Chapter 2

All Because Of The RiNi Show

“Ow ow ow ow…It hurts~”

“Oh stop being a big baby okay and put those bags away… I didn’t hit you that had.”

“Liar! It was a damn frying pan…….on my back! Next time I’m going to hit you and see if you say it doesn’t hurt then!”

Angela had actually caught Arianna and smacked her pretty hard on her back. You could see a huge mark on her back….it wasn’t a pretty sight. But today was the day that the girls were leaving to go stay with SHINee. They had packed their stuff (More like Arianna packed while Angela kept grumbling about going and how stupid Ari was to say yes to the offer.) But never the less she was with Ari at the airport boarding the plane to incheon airport.

“So whose going to pick us up from the airport?” Angela asked as Ari put the bags in the top bins.

“Um I think the manager of SHINee will. I mean that’s what they told me…so I guess he will.” Ari always had a different way of explaining things.

“OHHHHHH Okay. I have a feeling this will be an interesting adventure. Don’t you RIRI?”

“Yeah….Oh okay so now that your not chasing me with various objects I can tell you the details of the situation.” Angela gave her a nod to continue. “Okay so me and you were picked to be on Starking to do our RiNi show. I told you we had to do a skit with SHINee. BUT…yes there is a but, We have been separated.” Angela gave Arianna a puzzling look. “We both have different talents. I can rap and dance while on the other hand you can sing. So I will be performing a dance and rapping while you sing. I did that so you wouldn’t have to fall on your face on stage, so thank me~”

Angela just rolled her eyes. “ Your lucky that your not dead. So tell me more about this partnership thingy.”

“Okay, you will be singing with Jonghyun first and then Onew. I will be rapping with Minho and dancing with Key and Tae-” Arianna couldn’t finish her sentence cause of the death glare Angela was sending her.

“Your doing what….with who?”

“Don’t get me wrong it’s not going to be like were all over each other. Plus I don’t want to die by the hands of SHINee fans that are like you. Were doing a simple dance a fun one……so bleh.” Arianna knew that Angela loved both Key and Taemin but couldn’t decide on one.

‘Okay okay. I trust you.”

“You better plus I didn’t get when they told me you were gonna sing with Onew, now did I.” Arianna’s favorite was Onew. She really didn’t know why maybe it was his little dorky yet cute yet y personality.

“Fine. Lets get some sleep okay when we wake up we should be there. Arrasso?”

“Arrasso~ Night yeobo~”

“Night jagiya~” And with that the girls fell asleep not knowing what was going to be waiting for them.


SHINee’s Dorm

“Yah! Dinner is ready~.” Key shouted as he put the last side dish of Kimchi on the table. When he heard various thuds coming from the different areas of the dorm he couldn’t hold his smile. ‘Ahhhhh they always run for my food.’ and soon enough all 4 of the other boys were getting settled in there usual spots. Onew at the head of the table with Minho on he left and Jonghyun on his right. Next to Jonghyun was Taemin and across from him was Key.

“Wah Key-ah this looks yummy like always~” Onew always complemented Key on his cooking.

“Thank you Hyung. Now dig in guys I don’t want it to get cold.”

And with that the boys enjoied their dinner. And boy can those boys eat. It was like they inhailed the food rather then taking their time and chewing it. When all the dishes were put away and cleaned the boys went into the living room and collapsed either on each other or just by themselves. There was a knock on the door and all the boys groaned.

“Onew hyung go open it~” Jonghyun whined from the floor as his head was resting on Minho’s stomach.

“Key~ go open it please for me~”

“Noooo Minho-ah go scare them off with your glare.”

“Oh my gosh you hyungs are so lazy I’ll get it!” Taemin got up and went to open the door.

“Did- did he just yell at us….AT ME! His Umma!?” key was ready to get up but onew shook his head.

“Let him be he’s growing up.” Key let out a huff and sat back down next to onew and crossed his arms.

“Guys it’s manager hyung.” Taemin came trailing back with their manager in tow.

“Hey boys! Did you eat?” SHINee nodded yes. The manager always made sure they eat. He thought of them as his own children. “Good okay so tomorrow you guys have a busy schedule. Key and Jonhyun have star golden bell, Minho and Taemin have a variety show to attend to and Onew you have musical practice and you have night star so you wont be coming home till the next day…..sorry son~”

“It’s okay don’t worry about it.” Onew was used to the busy life he has now.

“Oh and boys you will be doing something big.” All of them were now sitting up and had all their attnetion to their manager. “I will be picking up two girls from the airport and they are going to be working with you for a skit on Starking. And the fun part is that they will be living with you~ Exciting right?!”

There was a pregnant pause the boys just stared at each other and then looked at their manger.

“WHAT?!?!?!?!” They all shouted.

“I know. I was afraid at first but when you meet them you will love them. They are just like you guys. They have a video out on you tube, it’s called the RiNi show. Come let me show you.” The manager walked to the computer room with the boys. He typed in “The RiNi channel.” when it came up he clicked their debut video.

