CLLB lionessheart

☙ a m e t h y s t e / graphic portfolio | revamped





admits doubt and giving up i'm keeping up with collab so if anyone wants to join me for one please tell me!!

how many collab have we done together jess by now ? 
how come i still want to do more & more collab with you. Let me leanr from you please !! 
So yes this time it's with lionessheart aka Jess or one of the best designer of aff not matter what people do they can't reach this. i'm just in love with her style and lookp up so much, as a designer but she is also a great friend ❤︎

The first collab of the 2: I did the base, she did the finishing. gosh that's so her it looks amazing !! Nothing to change it's perfect.
Second one was her base and my finish, i wa skinda lost with such a base, like what should i do ? change evrything or just add a text ? whatever, seems like i didn't disapoint her with my choice, so i'm happy with the result. 

Thanks for that girl

but what do you guys think about it ?

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Chapter 3: this is beautiful
Do you know if Inspiritkpop is still on AFF or if she changed her user ???
Hi! I had you make a poster for me about a few months ago but now the link won't work so the poster and background can't be seen. My story is called "An Inheritor's Marriage". Thank you!
Chapter 14: Systematic, Comfort Song, and Moving Castle are just breathlessly stunning to look at! Wow! While I WAS scrolling down, I was like a child at a toy store. Every poster had me ooh-ing and aah-ing! You are so talented bb! Rub some of your skills on me okay?<3
Chapter 14: THEY ALL LOOK SO BEAUTFULLL LLLL L L L L L~~~~ T___________________T
Too fab... too fab.. Why are you so good with all the themes?? DXX
Slytherinese #5
Chapter 11: Collab sounds found :D
Im up for it! :3
Chapter 11: *raises hands* Me Me. Can we do another collab again? :D
Chapter 11: Both of these are amazing girl!
But that the wonderland one really got me at awe >.<b
You've never failed to amaze me!
Slytherinese #8
Chapter 11: What are you talking about.Those are so not basic gurl.
The wonderworld piece made me,wow