Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Kaleidoscope Love
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Hey guys here is chapter two for you. If you guys are confused with the names feel free to ask me who is who in the story. The reason why I am not using their real name is because of the fact that I would be printing this story and I will have it soft bound, for my own use of course, but I don't want them to be the usual fanfic characters so I am givig each of them a name. I hope you like this chapter and please do comment I really like hearing your thoughts about the story. This is my second attempt to write a Taengsic fanfic. And know that since Hey Say Jump is in this I will not abandon this one like I did Something Witchy Comes.To those who are familiar with my writing and stories know that the more you comment the more I would be motivated to update the story. Happy reading - Love Xsalvia

Chapter Two

“Falling Down the Rabbit Hole”

            I marched my way to our classroom with heavy steps. I was beyond furious! My in-denial dwarf brother had teased me all the way from the train station up to the gates of Tsubasa Sakurai High. The image of his dark face smirking at me while re-chanting my height in centimeters made me slide the door so hard the glass pane almost shattered to pieces as I entered the classroom. It was a good thing that there were only a few students inside. All heads turned towards me of course. I made my way to my seat and slammed my bag into the desk causing my sleeping seatmate who happened to be one of my best friends to wake up in shock.

            I sat in my seat grumpily while Kyomoto Jura (Kwon Yuri) eyed me in her worried but still in a daze look. I slumped my body forward and let out a groan as I recalled the humiliation that my brother had put me through this morning. He bought us two train tickets this morning. He continued to pest me so I didn’t notice that he had handed me a kids’ ticket. I was reprimanded by one of the guards of course while he hollered in laughter. I got even with him by dragging him to the ticketing station and made him explain why he bought a kids’ ticket when I was obviously not a kid. I didn’t talk to him on the way to the school and after our 30 minutes train ride I ditched him and ran to school on my own.

            He caught up with me of course since he was an athlete but I ignored him all the more. I managed to hit his face with my bag when I forcefully took it from his grip. I stomped my feet on to the ground in anger. I wanted to murder him. I smiled inwardly at the thought of choking him to death. Then I changed my mind death by self-induced poison was better. I’d make him a sandwich and add in rat pesticide secretly, he would bleed internally of course I would get away with the crime. I shook my head again and thought of another murder attempt, the idea of strangling him still made me feel better. The thought of having my hands choke the life out of him just made me feel better. I would slowly see him struggle and beg for his dwarf size life.

            I felt someone nudge me and I turned to see Jura looking at me weirdly. Jura was one of my best friends in school. I stared down at my notebook which I brutally took out of my bag and saw that I had sketched numerous pictures of murder scenes that I had envisioned.

            “What are you doing?” She asked me in her usual my-mind-is-out-in-space-right-now nonchalant voice. Which sounded between calm and uninterested many perceive her to be a snob and cold person because of this but I knew that she was actually pretty nice when you get to know her. Jura was a type of person whose head was always in outer space, she dazed out a lot and she often spends her time sleeping. She was just pretty slow to comprehend certain things which she considered irrelevant. So how did someone so unfocused in life enter Tsubasa Sakurai High? Well for one thing Jura wasn’t as unfocused as everybody suggested. There were two things in life that kept her full attention intact one was ballet and the other was swimming. Jura was the Prima Dona of our school she had competed internationally several times and had come back with trophies for the school. As of now she had and endless list of ballet scholarship awaiting her graduation so her future was secured. Jura’s other passion was swimming it wasn’t a shock because her brother Junno was known throughout Japan for winning numerous gold medals in the Olympics. Jura’s brother was also an alumnus of Tsubasa Sakurai High.

            “Thinking of ways to murder my brother” I replied while drawing a picture of a dwarf in red being stabbed to death with a pencil. My brother loved the color red. I heard Jura laughing and turned towards her with my do-you-want-to-join-him-die look. She stopped laughing and started fumbling with her bag. Pretty soon she waved a copy of the latest issue of a magazine that I loved “Urban Crimes: Notable Unsolved Cases in Japan”. She happily handed me the copy knowing that just reading it alone would kill my anger.

            “The bookshop near me had this displayed on their window and I figured you would like it.” She said. I dove my hand into my bag, took out the latest issue of Elle Girl Japan and handed it to her. It was a magazine that my mom subscribed me to even though I never read it. Mom was the typical pink loving, girly woman one would see on TV. She being my mother wanted me to be like her, but that was where the problem lied. I was not the girly type of girl; I was more of the athletic Goth type of girl who hated anything pink colored. Jura on the other hand had a girly streak in her so she loved to read magazines like Elle Girl. I would exchange my magazines with her and in return she would buy me a copy of Urban Crimes. Elle Girl was just one of the magazines that my mom always bought for me there was also Candy, Cosmopolitan, Bazaar, numerous amount of South Korean magazines which I could never understand but my mom bought them because she found their clothes and hairstyles absolutely adorable.

            Jura could keep the Elle magazines but as for the rest she could only borrow them because my mom would grow suspicious of me if they all disappeared from my bookshelf. Jura and I read in silence as I felt myself slowly being transported into the crime scene with each word said by the author.

            The victim arrived home late at night around 11 pm and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After she finished showering she went to her bedroom to change. It was there in her bedroom where she was brutally murdered. 54 stab marks were found on her body all of which were made by what appeared to be a jagged object.

            Ok so the weapon used wasn’t a knife. It was obvious in this report that the attacker used another weapon.

