Chapter 2

All Because Of The RiNi Show

Managers name is now Junghwa.

================================================================Incheon Airport 12:00pm



“Flight 184 from New York to Incheon has just landed.” Junghwa heard the flight attendant speak over the loud speaker. He looked up from his book as the doors to gate 28 opened. He saw various people get out of the tunnel, but hasn’t seen the girls yet. He started to worry but then he heard them, not saw them, but heard them.

“Wahhhhh we finally made it Angie. Its our dream come true!” He heard Arianna say.

“I know! I forgive you by the way. We should have done this along time ago.”

Junghwa finally saw them. They both exited the tunnel with bags in their hands and smiles on their faces. ‘Finally!’ Junghwa thought as he ran up to them smiling.

“Hello are you Arianna and Angela?” he asked in English. Both girls looked at each other and slowly nodded. “My name is Junghwa. I will manage you now.” He said as he stuck his hand out.

“Junghwa-shii you don’t have to speak English we speak perfect Korean.” Arianna shook his hand with a graceful smile on her face. Junghwa sighed in relief. His English wasn’t as good as it used to be.

“So Ladies let me take you to the dorm. But you have to wear a disguise.” Junghwa pulled out two sunglasses and two hats along with two masks.

“Ummm why would we need that?” Angela asked but took the items anyway.

“Because what you don’t know is that you guys are famous here. Girls and guys love you both. They love your personality’s it’s a breath of fresh air, that’s what the fans say. Your not like all those other girl groups…..they consider you girls as BoA’s daughters.”

Arianna and Angela had no idea that the videos that they made for pure fun had actually gone overseas and would make them famous. “Now quick put those on I want to surprise the boys when they get home.” Junghwa grabbed their hands and dragged them out of the terminal and lead them into a white van that was waiting for them.

When they had finally got everything settled in the van Junghwa and the girls were on their way to the dorm.

“So you girls know that you will be living with the SHINee boys and that you have 2 weeks to get a skit for Star king together.” He said as he pulled onto the highway looking into the rear view mirror every once in a while to look at the two girls.

“Yeah we know. I’m singing with Onew and Jonghyun. While Arianna will be dancing with Key and Taemin and rapping with Minho.” Angela said looking at him through the mirror.

“Yes, now let me tell you about the song you will be singing Angela-shii”

“Please call me Angela.”

“Okay, Angela. You will be singing In my room by SHINee, I’m sure you know it.” he said with a smile plastered on his face.

“OHHHH I LOVE THAT SONG!!! NINI YOU WILL SOUND AMAZING!!!” Arianna was practically jumping out of her seat.

“Wow Arianna-shii is just the same in person as she is on camera.”

“Please call me Ari. And of course I am I don’t like being someone I’m not, that’s why we never auditioned.”

“Okay so Arianna you will be rapping with Minho the song is Shout out . And for the dance we picked is Let it go by Brit and Alex. There also has to be a skit I will let you know once the writers decide on what they want to do.” Junghwa said.


“Okay were almost there girls. The boys are still out on their schedules. So we have about an hour and a half till Minho, Key, Taemin and Jonghyun come home. Onew wont be home until morning. That all gives us enough time to get you settled. You girls will be taking Onew, Key and Taemin’s room.” By the time he had finished, they had pulled up to the dorm. “ Okay lets go do this shall we girls?” Junghwa got out and got the bags. “Follow me ladies.” The girls just grabbed their backpacks and followed him. But not with out noticing the crowd that was there. They held up signs that said “RiNi SHOW ROCKS!!!”

“RIRI Marry me!!”

“ANGEL Voice!!”

When the crowd finally realized that the RiNi stars were walking to them the crowd started to scream. To say the least the girls were shocked. This had never happened to them, they never thought that it would. As they were walking through the crowd saying hello and smiling at people, one sign caught both of their attention. It was a fan-girl holding it up proudly.

“It’s RiNi world now!!!!! RiNi And SHINee forever!!” They cant believe it! They have their own coupling name with SHINee already.

“Hey Angela. Can this all be some twisted kind of dream?” Arianna whispered to Angela. They both had the same expression on their face, pure shock.

“I-I don’t think so. This is reality…our new reality.”

“Well I’ll be damned!”

