The Girl Who Promised Lies.

Did You Ever Mean It?

The next time my heart was torn? Not even two months later. This one was worse than I could have thought it would be.

Who you ask? My 'girlfriend'. She had strung me along unknowingly for three years. I, and everyone around us, thought we would never part. Who at such a -very- young age stays together like that unless they're meant to be? There were so many lines crossed by her that week. Most of which are probably the reason I keep to myself for the most part nowadays. I should've saw it coming when everyone started telling me, 'she's gonna break up with you, she told me.' I thought it was better to have faith in the people you think are closer to you. I was wrong. About half way through the week a mutual friend of ours gave me a note on the bus home. I thought it was odd she wasn't on the bus because she didn't have any after school activities and she never got picked up from school either. Apparently, she was prepared for that day just so she wouldn't have to see me once I got the note. What makes me most mad is she acted normal all day long like nothing was wrong.

When I opened the note inside she was telling me we had to break up. No explanation just that. I won't deny I cried my heart out that day. And the next day when I got on the bus and she was sitting there and I was reminded of all the emotions she had just put me through while she chased me to the back of the bus to 'explain.'

"My grades are getting lower... Dad said he doesn't want me to date anyone until they get better. Then we can be together okay?"

That was a lie. But I had believed for a short time knowing that her parents were twice my parents age and they valued education much more because of that. Within the week I had learned though. I will never blame the boy for what happened. She started dating my now second closest friend at the time. I had known him since the beginning of the school year but we were very close already but there was one thing he didn't know, I had been dating his girlfriend just a few days ago. In other words she dumped me then started dating my friend and threw it right in my face. Obviously she and I were not getting back together.

And that's when I stopped trusting relationships and it was only my first one.

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