The One That Started The Downfall

Did You Ever Mean It?

I, Key, am generally one of the nicest people you may meet. Sure I can seem mean to an outsider who doesn't know me well if they see me hanging around my 'friends' but if they came up to me and got to know me they would find, I'm a kind, caring, generous, person who will do anything for the people I love and care most about.

Even after the first piece of me broke.

When was that? The first piece? Oh that's right, my first year of middle school. It was so long ago I almost forgot. One of my closest friends had started to steal my food and lunch money saying 'friends share' and, 'I'm your best friend aren't I?' So from that moment on I let him have whatever he wanted knowing I hadn't really had enough friends to know if he was telling the truth. He had plenty of friends though so I thought he must be telling the truth or he wouldn't have so many when I had so few.

I let that go on for a while. It was almost the end of the school year when I realized that's not what friends do. I asked the teacher to let me change seats, we had picked in the beginning of the year and were told those would be our seats for the rest of the year, and when asked why I told her what was going on and she gave me permission. That didn't stop him from stealing my food though. Not until the teacher noticed it was still happening and suspended him. Then I lost my friend.

That's not when I broke though. I broke when it was half way though the school year the next year and he tried to fight me because of some stupid rumor turned into something else then accusing my 'girlfriend' of three years of never liking me. I had more people protecting me than wanting to help beat me up though so I wasn't worried. In the end my 'girlfriend' had pulled me way from the oncoming battle that was seconds away to ask me what was going on. I told her what was said and she told me not to worry that she loved me. I believed her and was going back to stand my ground but never needed to. Someone I hadn't known, or liked for that matter, had done the job for me. I never got to thank the person either since that was his last day at our school.

That was the first of many times that I had been truly broken by someone.


So what do you think? I know its not much but it will get better the further I get. I'm just trying to keep the back story as short as I can without leaving too much out.

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