“Come now girl’s we have a lot to do. Plus I need to go over your schedules with you too.” Junghwa shouted from the entrance way of the hotel. The girls started to move but still completely dazed as to what’s happening.

They had finally reached the dorm. It was a decent sized dorm. It had a living room with two black leather chairs and a black couch. The room also had a huge flat screen TV with every game system made. Next was the kitchen, it was a full kitchen with and island and a table. The stove and refrigerator were steel and were super clean.

“Hey Junghwa oppa, can I just sleep in the Kitchen!?!?!” Arianna shouted from the kitchen. Junghwa and Angela were standing in the Kitchen door way watching Ari as she went nuts about the kitchen.

“Why does she want to sleep in the kitchen?”

“Well, she loves to cook and bake. I’m never allowed to step in the kitchen. She will kill someone if they ask to help her. The kitchen is her homeland basically.” Angie said all nonchalant.

“No Arianna you can’t I’m sorry. But you cant ever let Key see you in his kitchen…..He will have a how do you say, a fit?”

You could see the fire in Arianna’s eyes when he said that the kitchen belonged to Key.

“This kitchen does not belong to him…it belong to me now! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!” Arianna left the two standing at the door scared out of their wits.

“Angela, is Arianna always this scary?” Junghwa’s face was now pale after seeing that.

“Oh oppa this is just the beginning. Now where is our room? You said we have a lot to do.”

“Ah nae! Come this way.” He picked up their bags and brought it down the hall into the first room on the right. “This is your room girls.” H opened the door to show an off white room. The floor was a hard wood floor, nicely polished. There was a bunk bed and a single bed, the bunk in the left of the room and the single in the right of the room. On the walls were posters and albums of all the SHINee CD’s.

“Never knew boys could be so….neat” Arianna said I amazement as she walked to the single bed and placed her backpack on it.

“Well this is Key’s room. If Taemin or Onew were to make a mess they would surly die.”

“Seems like Ari and Key have a lot in common.” Angela said as she sat on the lower part of the bunk bed.

“Now that you have found your room I’ll let you girls get settled. I’ll be right back I’m just going to tell the company that you’re here.” And with that Junghwa left the room quickly shutting the door behind him.

“I still cant believe this is happening! Just yesterday me and you were doing our English essay’s and now were stars in Korea.” Arianna said as she plopped down next to Angela on her bed. “If this is a dream…I don’t want to wake up. This is our dream ever since we first found out about Korean music. We dreamt of going on Star King, meeting Idols. I knew we were meant to do this.” She lowered her voice into a whisper, but Angela heard her loud and clear. “I knew the troubles I’ve been through would lead me to a good thing….an amazing thing.” Ari turned to Angela with a small smile on her face.

Angela knew what she was talking about. Arianna’s life wasn’t an easy one. But Arianna always showed a smile on her face, never really letting her own feelings out. She only did that when she was with Angela.

Angela wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged her. “This is our life now. We both deserve this.” The room was full of silence, a comfortable one.

“Okay well let’s get settled.” With that the girls started to put their clothes in there right full place. After about an hour they were finally done. Both left the room in search for Junghwa. They found him in the living room on the phone with someone.

“Okay so tomorrow at 1PM. Got it…..see you then.” He hung up the phone and noticed the girls standing there.

“Oh good, your done. Did you find all you needed to find?”

“Nae!” Both said with smiles on their faces.

“Good now sit and I’ll tell you about your schedule.” The three of them sat down. The girls on the big couch as Junghwa sat on the chair. “Today all you have to do is get to know the boys. Arianna you will spend your day with Minho, Key and Taemin. But tomorrow at 1 you will go to the dance studio with Key and Taemin to think of a dance and then at 7 you will be in the studio with Minho learning the rap. Angela you will be spending today with Jonghyun and tomorrow you, Onew and Jonghyun will spend the day recording your song. The boys should be here soon…I say we show them what you girls are all about” Junghwa smirked in a devious way.

“I like the way you think oppa.” Arianna said as she leaned closer.

“Oppa this is a start of a beautiful friendship.”


“I’m sooooo tired!” Jonghyun said as he entered the hall where all the shoes were.

“Hyung don’t talk about being tired. You try to stay with Tae on a show….it’s so tiring.” Minho said as he leaned against the door.

“Oh come on Minho he’s not that bad. He’s my little Tae Tae.” Key said as he pinched Taemin’s chubby cheeks.