            The wounds had small lacerations and the cut weren’t clean. There were also hand marks on the body indicating that the victim was strangled before she was stabbed many times over.  But the marks left no finger prints which would indicate that the killer was wearing gloves. The whole crime scene was covered in blood, it stained the tatami mat below and even splattered on the wall.

            Wow the murderer must be really pissed off with victim to do such damage.

            There was no evidence of force entry which indicated that the murder managed to get in the apartment using a key to unlock the door and the murderer somehow managed to find out the code to the door.

            Ok so the murderer must be someone who knew the victim, a relative perhaps or a lover.

            The victim’s husband 41 year old Yokohara Yoshiro was one of the suspects for the crime but due to the fact that he was out of the country during the time of the murder ruled him out of the suspect list. The next suspect was the victim’s sister Iwako Kumiko who happened to have visited and even stayed in the said apartment the same day the crime had occured. Ms. Iwako is a college student in Osaka. The victim was the one supporting Ms. Iwako’s schooling and it has been said that she and her older sister had a very close relationship. Ms. Iwako was number one on the suspect list but due to lack of evidence and motive she had not been arrested. The third suspect to the crime was the victim’s ex-boyfriend Miyagi Ryo who lived nearby the crime scene, Mr. Miyagi’s excuse was that he was with his co-workers in a bar when the crime supposedly occurred. The motive for murder was there because it was said that the victim and Mr. Miyagi had a terrible break-up and he had caught his then girlfriend the victim in bed with Mr. Yokohara. Due to lack of evidence as well Mr. Miyagi had not arrested. The murder case of Mrs. Yokohara Juno was left unsolved to this day.

            This is a very troubling case because this would mean that if I killed my brother I could possibly be the first suspect. Hmm, I could always push him off a cliff without anyone knowing.

            “That would be impossible Yu-chan because Ariama-senpai is stronger than you.” Kawaguchi Mikan (Choi Sooyoung) who happened to be another one of my best friends said while she gobbled up a giant subway sandwich. I was too busy reading to even realize that she was there eating. I had said my thoughts out loud again causing Mikan to overhear my plot to kill my brother.

            “Besides if you kill your brother no one would protect you from the evils of this world.” She added teasingly. Remind me again why I was friends with Kawaguchi Mikan? Oh right because she provided me with endless supply of crime scene investigation books. Mikan’s sister owned a bookstore which was massive might I add. Mikan’s parents are chefs which explain her name (she’s named after a fruit, an orange to be exact). Her maternal grandparents gave her that name because they used to own lots of orange trees, they also happened to be chefs. Her name was understandable; she came from a family of food loving people.

            I smirked at her and grabbed one of the cakes my mom packed for me and threw it at her. She happily caught it and placed a book about Chinese investigations on my desk. I happily stuffed it in my bag. If the things that I liked about our school were ranked 1-1o, 10 would probably be the amount of freedom that students received in terms of having interest and hobbies. Our teachers encouraged our hobbies and even held events which would strengthen them. There was a saying in our school that if a student had a hobby Tsubasa Sakurai High would nurture it. Our classes weren’t also your conventional boring lecture type classes but mostly we had a hands-on approach. This was mainly because we have a lot of foreign teachers and our Japanese teachers trained abroad to further understand student needs. We had freedom and the school also founded a lot of clubs to cater to the needs of the students. The result of this was Tsubasa Sakurai High had 0% suicide rate and 98%-100% student happiness rating. And I also forgot to mention that our school was not strict with dress code, as long as the uniform was well worn we were allowed to have any hair style and accessories that we wanted. The hit style now was imitating South Korean pop stars and their pretty hairstyles. Jura was currently imitating the character Lee Bona from a TV show called The Heirs. Mikan was imitating a cupcake as of the moment, her hair was tied at the top of her head and a cherry topped hair fastener. I looked at Mikan once more and agreed that she definitely looked like a cupcake.

            I continued reading while, Jura scanned the magazines and Mikan ate like always when our classmates started arriving. The room was filled with the movement of swirling gray pleated miniskirts and the sight of black blazers topping white crisply ironed long sleeves. We wore vests under the blazers and had red brocade neckties kept in place by gold fancy fastener. The right side of our blazers had a pocket where the school seal was sewn on. The clothe that made up our blazer and vest was fancy and could rival with those of prominent private high school’s in Japan. It appeared to be made of silky soft material similar to velvet but the vest sort of resembled brocade. We wore knee length socks and we were allowed to have high heeled school shoes.

            I was busy imagining the next case when Shinohara Shizuko (Lee Sunny), my BFFFFFF in a previous lifetime because right now

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taengsicomg #1
Chapter 13: Heeey. The cliffhanger :(
taengsicomg #2
So when are you going to update author? I miss your story :(
Chapter 13: This story's sooo interesting author-nim!
taengsicomg #4
Chapter 13: Adios? What does that mean
taengsicomg #5
Chapter 12: I remember that I didnt continue to read this because I thought the names are so confusing.

Turns out...

I dont care!I just wanna read
Chapter 12: fufufufufufu I will be waiting for the day you will post a picture here. <insert evil laugh>
Still waiting for the Kingdom Eras
Chapter 11: First of all CONGRATULATIONS !! Author-ssi.. And welcome back!! I'm so happy that u are back now. Well anyway i want bigbang or any bigbang member to make a cameo on this fic cuz i'm a huge fan of them >.< and i just want to see some soshibang moments here.
Chapter 1: Pls do snsd Tiffany and hey say jump yuto fanfic ! ❤️