
Waking Up to Reality

"Oh yeah? Well maybe you should learn how to listen!" "I should learn how to listen? Really? Oh that's hilarious," Hyejung heard her parents arguing from the other room. It was the same thing every night. 'Why didn't you do this' 'You never told me to do that' 'Yes I did' 'Oh well I didn't hear you' and then the arguing would usually continue throughout the night. Plus, it didn't help that Hyejung's room was opposite the living room. She could hear everything. She was glad that she was able to escape from the hell hole that her house was when school started again, but it was just as bad. Being in AP classes she had already gotten home work and it was only the second day.

Sighing to herself, Hyejung picked up her cellphone and plugged her earphones in, playing Bangtan's pre-released song "Let Me Know" off of their new album Dark and Wild, which was supposed to come out in a few days. Big Hit decided to pre-stream one song from the album, and that one song was the song that Yoongi, or Suga as everyone knows him by, produced himself. Yoongi was Hyejung's ultimate bias. Once she saw him and heard his talent, she fell in love. And the fact that Yoongi's song had made it to the album and was even pre-released, sent her over the moon. Laying down on her bed, Hyejung grabbed her phone once more and opened Kakao, messaging her best friend Minjung.

Hyejung: Hey Min.

Minjung: Hey, what's up?

Hyejung: Music.

Minjung: Parent's fighting again?

Hyejung: Yep.

Minjung: I'm sorry Hyejung. Maybe things will be better tomorrow.

Hyejung: I doubt it, you know they do this every day.

Minjung: Yeah, I know. Hey, maybe you'll go to sleep and all of this will be a dream and you'll be married to Yoongi.

Hyejung: Yeah, the day that happens is the day you marry Hoseok.

Minjung: Hey! It could happen! You never know~ Why don't you get some sleep, you'll feel better in the morning.

Hyejung: Alright. I'll see you tomorrow. Night Min.

Minjung: Goodnight.

And with that, Hyejung set her phone on her bedside table and got ready to go to sleep. Her parents were still arguing, but she was so tired now that she knew she'd be able to ignore it and go right to sleep. The entire time, Hyejung pondered over what Minjung had said. She knew that her friend was joking, but she couldn't help but think. What if it was all just a bad dream? What if she woke up in her own house, married or at least in a strong, long lasting relationship with someone and she was happy and she didn't have to worry about all of this anymore? It was something nice to think about, but it was completely impossible.

After washing her face, Hyejung went back into her room and laid in bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. When she closed her eyes, all she could imagine was waking up somewhere new. 

After a long while, Hyejung finally slipped into sleep.

And then she woke up.

Hyejung was a little surprised to see the sunlight in her eyes. It should be 5:30. She should be waking up for school and it should be dark. Closing her eyes again to stretch, Hyejung was even more confused when she felt how big the bed was. She didn't have a king sized bed. Her bed was a twin bed inside her tiny room. Feeling around, she felt that the blankets on the other side of the bed were messed up, and so were the pillows.

Hyejung opened her eyes and stopped dead in her tracks. This wasn't her room. The bed she was laying in was king sized, just like she had thought. The sheets, pillows, and even the blanket were a pristine white. Looking around the room once again, she saw a few pictures on the tan walls. They weren't of any people, which wasn't any help to her. They were landscapes. Some were barns and some were nice beaches. It wasn't that bad, actually. 

But, she was still confused as to where she was. She looked at the clock sitting on the table next to her side of the bed. It read 10:30. Quickly getting up, she looked in the mirror. 

Hyejung looked the same of course, but she looked a little older and her hair was longer. And all she was wearing was a giant t shirt-- that wasn't hers. The door to the bed room was slightly ajar, and she could smell food. Someone was cooking downstairs. She opened the door and quietly made her way down the nice staircase.

What Hyejung saw next was the biggest shock of her entire life.


Hyejung found her way into the kitchen and saw a boy moving around the counter. He would go to the stove, and then into the fridge to get something, he'd set it onto the counter and then he'd go back to the stove. His figure looked really familiar, but Hyejung couldn't put her finger on it. That is, until he turned around.

She was greeted by the one and only Min Yoongi. He had turned around to set some bowls on the table and once he had noticed her in the doorway, he smiled and walked over to her.

Hyejung was completely shocked. Was she dreaming? Was she thinking too much about what Minjung said? Is this even real? These were the questions running through her head as Yoongi made his way over to her and greeted her with a smile and a kiss on the forehead. "I think today is the first time I've woken up before you did," He joked. "I had to prepare all of this food by myself," He pouted. Hyejung hesitated, but answered anyway. "Why didn't you wake me up then?" She asked him. "Because you looked so cute while you were sleeping. What were you dreaming of anyway? You eyebrows were all furrowed while you were sleeping and I was a little worried," He asked her. it was Yoongi that was laying next to her? "Babe, what's wrong? What were you dreaming about?" He asked her again, a little concerned this time. 

