
The 7 Deadly Sins

Title: Gluttony [2/7]
Author: peperochu
Rating: G
Fandom: Infinite
Pairing: Myungyeol
Genre: Romance
Warning/s: male x male- I should seriously stop putting this as a warning.

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They all sat around the table in the crowded restaurant. They could barely hear each other talk over the loud murmuring of other voices in the room and the shared body heat of everyone in the room was almost dizzying.

“Oh no…I’m already starting to flush, what if I start sweating?” Sungjong said, pressing his cheeks. Woohyun just patted his shoulder and reassured him that he looked fine, but Sungjong still looked unconvinced. 

“How do we even pronounce these words?” Dongwoo asked Hoya beside him, pointing at random things on the menu, “Cannelloni?” Hoya just shrugged.

“Would you like to order now?” All heads turned to the waitress as she stood beside them, a small notepad and pen in hand,

“Uhh yeah…can we just have…this” Sunggyu began, pointing at the food they wanted to order, calling everything “this” and “that”, not wanting to pronounce anything wrong. The waitress gathered their menus and turned to leave.


It was messy. Very messy. All their food was swimming in either tomato or cheese so it was no wonder that Sungyeol had a hard time keeping himself clean. Everyone else wiped their mouths at regular intervals, tried to eat carefully and meticulously, but Sungyeol was tanking everything, not taking any breaks, and the rest of them wondered if he could breathe the entire time he was eating.

When most of them sat back, feeling full, they watched as Sungyeol continued eating everything, not only on his plate, but even reaching over the table to eat the leftovers on everyone else’s plates too. He had dropped sauce all over the table, much to the complaints of the others but “they’re white sheets, they can bleach them” and carried on eating. He didn’t show any intention of stopping any time soon.

Myungsoo on the other hand, was a really slow eater. He made sure he paced himself so he wouldn’t end up like the others, especially Dongwoo who started complaining about having a stomach ache afterwards and ran straight into the bathroom. 

“Myungsoo,” Sungyeol asked, staring at the plate of carbonara, covered with melted cheese with bits of bacon, sprinkled with black pepper,

“Hmm?” Myungsoo looked up at Sungyeol, his cheeks big with food.

“Are you even going to finish that?” He pointed to Myungsoo’s plate with his fork, “Because, you eat really slow,” Myungsoo just shrugged and swallowed.

“Okay then! I’ll help!” And Sungyeol inched forward with a huge smile on his face. Everyone groaned as they looked at Sungyeol move towards the plate, unable to watch anybody- especially Sungyeol- eat. Hoya just held his stomach, mumbling something about needing to join Dongwoo in the bathroom.

Sungyeol was about to take a huge section of Myungsoo’s noodles with his fork, before Myungsoo pulled his plate away and put a couple of long strands of noodles in his mouth. Sungyeol just stared at Myungsoo and pouted, thinking that Myungsoo was doing this just to .

But then Myungsoo smirked, lifted the other ends of the strands with his fork and put it in front of Sungyeol’s mouth. Sungyeol’s eyes widened a bit before he smiled and opened his mouth.

“Oh man…” Sunggyu sighed and rolled his eyes. Hoya let out a sore groan and stood up, holding his stomach and briskly walked to the bathroom.

The rest of them just followed.


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704 streak #1
Chapter 5: 😅
704 streak #2
Chapter 1: i just found this 😅
OppaIsWaitingForMe #3
I just noticed some grammatical errors.. Whatevssss. English is not my mother language anyway heh

Btw "Do you like coffee?" <If you know this reference then i shall love you and obey you forever and ever.
OppaIsWaitingForMe #4
OMG 2012!! HELLO IM FROM THE FUTURE! Anyways! I'll have to disagree with yaaaa ;--; how can you say that? I mean Gyu never tops look at him... *Shows a collection of cute pictures of GyuGyu* LOOK- AT- HIIMMM!!! HES SO CUTE HOW COULD HE TOP?!? Is it because hes older? Nah dont think so... ! look at this man on the other hand *Shows a bunch of y photos of Namu* CHOCOLATE AABBSSSSSS~~~~ Yeah.. I wholeheartedly disagree with you on this point heh... pfft i should just take my pathetic outta here before i get the boot 0-0
Chapter 7: poor Sungjong xD gyu knows n notices evrythin kkkk great story^^
Chapter 7: BAHAHA! I couldn't help but laughing the whole time I was reading Lust.
Poor Sunjong.
I just kept thinking of,
"Nuuu! Pineapples! Stop! Nuuu!"
haha! That was good though x)
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaa a lot of WOOGYU!!! and i love all of them!!! especially envy and lust omfg this is just so awesome really like it ^^
Chapter 7: one of the brilliant and witty fic series/collections for infinite. i particularly loved WRATH. hell yeah! for all violent people out there. hahahaha... gluttony was cute, envy was sad, lust was y, pride was fun, and sloth and pride were sooo... woogyu. ^^
I liked all of them, but I loved chapter 4 the most! It was so cute! :D
Chocolato #10