How to Help your Best Friend Not Drown in the Rapids

The Time Travelers: Hathor

            The sound hit the trio first.

            As though there were a thousand lions, tigers, and other predator cats in the basement, the contraption roared.  Their ear drums screamed in protest, as the mere sound of the machine blasted at them.

            The room was doused in a blue-purple light, blinding the trio.  A supernatural and super-powerful wind flocked the room, making it feel as though it was spinning.

            Ara screamed and did her best to grab onto both Luhan and the suburban; the celestial hurricane in the basement making it difficult to do so.

            And then came the squeezing.

            It felt as though their bodies were being molded into human pretzels.  The air around them clung onto them, pushing and pulling like an angry mob.  The time machine produced the same feelings of being forced up a tube that was three times too small.

            Ara didn’t know how long the squeezing, the wind, the light, and the roar lasted.

            But in an instant, it was gone.

            And then, they were falling.

            Where?  Ara didn’t know.  Luhan didn’t want to know.  And Xiumin wished he hadn’t fixed that blasted time machine.

            The brightness was fading, and when Ara looked down, she saw where they were falling.

            Within five seconds, she predicted, they would plunge into a body of water that looked longer than any river she had ever seen.

            And they did the just that.

            “WHAT THE IS HAPPENING?” Luhan screamed.  He was gripping onto the hood of the suburban which had transported with them, Ara was spread eagle atop the roof, and Xiumin was screaming whilst floating just behind the large vehicle.  The river was moving fast, and carrying the car and the trio with no trouble.

            Ara haphazardly tugged Luhan up on the roof with her.  He whimpered and clutched The Sun Also Rises (which had somehow managed to survive) to his chest before latching onto Ara like a child pleading on its mother’s leg for ice cream.

            “We’re gonna die.  We’re gonna die.  We’re gonna die.” he repeated over and over again.

            “YOU’RE NOT GONNA DIE!  I AM!” Xiumin shrieked from behind the car.  “HELP ME!”

            With a lot of fighting, Ara managed to pry Luhan from her body before turning around to deal with her other best friend.  The suburban was about halfway into the water and Xiumin was chest deep.  He was struggling to stay at pace with the giant vehicle as it moved down the rapids.

            “What should I do?” Ara contemplated as she scooted closer to Xiumin.


            “I’m doing my best!” she sassed.

            After looking around the roof for a couple of seconds, Ara decided she would have to sacrifice her hard work on the car to pull Xiumin up.

            She cringed as she leaned onto the hood and ripped a windshield wiper off of the suburban.

            I just put that in two hours ago.

            As quickly as she could, she turned back to the now practically drowning Baozi and ed the make shift rope at him.

            “Xiumin!  Grab the wiper!”

            He nodded, water gurgling in his throat, and with the strength that hadn’t depleted him from staying at speed with the car, grabbed onto windshield wiper.  Ara shoved at Luhan until he helped her try to pull Xiumin up on the roof with them.

            “Xiumin, you can’t just lie there.  You need to help.” Ara coached him.

            “Don’t tell me until you’ve practically drowned and your arms feel like lead!” he retorted back.

            With more effort, Xiumin was successfully on the roof with Ara and Luhan.

            They breathed heavily, looking at each other with exasperated eyes.

            “Xiumin,” said Luhan, breaking the silence.


            “I ing hate you for making that thing work.”

            “Same.” Ara agreed.

            “Don’t worry guys, if I weren’t me, I would hate me too.  But, on the bright side we’re going to be rich!  Filthy r-OH MY GOD!”

            The car went down a steep drop before the river finally calmed.  Its passengers jolted at the rough course before settling down and calmly loosening their grips on the roof.

            “So, where do you think we are?” Ara asked, looking around at the scenery.  Trees surrounded the shoreline, but further back she could see and endless sea of rocks and sand.

            “I think we’re on the Nile river.” Luhan hypothesized.  The landscape looked similar to what they had been seeing recently in their history textbooks.

            “Hey, Luhan how much you know about the Nile river?” Xiumin casually asked.

            “A lot.  Why?”

            “What are those brown moving rocks?”

            All around the now gently flowing river, clusters of brown, green, and black moving ridges floated.  Sometimes one would randomly disappear and another would appear.  It seemed very unreal to Xiumin.

            “Uh, th-those would be crocodiles.”


I hope you liked this chapter - the time machine has finally worked.  If you want to know EXACTLY where Luhan, Ara, and Xiumin are - read the foreward haha.

I'll do my best to update on saturday!

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Chapter 2: Have been passed five years. Anyway, I would like you will update this! I just loved it!
Chapter 3: Okay!! IM SCREAMING! I know you'll never update this but lemme say that THIS PLOT IDEA IS SO GOOD! Even this early work you'd done is better written than some of the stories here, haha. Your writing flow is on point and everything <3 I am dying of curiosity and I possibly might've reread this so many times lol
Just wanted to fangirl over this :-)
this is the first time i've seen such a plot
i'm so excited to read this and see where it goes
please do update this story!
BeautifulOblivion #4
I like your story! I like your style of writing and I love how your story is not to fast paced which I have a bad habit of doing.Update please~