"I was just.. I was still in highschool..and my parents..and Minjung. And..nevermind." Hyejung slowly trailed off. She had to admit, it did sound a little weird. "Alright then. You know, if you have a bad dream all you have to do is wake me up, okay?" He asked her. Hyejung nodded her head and he pulled her in for a quick kiss. Wow, that was something Hyejung had definetly imagined, but didn't think would ever happen. His lips were soft, and the way he held her waist made her want to stay like that all morning. Yoongi quickly pulled away and ran his fingers through Hyejung's long hair. "Okay, I already have lunch finished. You should go get ready. Did you forget we have guests coming over for lunch?" He says again. Man, so many questions.

"No.. No I didn't forget. I'll be back down soon." Hyejung said, making her way back upstairs into their bedroom. She opened the closet and found that her clothes and Yoongi's clothes we both organized neatly in their closet and that made her happy, because she wouldn't have been able to deal with a messy and disorganized closet. It was one of her pet peeves.

Looking through her clothes, Hyejung was impressed. They must live pretty well because all of her clothes were amazing and seemed very expensive. Since it was only lunch and it was at her own house, she just picked for a casual dress. She did her hair and her makeup in the bathroom and made her way back downstairs. Once she was in the kitchen, she saw Yoongi trying to reach on a top shelf for a bowl. Hyejung had decided to put on a pair of heels, which in turn made her taller than Yoongi. Bumping him to the side with her hip, she steadied herself and got on her tiptoes to reach the bowl. "I got it," She smiled, setting it down on the counter.

"Hey that's not fair. You're in heels!" Yoongi whined. "Nah, you're just short," Hyejung joked. "You look great by the way. That's the dress I bought you for our anniversary," He smiled. His smile made Hyejung blush, and as soon as she set the bowl down on the table in it's rightful place, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Yoongi said. Who was supposed to be coming over? Did her dream really effect her so much as to make her believe that this wasn't the life she lived? 

Hyejung could hear voices from the entry way. One was Yoongi, and nother was a voice that was familiar, but she couldn't think of a face to the voice. Footsteps were heard as Yoongi led the guests into the kitchen. In walked Hoseok, or J-Hope and next to him was..Minjung. A very confused Minjung. When their eyes met, Minjung looked like she was about to scream.  "Hyejung, aren't you going to say hi to Min like you always do?" Yoongi questioned, looking at her curiously after Hoseok had walked over and given Hyejung a warm friendly hug. "Uhm.. actually, I need to talk to Hyejung a minute. In private, if that's okay." Minjung said quietly. Hyejung nodded her head and pulled Minjung upstairs. Once she shut the door, the two girls looked at each other.

"This isn't happening." Hyejung said. "This really isn't happening." she repeated to herself as she paced around her bedroom. "We were just talking about this. But we weren't here. We were in highschool. Your parents were fighting. I told you to get some sleep, and then I went to sleep. And then I woke up next to Hoseok. How is this even possible?" Minjung said. "I don't know.. but if this is real, then we should just live it, right? I mean it is our lives." Hyejung said logically. "Yeah, but Hye it's HOSEOK for crying out loud! And you're with Yoongi! How are you not freaking out?" Minjung said. "Oh no trust me, I am freaking out. I woke up to him making lunch. Trust me, I really am freaking out. But I say that if all of that really was a dream, then let's just move foreward, okay?" Hyejung asked. Minjung nodded her head and they both took a few deep breaths.

"Minjung, is everything okay?" the girls heard Hoseok say from the other side of the door. "Yeah babe, everything's fine! We'll be down in a second." Minjung answered. The girls heard Hoseok's footsteps retreating and Minjung smiled.

"I could get used to this." 

The girls headed back downstairs and had lunch with Hoseok and Hyejung's husband-to-be. That's right, Yoongi was Hyejung's fiancé. During her process of getting ready, Hyejung failed to notice the engagement ring on her left hand. It wasn't until Hoseok had said something about the wedding that she had noticed it.

The couple had stayed almost all day, and everything had gone back to normal. After the long day was over, Hyejung took a shower and then laid down next to Yoongi in bed. "Are you feeling okay? You were super disoriented when you woke up this morning. What was that dream even about?" He asked for the second time today. Hyejung twirled the engagement ring on her finger. "Oh, it was nothing. Don't worry about it," she sighed happily. Yoongi pulled her closer and tucked her head underneath his chin. "Well I'm glad you're okay." He said quietly.

" too," Hyejung said and drifted off to sleep.

Let's just say, when Hyejung woke up next to Yoongi the next morning, she was more than satisfied that everything was just a dream, and she got to wake up to him and to her real reality.


A/N: WOOOO! It's done! Sorry if I'm not on as often guys, school started on Thursday, plus I have a lot of doctor's appointments I'm going to have to go to. But i'm still going to try and update as much as possible!

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GOT7_JRookie #1
Chapter 1: cool~~ if only my dreams were reality and the reality i'm living in is a dream... just like this >~<