latest poster (cloudy dream)

☙ a m e t h y s t e / graphic portfolio | revamped

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Chapter 3: this is beautiful
Do you know if Inspiritkpop is still on AFF or if she changed her user ???
Hi! I had you make a poster for me about a few months ago but now the link won't work so the poster and background can't be seen. My story is called "An Inheritor's Marriage". Thank you!
Chapter 14: Systematic, Comfort Song, and Moving Castle are just breathlessly stunning to look at! Wow! While I WAS scrolling down, I was like a child at a toy store. Every poster had me ooh-ing and aah-ing! You are so talented bb! Rub some of your skills on me okay?<3
Chapter 14: THEY ALL LOOK SO BEAUTFULLL LLLL L L L L L~~~~ T___________________T
Too fab... too fab.. Why are you so good with all the themes?? DXX
Slytherinese #5
Chapter 11: Collab sounds found :D
Im up for it! :3
Chapter 11: *raises hands* Me Me. Can we do another collab again? :D
Chapter 11: Both of these are amazing girl!
But that the wonderland one really got me at awe >.<b
You've never failed to amaze me!
Slytherinese #8
Chapter 11: What are you talking about.Those are so not basic gurl.
The wonderworld piece made me,wow