“Hyung~ Come on this isn’t replay days. I’m not a little kid anymore.” Taemin pulled Keys hands away from his face.

“Why you little-” He was cut off by the dinosaurs voice.

“Key… were with me the whole time right?”

“Are you stupid I just walked in the room with all of you and I was with you the whole day.”

“Then what smells oh so good!” Jonghyun ran to the kitchen only to be greeted by a wonderful sight. Their stood something none of the boys have ever seen in the dorm. There stood a girl…A GIRL!!!! Making what looked like spaghetti. Her back was turned to them as the rest of the boys piled into the door way.

“Um….excuse me…” The girl turned around with a shocked expression on her face.

“Oh you’re here. Welcome home boys!” She said as she tilted her head to the side and smiled.

“Arianna-Nuna?” Taemin said as he stepped forward to her.

“Nae, Taemin-ah.” Then all hell broke loose.

“NUNA!!!!!!” Taemin ran and jumped on Arianna.




They looked like they were long time friends. Minho and Jonghyun soon joined as Taemin let go of her.

“Hello I’m Minho. Nice to meet you Arianna-shii” Minho bowed to her out of respect.

“Well aren’t you a gentlemen. Please call me Arianna.”

“Why hello~ I’m Jonghyun.” He grabbed her hand and pretended he kissed it when he really kissed the back of his hand. He peeked up at her and smirked. Arianna raised an eyebrow and slowly pulled her hand out of his hand.

“Not before the first date sweetie.” She showed him the same smirk that he showed her. Jonghyun liked the way she worked.

“Okay tell me when and where?” He said as he took her hand in his once again.

“OKAY!!! Stop this lovey dovey crap!!!” Everyone turned to Key with wide eyes. He was still at the door with his hands on his hip and glaring at Arianna. “Who are you and why are in my kitchen?!”

“Oh calm down you little diva. I didn’t mess up my kitchen…..if anything I made it better.”

“Did you just say your kitchen?” Key had stepped up to Arianna and was now up close to her face. He was only a few inches taller then her. If she just went on her toes she would match his height.

“Yeah I did.” She too stepped up to him. “You gonna do something about it….D-I-V-A.” Both had fire in their eyes. If you didn’t see the whole scene you would guess that they were lovers in a fight, but it was a totally different situation. The other three didn’t know what to do. They kept looking from each other to the two that were ready to throw fists.

“If I were you Key, I would back down now. Arianna wont rest until you do. Plus it would be sad if you got beat by a girl.” Minho, Jonghyun and Taemin turned around to see Angela standing at the door with a nonchalant expression on her face.

“She’s right Mr. Diva, it would be sad to see you beat by little old me…..not only am I girl that can kick your im also a younger girl that. Can. Kick. Your. .”

“Call me diva one more time. I’ll show you a diva.”

“Okay that’s enough!” Everyone turned around to see Junghwa standing at the door looking at all of them. “What the hell s going on here?!”

“Oppa~ He was being mean~.” Arianna whined to him as she pointed at Key and pouted.

“WHAT?!?!?! Hyung she is the one that’s being mean!”

“Okay, okay. Your both grown up now. Just let it go. Arianna is dinner ready?”

“Yes it is. And I must say it is magnificent~.” She went over to the stove to get every thing ready. “Go sit, me and Angela will bring it out.” Angela walked up to the cabinet to get the plates and utensils.

Arianna came in with a big bowl of pasta and with Angela behind her carrying chicken cutlets.

“Dig in everyone~” And like beasts they did.

“OMO this is amazing!!” Jonghyun said with a mouth full of pasta.

“Nae~ this beats Key’s cooking.” Minho added in.

“Shut up.” Key said with a scowl on his face. But he didn’t deny the fact that it was good.

“Okay so once dinner is finished we have to go on our separate ways, Arianna with Minho, Taemin and Key while Angela you go with Jonghyun.” Everyone nodded their head when Junghwa was done saying what he had to say.


7 pages…..O_O that’s the most I ever wrote!!!!! Comment pls xD 

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-ximini #1
Are you going to continue this?
Hiya! You're story is great and interesting so far! I wonder what's in store for the next few chapters! :)
Happy birthday, and have a great one!<br />
Your story is very interesting, update soon and keep writing!