Hello~ This is the RiNi show. Let’s do introductions first~ Im Arianna AKA Ari AKA Riri and im the leader.” The girl with auburn hair and black eyeliner said.

“She seems like a funny dongsang” Taemin said while laughing at what Arianna was doing.

“She’s a Nuna Taemin she was born in 92.” The manager said while looking at the screen.

“Wow really! She looks so young~”

Hello Im Angela AKA NINI. And im the main vocalist~”

“That’s her best friend from what I found out.”

So I guess your wondering why in the world are we doing this and what is the RiNi show. Well I , Ari will tell you for I am the leader and which is why I will tell you.”

“Ahhhh Onew hyung she talks just like you!” Jonghyun laughed and nudged his hyung.

Just get on with it women I wanna sleep!” Angela shoved Arianna and she fell of the chair.

“ONEW SANTAGE!!!!!!!!” The boys plus their manger shouted. Onew himself started to laugh at them.

Ugh Fine! Okay so we LOVE k-pop and figured. Why not have fun with this. So his show is all about us covering our favorite Korean songs and also dancing to them. I am a rapper and a dancer and as you already know Angela here is a singer. Plus we will putting up our reactions to all K-pop news. Soooooo Click the next video to see me dance and Angela sing and then see our collab! See you there” The girls waved to the camera as it shut off.


The manager clicked the next video.

“ Good You like us okay so before I dance im going to give you a little bit of info about me. My name is Arianna and im 18 years old. I grew up in New York and is now attending college to be an English teacher in south korea. Soooooooo on with the fun stuff. I will be doing the brand New song By………SHINee, Come on I know you know it……it’s Lucifer~.” Arianna stared to laugh as she walked to the middle of the room. She was wearing black sweat pants and a purple tank top.

The music started and she danced her heart out. To say the least the boys were very impressed but what impressed them the most was that hen she was done she wasn’t even sweating.

okay so you saw me dance….it was good right. I let you know a secret” She looked left then right and back at the screen “I just danced that for the first time!” Now the boys had there mouth wide open. It took them I while to get all the steps done and many rehersals but for her it took one try and she got it perfect.

“Is she like a goddess or something?!” Jonghyun shouted and pointed at the screen. The manager paused the video to look at him.

“No she has been dancing since she was a child.” manager hyjng said with a smile on his face.

“Hyung…..why do you know so much about them?” Minho asked finally moving his eyes from the computer.

“I joined their fancafe. What the girls don’t know is that they are already famous here.”

The boys made an “O” shape and continued with the video.

Okay so now for rapping I will be doing smiling Tears by Yoon Mi Rea. I choose this song cause honestly it makes me cry and dream of my future so hope you like it.” and with that the music started. She had made so that Yoon mi rea was singing but it dropped so that you could here her rap. And she did it just as well as her. She put all her emotion into it.

“Damn shes good….really good.” Key was bobbing his head along with the song and Ari’s rapping. Soon it finished. “Okay so that’s all I ahd to show you okay Angela do your thing!” The screen went black anc soon came back on.

“Hello Im Angela. 18 years old and I will be singing for you. First I will sing a Korean one and then an English one. So for the Korean one I chose IU and seulong’s song Nagging!” The music could be heard and just like her friend she made it so you can only hear her voice. And it was pure and crisp.

“Hyung she goes higher then you and jonahing hyung!” Taemin was shocked at the way her voice sounded.

“She is really talented too. How come these girls didn’t want to audition?” Onew asked out of curiosity.

“Well they said that the don’t want to be controlled. They want to ave fun and be who they are and not an image. They are smart girls.”

Okay so now that that’s done time for the English one I picked a ballad called Finally by Fergie.” (Listen to it. Its good) And again the boys were stunned by her talent.

Sooooo collab time. We had a hard time picking a song so what were going to do is every week were going to pick a group and sing only their song for a week so since it’s the hottest thing right now were going to pick SHINee. And our first victim is…..Taemin! So all you taemin fans that are our age and older we present you with this!”

“OOOOO Taeminnie got picked first!” Jonghyun said teasing the blushing boy.

Arianna started with a fast rap. (start song here…Noona’s song by lyn)

The boys loved how they both fit each other. Arianna’s fast and powerful raps complemented Angela’s voice. The video ended with the girls saying Goodbye and Goodnight.

“So boys what do you think?” Their manager turned around so that he was facing them.


“Knew you would like them. Okay so go to bed you have things to do in the morning and the girls wiol be here. So Sleep” And with that he shoved the boys in to their rooms.

“This will be interesting.”


Sooooo comments make me happy and also look for my other story “I just wanted to live!” And my Collab with NINI called Show the world! Please and thank you 

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-ximini #1
Are you going to continue this?
Hiya! You're story is great and interesting so far! I wonder what's in store for the next few chapters! :)
Happy birthday, and have a great one!<br />
Your story is very interesting, update soon and keep writing!