there is not a chance in hell that I will---"

"I already bought your ticket." Chen interrupted with a smug smile. 

"Huh?" Baekhyun snapped his head, and his glare, to the exceedingly confident Kim Jongdae. 

"You heard me." Chen's grin spread wider. "So looks like you're going." The boy concluded assuratively. 

"No I'm not." Baekhyun uselessly argued more.

"Baekhyun come on!" Chanyeol whined. "I really want to go on this date, I think I am in love with this girl okay?! And I don't want to mess my chances up with her so I need Kai and Chen there to make sure I don't do anything stupid! And they won't go unless they themselves have dates and---" Baekhyun had had enough of the other's whining and begging and he frustratedly sigh before interrupting.

"Fine I'll think about it." Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Just shut up before I strangle you." Baekhyun threathened.

"REALLY?! THANKS BAEKHYUN!" Chanyeol cheered before embracing the smaller.

"Get off me! I said I would think about it!" Baekhyun hollered, doing his absolute best to push the giant off of him. 

Sehun watched in half-amusement and half-uneasiness. He did not really expect Baekhyun to concede the way he did and now that Baekhyun has promised a solid maybe Sehun was beginning to get a little anxious. He was not sure if he could really go through with going on a date with Kai. Peering over at the older Sehun realized he made a mistake of looking, Kai sent him a warm smile as he laughed at what was going on around him. Sehun's stomach flipped and it did not make much sense for the boy but all he knew was he was terrified for Saturday. 



Author's Note: Woah did not think I was going to get this many subscribers to this... Well welcome all 45 of you :D I hope this chapter did not disappoint (sorry if it did *pout*) 

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Chapter 2: Oh my god I desperately need for more please
Hello autornim ! I just came across to your story and its full of fluffyness ! And i wonder if u still writing this story which i hope yes. :))
littlebump #4
Chapter 2: Love this couple...can't wait their weekend at Lotte World and please make Sehun and Jongin ride Ferris wheel...
I want to see their interaction inside that small ride...^ ^ and when will Sehun admitted his love to Jongin? can't wait for it... ^ ^
Chapter 2: sehun just shy i guess..he want kai but he in deniel
howlette94 #6
I love how Sehun is shy around Kai :)))

Enjoyed reading this!!!
Chapter 2: this is cute kkkkk xD
Chapter 2: hahahhahaa no sehunnie you dont have to go yeah....
Chapter 1: omg this ff gonna be epic xD I love it! <3
jambydsy #10
Chapter 1: Sehun dont be afraid
And Jonginiieee dont hurt sehunieee